Topic: 365 Goddess | |
I thought I would start a thread for us Pagans and I'll add to it hopefully everyday.
Goddess of The Day: Vasudhara Themes: Religious Devotion, Charity, Thankfulness, Abundance Symbols: Crow, Golden Items About Vasudhara: In India, this golden breasted earth Goddess provides us with enough abundance to be able to give back freely of what we receive. Vasudhara's golden color alludes to some solar attributes, including manifesting financial prosperity for those who call upon her. In her wealth giving aspect, Vasudhara sometimes appears as a cow. To Do Today: Around this date, many churches in the US and Canada begin their annual fund raising campaign by asking parishioners to give back a little of what the divine has given them, While many New Age practionshers don't belong to a church, this idea still holds merit and would please Vasudhara greatly. Donate a little money to a pagan defense fund, for example. Put on something gold to draw the Goddess's prosperity back to you, then buy some good magic books for your library. The proceeds indirectly "give back" to the teachers whom you admire through royalties! If your schedule allows, stop in at your favorite New Age store and volunteer an hour of your time to give back to the community. Write thank you letters to people who somehow touched your life deeply. Should any of these people live nearby, help them with chores or bring them a special dish for dinner. These acts of kindness are a type of stewardship that reflects Vasudhara's spirit by blessing others. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
This is so cool. Thanks. I was reading all the religious postings in hopes of finding one for pagans but no such luck. Then I see this.
So I wanted to thank you for it. ![]() |
Yes!! This is great. Thanks.
![]() |
Today's Goddess: Three Kadlu Sisters
Inuit Autumn Festival (Alaska) Themes: Summer; Winter; Weather; Banishing Symbols: Lightning; Thunder About theThree Kadlu Sisters: Among the Inuit and several other northern tribes, these divine sisters rule the weather, so watch today's ritual closely to see what winter will be like! Children's stories claim that when the Goddesses play together they make thunder and lightning. To Do Today: Around this time of year, people in Alaska have a playful tug-of-war between summer and winter. Those born in winter take winter's side - those born in summer stand opposite. If the summer side wins, winter will be mild and goodness will prevail. This activity is for children, and it reinforces the idea of seasonal cycles. Place a ribbon in the middle of the tug rope with the name of these sisters painted upon it. When the game is over, see which side the goddess landed upon to know what the weather will be like! If it rains today, it's a sign of the Goddesses playing together, so get outside and join them (even if cold weather keeps this brief)! Thunder on your right tells of better days ahead. Thunder on your left warns that caution is prudent. Lightning stretching across the sky symbolizes your ability to likewise stretch and grow. Lightning in front of you represents your ability to go forward boldly with your plans, knowing these Goddesses light your way. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Goddess of the Day: AHNT KAI
Sadie Hawkins Day (US) Themes: Balance, Femininity, Freedom, Protection, Fertility, Overcoming Symbols: Fish, Sacred Music and Dancing About Ahnt Kai: In Mexico this Goddess of women and children taught them how to freely dance and sing, expressing the beauty within and liberating them from societal constraints. In myths of the Seris, Ahnt Kai specifically teaches the fish dance, alluding to fertility. To Do Today: Sometime around the 1930s a comic strip artist captured the image of Sadie Hawkins optimistically stepping outside the usual boundaries of "womanhood" to ask a man for a date. The custom continued through special dances for many decades, as people reveled in Ahnt Kai's liberating atmosphere. Thus, for both women and men, today is a time to free yourself from any restricting, stereotypical, negative or outmoded images that originate with your yourself, others, the media or the public. Ahnt Kai's counsel today is to remember that true comeliness, true beauty, is not measured by externals ~ it begins within as we reunite ourselves with the Goddess and learn to love ourselves just as we are. Add fish to your diet today (maybe a tuna sandwich) to internalize self-love and begin the process of personal liberation. Name the meal after an attribute needed to overcome your constraints. Ask the Goddess to bless your food, then eat with anticipation and self-confidence! From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Phra Naret
