Community > Posts By > LadyValkyrie37
Valkie, quit being a shrew. Big Jim, go f@ck your fluffy bunny and don't you worry about what I say or do. I sent you a PM apologizing for dragging your name through the bs between Lily and I. Just because I apologized doesn't mean you can try and act like a macho man and tell me what I should do or how I should act. I don't play stupid, coy like your fluffy bunny does. |
Cliffa notes..please ![]() Dont know much of Scientology, dont care to speculate I do know Dan Snyder has caused some waves with it though... No offense but when it comes to religion and spiritual beliefs, what I posted above is pretty much cliff notes version of Scientology. If you want to see long and drawn out explanations actually go to the official Scientology website. Also, if you are the type of person who has the attention span of a piss ant, don't bother studying any form of religion... unless it's a religion where you don't think for yourself, but rather a preacher, pastor, minister or clergyman does it for you and tells you what to think. As I said, no offense meant but the truth is the truth. |
Ok, have a good day, Merry part. Merry Part?! LMAO! I refer you to my recent rant in the blessed be thread... [rant] You know I wear some sort of Pagan type jewelry at all times, because I make the jewelry myself. Occassionally when I'm out I come across someone (a cashier a waitress, ect.) who notices my jewelry and says something like "Merry meet, my blessed Sister." or "Blessed Be, my fellow Sister." I simply smile and say "Thank You." Inside I'm irked, though. Back when I was a fundamentalist Christian and I went to church fanatically I never was comfortable with my fellow church members saying things like "God bless you Sister so and so" or "How have you been Brother so and so." I've always thought to myself, you are not my brother or sister and I do not feel I should be obligated to call you such just because we worship the same God. Now that I'm a Pagan I still feel the same way. Who in the hell says in modern everyday speech "Merry meet," "Merry part," "Merry meet again," and "Blessed Be?!" No one! Yet, just because we are all Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans, it's "expected" of us to say these little phrases as though we are part of some secret society. Puleeze! Just stick with hello, goodbye, and hope you have a wonderful day. Also, it's my philosophy to NEVER consider someone your brother or sister unless you would actually lay down your life for that person as you would for a real brother or sister. But then again, family is an important thing to me... it's not something to be taken lightly. [/rant] with as much as you whinned and complained and belly ached about the whole Imbolc you want to tell me not to say Blessed Be or MM or MP...SISTER...GET IT TOGETHER... May the Goddess bless and keep you safe in your journeys. Merry Part.......... I guess what I said is way over your blonde head. |
Be good both of you, or you girls will earn yourselves a spanking. Not the fun type of spanking. Imbolc was good this year. The more pain the better. |
Scientology is not a religion, it is a school of thought, scientologist have no "clergy" that preach, as a matter of fact if they get married they have to go outside of their "religion" to do so. It is much like Amish or Memonite but with a side of current day to it... like zippers and electricity. I know people who are scientologist, they are very intelligent and well adjusted people, is it for me...NO, but is it as crazy as they portray on TV with Tom and Katie...NO..but that's Hollywood for ya. After reading the following, it sounds to me that they do have clergy, just not in the traditional sense that most of us view clergymen. Scientology (Dianetics) To read the essay in full go to Clergy: Scientology offers two types of clergy- "volunteer ministers" who provide "assists" at public events and during disasters, and regular auditors who administer scientology "tech." Church/temple: While Scientology bills itself as a "Church," Scientology centers do not offer traditional religious training or worship services. The designation of "church" is fairly recent, as the organization originally billed it's "technology" as a medical process akin to psychotherapy. Scripture: Scientology has no "scripture" in the religious sense, but its philosophies are based on the writings of Hubbard, notably his 195? book Dianetics. Code of Conduct: Auditors in Scientology adhere to the Auditor's Code. Scientology as a religion makes no specific expectations of behavior, as correct conduct is considered a natural correlation to the "clear" state. There is, however, a "Code of Scientology" that outlines how a 'clear' would be expected to behave. Basic teachings and Beliefs of Scientology : The basic teaching behind Scientology takes a somewhat gnostic view-that human beings are immortal spirits trapped inmaterial bodies. Through scientological processes, engrams, or negative sense perceptions , are stored in the "reactive mind," a concept loosely akin to Freud's subconcious