Any coffee left?
Is this where we are waiting for the new joint to open. It's noon here time for a beer.
From Where?
SoCal up in the High Desert above L.A.
Retired sets up his insane-O-meter. Here ladies sit her I flip this switch and it will tell you on the gauge how crazy you are.
Remember insanity is only a state of mind.
Hello all here. Whats up?
Hi there
Thanks all
yaya I am new to so learn from my mistakes. LOL |
At the risk of being scalped by someone. I will say this. Both men and women to some extent play games. It is the human nature. Granted there are many out in the world who take game playing to an extreme. But as we are social creatures we tend to go with the flow and raise a ruckus about it later. The driving force in most of the games played is sex. Now sex is a wonderful thing but in my opinion women place to high a value
on it. In the eye and mind of most men the act of intercourse is not a commitment! A lot of women tend to see it differently. There are a lot of men that see sex as a competition, he who ends up with a high score is a winner. There are women who do feel used by these guys. It is a never ending situation. But the basic force driving it is sex. Lets face it if two people get together and click it is a great thing if not well the search continues but the games will always be there. |
Hi there
I'm new on here..
Hi I am new myself. Nice to meet you.
Good I feel more secure now.
Dont need a pill I am crazy all the time.
Not good I only relate to crazy peope. You see if its just to kinky for everybody else, Then it's just right for me.
Now that I have coffee. I have a question. Are there any crazy people here?
Hi there
Thank you all I hope you can stand me.
Favorite Bar Drink
I have to say my drink would have to be Scotch and Soda. However I do sometimes slide back into my Alpha Male mode and go for a Bud and a shot of Jim Beam.
Morning all here is there a cup of coffee around here?
Hi there
Thanks for the welcome BRM. As time goes by you will see I can be a handful. My sense of humor knows no bounds.
Hi there
I am new to the site and am still finding out how things work. My goal is to have some fun and meet some people.
I am new
Just looking around. Stopped to say hi.