Loy Krathog (Thailand) Themes: Water, Wishes, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Beauty, Luck Symbols: Candles, Boats,Water About Phra Naret: In Thailand (formerly Siam), Phra Naret is the Goddess of Good Fortune, prosperity and beauty. Having been born of water, she flows into today's festivities with fertility and wealth. To Do Today: This harming festival includes the launching of small boats filled with candles, incense, coins and gardenias on a nearby river. According to tradition should the candle stay lit until it stays out of site, the launcher's wish will come true. You can recreate this by using a stream of hose water, a raft of popsicle sticks or plywood and whatever tokens you want to give to Phra Naret to generate her luck in manifesting your wish. Just make sure you choose biodegradable items, since you need to let the raft flow out of your site so the magic can release itself. Anyone finding the wish boat will also be blessed with a wish and a little of Phra Naret's prosperity. Drink plenty of fresh water to internalize Phra Naret's positive attributes today and wash your floors with plain water so that her abundance and fertility will be absorbed into every part of your home. If you have plants, remember to give them a little water today too, so they can grow with this Goddess's profusion. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Tenga
Equal Opportunity Day (US) Themes: Balance, Justice, Morality, Freedom Symbol: Soil About Tenga: Among the Mossi of Senegal, Tenga is a potent earth Goddess who presides over all matters of justice and morality. Today she joins our celebration by offering to right wrongs and restore the balance in any area of our life that's gotten out of kilter. To Do Today: One way of doing this is through visualization. Hold a handful of soil as you mentally review the last week of your life and the way you handled certain individuals or circumstances. Consider: Did you go into a meeting with negativity, anticipating the worst? Did you overlook an opportunity, or close the door on a relationship because of a bad experience in the past? These are the negative patterns that Tenga helps us to attack and transform with honest candidness (including being honest with yourself about shortcomings). You may not like what she shows you, but the results will be worth it. Tenga improves your awareness of the Goddess in all things and all people. |
This is great!!!
What a breadth of fresh air!!! 'religion chat' has been anything but. More like back to the dark ages 'fundamentalist apologetics' training camp ! This, on the other hand, holds fabulous traveling around the planet, and forward in time!!! Thanks!!! |
Today's Goddess: Strenia
Rights of the Day (United Nations) Theme: Children; Protection Symbols: Bay; Palm; Figs; Honey; Youthful Images About Strenia: While this goddess's traditional festival date in Italy was January 1, she joins in our holiday observances today to extend her protective care to children. Among the Sabines and Romans, Strenia safeguarded the youth by providing health and strength. Traditional offerings for this goddess include burning bay leaves and leaving out sweet breads mixed with figs or dates. To Do Today: On this day in 1959, Strenia was likely standing by and applauding as the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child to encourage proper treatment of our youth and inspire their future. So take time with the children in your life today. Teach them in the "way they should grow" and revel in their innocent trust and love. Invoke Strenia's blessings and health for that young one by sharing fig cookies (heck, eat a few yourself for strength!) Or, make the child a small power pouch that includes a bay leaf and dried crumb of sweet bread. This way they can carry the goddess with them even when you're not around. For those without children, try volunteering at a youth shelter or orphanage today. Take one of those kids out for lunch or to the zoo. Through your efforts, Strenia can gather that child in arms of warmth and comfort. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: OKAME
Tori no Ichi (Japan) Themes: Luck; Kindness Symbols: Masks; Good-luck Charms About Okame: Japanese art, Okame is portrayed as simple and somewhat homely, yet her domain is the beautiful energy of good fortune and kind acts. In this form, Okame gently reminds us that true beauty really does come from within. Local lore claims that any area that bears a mask of Okame's likeness is blessed with her lucky nature. To Do Today: Late in November, just preceding the new year in Japan, this is a day for rituals to improve one's wealth and luck. Following a Japanese tradition, begin by find any lawn rake (or broom), and attach as many personal good-luck charms to it as you can find. Take this token clockwise around your home, raking or sweeping inward, to gather up Okame's fortunate energies. As you go through our house, add verbal incantations, like the following: {In the Kitchen} Okame, in my kitchen shine, so that good luck will be mine!{In the Dining Room} Okame, at this table where people lounge, let your fortuity come around! {Bathroom} Clean negativity and problems away; let good luck start today! To encourage Okame's serendipity even further, you can burn orange, rose, heather, violet, or allspice incense or potpourri as you go From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Gujeswari