mind. Mental illnesses and disease are held to be the byprodutcts of the reactive mind acting on these stored traumas. According to Scientology, these engrams are 'cleared' through the use of Dianetics (sometimes referred to as 'tech,' for technology). This clearing process is conducted via the use of audits, question and answer sessions designed to pinpoint and deactivate the engrams. These audits serve as a sort of confessional, therapy session, and karma meditation all rolled together- with mixed results. Scientologists move through several 'levels' within the organization, aspiring to be completely 'clear' at the uppermost level. The underlying mythology in Scientology may be summed up briefly: A powerful alien being named "Xenu" many millions of years ago trapped billions of criminal souls on earth, who attach themselves to humans and create a variety of problems. What purpose this myth serves is unknown, as the Church is reticent to publicly discuss this "secret," most likely because it tends to be sensationalized. It is doubtful whether most members (or very many at all) of the Church accept this as literal truth, but in any case, it has been pointed out that this is no stranger than believing a man named Noah put a few hundred thousand animals in a wooden boat and floated it arouind the world, or any other founding myth of religion. Holidays and observances: Scientology has a number holidays, most celebrating the founding of the organization of the release of books or ehhibits, or the recognition of the Church in various countries. Red Letter days are March 13, L Ron's birthday, and May 9, the anniversary of the publication of Dianetics. The second Sunday in September is "Auditor's day" and honors Scientology's auditors. Symbols of Scientology : The Church of Scientology makes use of a number of symbols, including the a "Dianetics" emblem, and the Cross of Scientology |
Ok, have a good day, Merry part. Merry Part?! LMAO! I refer you to my recent rant in the blessed be thread... [rant] You know I wear some sort of Pagan type jewelry at all times, because I make the jewelry myself. Occassionally when I'm out I come across someone (a cashier a waitress, ect.) who notices my jewelry and says something like "Merry meet, my blessed Sister." or "Blessed Be, my fellow Sister." I simply smile and say "Thank You." Inside I'm irked, though. Back when I was a fundamentalist Christian and I went to church fanatically I never was comfortable with my fellow church members saying things like "God bless you Sister so and so" or "How have you been Brother so and so." I've always thought to myself, you are not my brother or sister and I do not feel I should be obligated to call you such just because we worship the same God. Now that I'm a Pagan I still feel the same way. Who in the hell says in modern everyday speech "Merry meet," "Merry part," "Merry meet again," and "Blessed Be?!" No one! Yet, just because we are all Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans, it's "expected" of us to say these little phrases as though we are part of some secret society. Puleeze! Just stick with hello, goodbye, and hope you have a wonderful day. Also, it's my philosophy to NEVER consider someone your brother or sister unless you would actually lay down your life for that person as you would for a real brother or sister. But then again, family is an important thing to me... it's not something to be taken lightly. [/rant] |
![]() ![]() ![]() Very pertinent and appropriate observation. A sort of 'highjacking' in the name of a particular religion, which we all seem to allow as 'normal', instead of respectfully and coherently pointing out that it is simply 'OFF TOPIC'. I disagree, Voil. I disagree because the topic of this thread is "what do you think of Scientology?" Now seeing as most Christians believe that all religions other than their own are "of the devil" or are a "cult" (another way of aying it's of the devil by a Christian standard) naturally when asked what they think of Scientology they will state their obvious beliefs about Jesus and how it all pertains to their opinions on Scientology. So i's not really a "hijacking." It is we nonchristians who should just expect such responces from such Christians. And if we don't like such responces, we can do a few things... 1) Ignore them... 2) Intellectually challenge their beliefs (but why would you really want to because you already know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they believe they are right and we are wrong and no amount of intellectual discussion will sway them otherwise)... 3) Rudely bash them and their religious beliefs (refer to what is in parenthesis in number 2). I'll admit though, bashing them and getting them flustered with intellectual discussions often amuses me for the simple fact that they already believe I'm destines for hell so why not give them a real reason to believe that I'm going to hell... just be a troll and piss them off and put them on the defensive. I know it's morally wrong for me to think this way, but I'm not perfect... sometimes I can be a b!tch. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Very pertinent and appropriate observation. A sort of 'highjacking' in the name of a particular religion, which we all seem to allow as 'normal', instead of respectfully and coherently pointing out that it is simply 'OFF TOPIC'. I disagree, Voil. I disagree because the topic of this thread is "what do you think of Scientology?" Now seeing as most Christians believe that all religions other than their own are "of the devil" or are a "cult" (another way of aying it's of the devil by a Christian standard) naturally when asked what they think of Scientology they will state their obvious beliefs about Jesus and how it all pertains to their opinions on Scientology. So i's not really a "hijacking." It is we nonchristians who should just expect such responces from such Christians. And if we don't like such responces, we can do a few things... 1) Ignore them... 2) Intellectually challenge their beliefs (but why would you really want to because you already know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they believe they are right and we are wrong and no amount of intellectual discussion will sway them otherwise)... 3) Rudely bash them and their religious beliefs (refer to what is in parenthesis in number 2). |
I'm finished discussing this with you...have a nice life... In other words, you have just did what we call "open mouth and insert foot." LMAO! I would say, "have a nice life" but I seriouslyu don't give two sh!ts about it if you do or don't. ![]() |
have a blessed day, thank you for stopping by. Blessed day it was! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 02/05/08 04:51 AM
well once it became mine and Jim's own personal love den as you seem to think, by the way....for the rest of the viewers... I adore Jim and think he is an awesome person, but there is not love connection..not yet at least...who knows what the future holds right? As I dygress, once you diliked the subject matter, instead of leaving and ignoring it like you told me to do with you, you complained about it....makes me curious as to why..the lady doth protest too much I believe. There is a scene from Romy and Michellle's High School Reunion that reminds me of this... Romy and Michelle were geeks in high school and they wanted to impress the popular kids at the ten year reunion and but kinda hated them at the same time, but what they came to realize was that there were people below them on the social ladder that hated them and thought they were popular. What they realized was that no matter who you are in life or what you think you are there is someone who looks up to you and hates you because they want to be you.... Don't know why this scene came to mind right here??? Just thought I would share it..... Oh you know the dumb blonde syndrom... it just popped into my head I suppose. You are seriously full of yourself. Do you think that I'm jealous of you and wish I was you? My God! I haven't met someone so full of themselves like you are in a very long time. No I'm not jealous of you dear. I simply called you out in your own thread after you b!tched me out for not keeping to the "rules" of your thread, which is what? Oh yeah... stick with simply saying "Blessed Imbolc" to everyone... yet you and Jim started the "dating game" convo. How is that sticking to the "rules" of your thread? My whole point of this is this... do NOT be telling other people what to post in a thread, even if it's your own thread you started... it just may come back to bite you in the a$$. Instead just take what you want from the thread and leave the rest. I my dear was simply acting like you... throwing a temper tantrum over what someone you have no control over was posting. I was deliberately being hypocritical. But I guess such things are a little too deep for someone who is as full of themselves as you. The only person who has the power to tell anyone on this website what to post in the owners/moderators of this website. Have fun in your own little world Lil... your own little world where people envy you because you get all the attention on a dating site. LMAO! ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 02/05/08 04:36 AM
Yes dear, it does not explain your relationship status. However it does explain the rest of the picture for me. ![]() |
Stepping Back From Anger