Gujeswari Jatra (Nepal) Themes: Earth; Water; Abundance; Offering; Prayer Symbol: A Bowl of Water About Gujeswari: Gujeswari is a potent Nepalese goddess of earth and all its bounty, and today is her festival day. In many temples, the goddess's presence is represented by a simple bowl of water, the life-giving substance and purifier of body, mind, and spirit. To Do Today: Buddhists and Hindus in this region honor the mother goddess Gujeswari today by giving her offerings, usually preceded by fasting and prayer. Follow this example, and put a bowl of fresh water on your altar or a special place where it won't be disturbed for the day. If physically feasible, abstain from eating one meal today to honor the earth and Gujeswari's goodness by returning (or preserving) some of her bounty. Otherwise, simply abstain from a favorite food for the day as a kind of sacred sacrifice. At the end of the day, just before you go to bed, sprinkle the water from the bowl around your living space. First, go counter-clockwise to banish negative energy that hinders free-flowing blessings. Then go clockwise, allowing Gujeswari's water to cleanse and renew the ambiance in every room. If you have some left over, sprinkle your pets (for health), your car (for safety in travel), and children's beds (to protect them from nightmares), and dab some on mechanical objects to keep them working smoothly. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Spes
Themes: Thankfulness; Hope; Abundance; Harvest Symbols: A Bouquet of Flowers About Spes: In Roman tradition, this goddess's name means "hope." She joins us today to celebrate the successful harvest and keep our hearts hopeful as the earth's plenty wanes. In art, Spes often appears as a simple bundle of flowers whose beauty inspires the most distraught of spirits. To Do Today: Follow pilgrim tradition and set aside time today to thank the goddess for her blessings in any way that seems suited to your path and vision. For example, give Spes an offering of the first slice of holiday bread, share food with those in need, or perhaps treat the birds and squirrels in your neighborhood to some bread and nuts. Locally we invite any friends who have no family nearby to join with us in a delightful symbolic meal. I serve round rye bread and dill dip for unity and kinship, sweet potatoes for life's sweetness and Spe's harvest energies, cranberries mixed with oranges to keep our energy and health intact, vegetables for firm foundations, and pumpkin pie with magickal sigils carved in the crust for the goddess's protective spark. If you look at your own traditional menu, I'll bet you will find many other foods and beverages that have similar symbolism to bring meaning and Spe's magick to your table for this holiday. As you eat, remember to pass all the food and beverages clockwise to invoke Spes' ongoing providence. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Aine
Zibelemarit (Switzerland) Themes:Protection; Healing; Divination; Luck; Earth; Moon. Symbols: Moon (lunar items); Silver and White Items; Meadowsweet. About Aine: This Celtic Goddess of the Moon shines on today's celebration, her name meaning "bright." Aine has strong connections with the land. Her blessing ensures fertile fields. She also gives luck to mortals and keeps us healthy. To Do Today: Dating back to the 1400's this onion festival takes place in Bern. It includes several parades with intricate mechanical figurines and huge harvest festival with - you guessed it - tons of onions! Magickally speaking, onions are closely related to Aine because of their lunar appearance. According to metaphysical traditions, carrying or growing onions grants safety and banishes negativity. A freshly cut onion rubbed on sores, bug bits, or scratches restores Aine's healthy energy by gathering the problem and taking it away. Bury or burn this slice to dispel the problem altogether. One great (and tasty) way to invoke Aine, improve well-being, and improve your lunar attributes is by making and eating onion soup (or any other onion dish) today. Use red, Spanish, white, and cooking onions along with chives. By heating and blending them, you mix the magick to perfection. Stir clockwise, whispering Aine's name into the soup so she abides in each vitality-laden sip. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Boldogasszony
Hungarian Wedding Themes: Winter; Love; Romance; Relationships; Devotion; Purity; Fertility Symbol: Milk. About Boldogasszony: This Hungarian mother and guardian Goddess watches diligently over her children, wanting only the best for them, as any mother would. Her sacred beverage, milk, is also considered a suitable libation when asking for this Goddess's blessing. To Do Today: Hungarian wedding festivals often take place in winter, after the harvest season and meat preparation. The traditions here are laden with magick we can "borrow" for building strong personal relationships, asking for Boldogasszony's blessing by having a cup of milk present at any activity. For example, cutting a rope that is attached to your home symbolizes your release from the old ways and freedom to enter into a commitment. Stepping across birch wood purifies intentions and ensures a fertile, happy union. Lighting a torch (or candle) represents vigilant devotion in a relationship. Do this at the time of your engagement, as you recite vows, or as you both enter a new residence for the first time so that commitment will stay with you. Wherever you are, eating off each other's plates and drinking from one cup deepens harmony (include a milk product like cheese). Finally, dancing with kitchen utensils ensures that the home fires will always be warm From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Istustaya
Mevlana (Turkey) Themes: Divination; Communication (with the Divine); Destiny Symbols: Sacred Dance; Circles; Mirror; Thread About Istustaya: In Anatolia this Goddess rules over all matters of fate and is an adept diviner, often using a mirror for descrying so she can share insights into our future. Besides this, she personally weaves the thread of life for each person born, patterning her or his destiny. To Do Today: The Mevlana is celebrated by the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey as a ritual dance through which the devout attain oneness with the divine, often for the purpose of fortune-telling. The festival includes chanting while dancers twirl around, effectively becoming the center of a magickal circle formed by their skirts. So, if you hold a ritual today, use yarn or thread to mark the sacred space, with a mirror and your preferred divinatory tool on the altar to honor Istustaya. Dance clockwise around your circle, or your home, before attempting any divinatory effort. This draws the Goddess's vision into your spirit. If you want to try mirror descrying specifically to venerate Istustaya, sit somewhere comfortable with a candle behind the mirror. Dab a little sandalwood oil on the surface, rubbing it clockwise. Let your eyes unfocus and wait and see what images appear in the reflected light and oil. These may be symbolic or literal in nature. A dream interpretation guide may help you in figuring out the meaning. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Castalla
Walt Disney's Birthday (United States) Themes: Art; Creativity: Joy: Children; Inspiration Symbols: Cartoon Characters; Fountains About Castalia: In Greek tradition, this Goddess embodies the force of artistic inspiration. Her power is so profuse that art often depicts her simply as an ever-flowing fountain from which we can drink when our motivation wanes. To Do Today: On this day in 1901, the legendary Walt Disney was born. During his life, Disney inspired millions of children with a Castalia rich imagination and well-beloved cartoon characters. To remember this man and uplift Castalia's childlike ability to awaken the artist within, watch a favorite Walt Disney film today, reveling in the wonder of it. Then get out and do something creative! Try drawing your own magickal cartoon (this is just for you and the goddess, so don't worry about a lack of skill - the keynote today is having fun with your fancy). To quaff this Goddess's inspiration for any task you're undertaking, find a water fountain and drink fully of it. Visualize the water filled with a color of light that, to you, represents creativity. Also fill a small container with a secure top with some of this water and keep it with you. Carry Castalia's power into the situation in which you need inspiration. Pour a little out before your meeting, artistic effort, or speech to release her power. Or sip a bit of it to wet your whistle and renew the magick. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Takanakapsaluk
Kashim (Alaska) Themes: Providence; Purification; Strength; Thankfulness; Luck; Health Symbols: Saltwater; Artic Animals About Takanakapsaluk: This Artic Sea Goddess rules over the successful catching of game and over personal health. Takanakapsaluk lives far beneath the cold waters, where she also recieves the spirits of the dead and cares for them. To Do Today: Among Inuit hunters, this is the time of year when special rituals propitiate the spirits of Takanakapsaluk's animals, who give themselves for the tribe's food. Specifically the bladders of seals, whales and polar bears are returned to her icy waters in thankfulness. In a similar spirit, go to any open body of water and toss in a small biodegradable offering to the Goddess in thanks for your food. Consider abstaining from meat today, or from some other beloved food, as a way of showing appreciation for the Goddess's bounty. The Kashim traditionally includes ritual fire jumping and sweat baths for purification. Try this yourself by jumping a small candle (carefully, please) or taking a steamy shower (the goddess is part of that water). Additionally, any show of physical prowess todaybrings continued strength. So, add a little exercise to your day. Take a brisk walk, do some jumping jacks. As you do, think of Takanakapsaluk filling you with revitalizing health. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Ix Chebel Yax