Argument When we find ourselves in an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions that have taken on lives of their own. When we can become aware that this is happening, taking a deep breath can help us step back from the situation. Once we can separate ourselves from the heat of the moment, we may find that the emotional trigger that began the argument has little to do with the present situation, but may have brought up feelings related to something else entirely. Looking honestly at what caused our reaction allows us to consciously respond more appropriately to the situation and make the best choices. We can make an agreement with our partners and those closest to us that asking questions can help all of us discover the source of the argument. The shared awareness can result in finding simple solutions to something physical, like low blood sugar or even a hormonal surge. Maybe we are taking ourselves too seriously, and we can just laugh and watch the tension dissolve. We could also discover that perhaps we are addicted to the excitement that drama brings and the chemicals that our body creates when we are angry. But there may be a deeper issue that requires discussion, understanding, and patience. The more we allow ourselves to step back and examine our reasons for arguing, the easier it becomes to allow real feelings to surface and guide us toward solutions that improve our lives. When we can be clear about our feelings and intentions and communicate them clearly, we have a far better chance of getting what we want than if we lose control or allow our subconscious minds to manipulate the situation. We might take our frustrations out on the people closest to us because we feel safe and comfortable with them, but misplaced anger can cause more harm than good. Arguing for what we truly believe can empower us and help us to direct our passions toward greater life experiences. Truly knowing our reasons for arguing enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being. From |
Elder's Meditation
"We say there is a right time and place for everything.It's easy to say, but hard to understand. You have to live it to understand it." --Rolling Thunder, CHEROKEE The Elders tell us there is a right time and a right place. Don't plant seeds in the fall- wrong time. One way we find out about the right time and right place is our experience. If we are lucky, we have a few friends who will share their experience; this will help us too. The best way is to let God guide us. Only He knows the right time and the right place. So we need to pray and ask Him for guidance. Great Spirit, show me patience so I can live in the right time and right place. |
The Goddess Companion
The Goddess Companion
When I look to the royal sky I see her, a tranquil queen behind a screen of clouds. The sun! For thousands of ages may she shine. For thousands of ages may we serve her. May we serve her with reverence. May we serve her with love. ~Nihongi, Japanese Scriptures In Japan, this day is known as Sebutsen, the feast of "closing the door on winter." Each day the sun's light grows more visibly stronger. Each day we move toward the rebirth and blossoming that is springtime. Yet this is also the time of the deepest depression, the greatest sadness. We have used up the emotional and physical reserves that brought us through the early winter; now we have only the hope of spring to sustain us. There are periods in life that are as dry and difficult as late winter. During these times, we must hold on to the knowledge of life's great cycles and know that change is the only thing guaranteed us in this life. Life has its own weather, its own seasons. We cannot predict just when a storm will come or when it will end. We only know that, as in nature, our own lives change ceaselessly: big changes and small, violent changes and gradual ones, but changes nonetheless From "The Goddess Companion" by Patricia Monaghan |
365 Goddess
Today's Goddess: AGATHA
Saint Agatha's Day (Italy) Themes: Health; Well-Being; Protection Symbols: Any Health-related Items About Agatha: Saint Agatha was a third-century Italian martyr who now presides over matters of health and protects homes from fire damage. Many nurses and healers turn to her for assistance in their work. While this saint as a a historical persona ( not simply a rewritten Goddess figure), she certainly embodies the healthy guardian energies of the goddess. To Do Today: Traditionally, candles are taken from a central location to people's homes to bring Agatha's blessings, So, get yourself a special Agatha candle, of any color, and light it in a safe place whenever you feel under the weather. Take out your first-aid kit or bandages and bless it today, saying: Restore vitality, well-being impart, Saint Agatha, hear the cry of my heart. On these tools of healing your blessing give, That I may stay healthy as long as I live. When you use any item in the first-aid kit, you can activate the restorative magick by repeating the incantation. To protect your home from fire, take a sprig of misteltoe left over from the holiday saeson and put it near your hearth. Invoke Saint Agatha's protection by saying: Saint Agatha. let my home be protected, Let these fires ne'er be neglected. If you don't have mistletoe, substitute any red-colored stone. From "365 Goddess" by Patricia Telesco |
A Meditation