La Quema del Diablo (Guatemala) Themes: Protection; Banishing; Health; Providence; Home Symbols: Lunar Emblems; Spinning Tools; Baskets About Ix Chebel Yax: In Guatemala, this Goddess bears a striking resemblance to Ix Chel in that she teaches spinning, weaving, and basketry to humans. More important, she is a mother figure who watches over all household concerns from the moon, her home. To Do Today: Part of the Guatemalan advent season, this festival finds people burning bundles of garbage in ritual fires to banish the spirit of evil, negativity, and sin from their midst, especially from the home. Doing so also purifies the people, keeping them healthy and staving off hunger. Go through your living space and gather up any garbage (including items that have been wanting for a trip to the secondhand shop). Find one item that can be safely burned, and snip a swatch off of it. Release it to any fire source to burn away any tensions or sickness troubling your home. Afterward, clean as much of your house or apartment as time will allow. Invoke Ix Hebel Yax's blessing by placing a spool of thread in the room where you're working (white or green thread are good choices for peace and health, respectively). Carry this spool from room to room, then put it in your pocket for the day to keep the Goddess and her providence close by. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
Today's Goddess: Skadi
Blowing the Midwinter Horn (Netherlands) Themes: Protection; Banishing; Communication; Insight; Winter Symbols: Snow; Wind (cold or northerly); White Crystals or Clothing About Skadi: In Northern tradition, Skadi is the spirit of the north wind, who is blowing powerfully over the earth now. She is the goddess of winter and wears white fur, crystal armor, and a bow and arrow for hunting. Hers is the power of communication - of announcing new insights and perceptions as they awaken within. To Do Today: In this festival, which dates back two thousand years, farmers around the country take out Birchwood horns today and blow them to scare away evil influences and announce Skadi's presence. To encourage her communicative powers in your own life, stand outside and breathe deeply of a cool, northerly wind today, letting the air empower your speech. Or, carry a pumice stone wrapped in white cloth with you throughout the day (if you can't find one, cut out a white paper snowflake instead and write Skadi's name on it). This keeps the goddess with you in all your discourse. At home, find a horn (perhaps a kazoo or noisemaker). Follow the Dutch custom of blowing this once in all four cardinal directions to send protection throughout your living space. Afterward put four white decorations (candles, stones) close to the directional points. This welcomes Skadi's insight and open discussions therein. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |
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Thu 12/13/07 06:40 AM
Today's Goddess: Bamya
Sada (Persia) Themes: Victory; Banishing; Protection; Overcoming Symbols: Light; Fire About Bamya: In Zoroastrian tradition, this Goddess guides the sun god Mithra's vehicle through the sky. Mor important, as the Goddess of twilight, her presence signals the beginning of today's festival. To Do Today: As the sun sets in Iran today, a huge bonfire will be ignited near a water source to symbolize the power of light to overcome darkness and the power of good to overcome evil. For us this means accepting our power and potential to overcome any obstacles that life may bring in any season. Too often our lives seem overwhelmed with obligations, and we find ourselves feeling lost in the seething sea of humanity. Bamya's counsel today is to learn how to swim in that sea by recognizing the ability of one person to truly make a difference - be it within yourself, in the life of another, in a specific situation, or in the world. At sunset today, light an orange candle (or another one the color of twilight) and greet Bamya with this prayer. Lady of gentle twilight, I welcome you. As the sun sets on this day, let things from the past that I no longer need to bear also fade away. Teach me to leave them behind as easily as you leave behind the daylight. As darkness falls, grant rest to my unsettled spirit so that I can rise tomorrow renewed and whole. Bamya be with me. So Mote it Be. From "365 Goddess" By Patricia Telesco |