"Even if it is impossible for them to be completely unaware of the fact, it is better for children of very rich families not to know the extent of the fortune they will one day inherit. Children who count on their future inheritance believe they are naturally exempt from having to make any effort or from learning to get by on their own. They become lazy, capricious and good for nothing. And that is how the parents' fortune is the cause of their children's moral decline. Parents should therefore leave their children in ignorance of their future inheritance for as long as possible. Once they have acquired good work habits and self-control, there will be no danger in them being made aware of it. How does the Lord act with humans? As he is the greatest of all teachers, the greatest pedagogue, he does not immediately show them the inheritance that awaits them in the heavenly mansions on high. So, believing themselves poor and wretched, they work and sweat. And when, after all their tears and suffering, they prove themselves worthy of their inheritance, their heavenly Father will reveal all the treasures he has amassed for them."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov |
Leaving so soon? That's a shame...a good Pagan woman like you might meet a nice Pagan man here... If this was meant for me, please familarize yourself with my profile. There you will find my relationship status. Oh that's right your the christian Pagan witch...never mind no other words need to be spoken between us now..... I got it. WTF?! What in the hell does me being a Christian Pagan Witch have to do with my freakin relationship status?! OMFG! Are you for real? My relationship status is that I currently have a boyfriend and I am NOT here for a romantic encounter, just friendship only. |
![]() ![]() Fluffy Bunny Pagan...yep.... you got it....let me go cast a love spell now so that Jim and I can live happily ever after..... after that I'll go watch the Craft 14 times in a row so I can get all of my useless knowledge from there, then I'll watch Charmed and write down their spells...after all they seem to work for Piper.... Watch who you call Fluffy Bunny, just because I'm not a hate monger does not make me a fluffy bunny..... And you weren't b*tched out...I simply asked if it was possible to have a conversation about Paganism that didn't put the christians on Blast...shees and we wonder why we get a bad rap.... What planet do you live on? It doesn't matter how sweet or mean a Pagan, Witch, or Wiccan is... to most Chistians they all worship the devil and are going to hell because they don't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So don't blame me or anyone else for most Christians religious intolerance. Also What I posted about Imbolc did NOT put any Christian "on Blast" as you put it. It was factual information about the origins of the holiday. Yet here you are b!itching at me for posting factual info about the holiday that you alledgedly celebrate! Then you turn the thread into the damn Dating Game. And I'm not supposed to be on the deffensive?! Go back to making googly eyes at Jim. Geeze! Leave the real religious discussions to those who actually care. ok, well then stay off of my threads.... they are about serious subjects...but I surely allow witty banter... as you said...if you don't like what I write skip over it and don't reply or post to it...or did you forget your own words?? No I haven't forgotten my own words. You don't seem to understand the concept that I posted in this thread factual information about Imbolc and you threw a b!tch fit over me doing so, telling me I should keep to just saying blessed Imbolc... then you turn right around and start posting a bunch of nonsense with Jim like two high school teenagers or something. So what is it Lily... is this thread about Imbolc or is this your own personal thread where you try and get it on with Jim? Make a choice and quit yer b!tching at me for actually following the theme of the title of this thread... Imbolc! And I will not stay out of a thread just because a particular person started it. I go into most every thread on here to see if there is anything of interest to me. If it's not interesting to me personally I stay out of it from that point on. |
Just to give you one example they think Psychologists are bad and psychiatric drugs are bad because there was a big bad guy in the sky named Xenu that killed many beings long ago by placing them around volcano's in Hawaii and blowing them up with an H-bomb. (maybe he used drugs?) So lets say some poor kids is born with schizophrenia, and his parents become Scientologest. They will be told to take the child off of the meds because they are bad for him. We know what people do when they are true believers in the one true religion. You can be sure the kid is going to be suffering for the sins of the parents. These people are dangerous. Not just run of the mill. I never really thought about that. I mean, I knew how Tom Cruise was adamently against Phsychiatry and Psychotropic drugs and that was due to his religious beliefs... however, I never really reseached how deep the rabbit hole goes. I would love to sit down with a Scientologist and ask them in depth about the topic of Psychiatry and Psychotropic drugs. You're right, some people with severe mental illness need drugs and therapy just to be able to function in society. If the parents of such a child were scientologist refused to get said child the medical and psychiatric help that was needed the CPS should get involved, in my opinion. |