Community > Posts By > Mikey86

Mikey86's photo
Mon 03/10/08 10:13 PM
I consider the Mutual Matches just people who did the quick run through the pictures of people they might be attracted to. From this thread I'm thinking maybe there's more to it than I thought. Do people use the Mutual Match feature like a flirt?
Am I not placing enough importance on the Mutual Matches?

Mikey86's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:59 PM
Sorry, my spell checker automatically changed political to police it seems, crappy software :)

Mikey86's photo
Wed 11/07/07 07:47 PM
Not really a police activist, just a realist here.

People wonder WHY the roads are so clogged and we have to keep raising more money to build new one, and spend more maintaining the ones we already have (they weren't designed for the amount of traffic they now have).

People wonder why the cost of food has gone up, couldn't be more demand for it, hence, the need for MORE people to do the cheap ag work, which in turns means they need more food, repeating cycle.

People wonder why the main aquifer under the central US is becoming depleted so fast. For those that don't know, it's them main source of water to grow all the crops that are grown with machines in the central US (corn, wheat, etc). We have to grow MORE food to support the ever growing population, putting more and more drain on that aquifer.

People wonder why we are having issues with our infrastructure in the US for basic things like water, pretty simple to see that the population is growing far faster than the infrastructure can support. We've had a VERY good year for rainfall in most of the US this year, yet we still have to have water conservation measures in place.

People wonder why the crime rate in the US has gone up so much overall (yes, some of the percentages have gone down in certain areas, but the overall numbers keep climbing. Not a thought to the fact that we have a much larger influx of non-law-abiding people in the country.

People wonder why there are marches in the streets of people holding flags from other countries (throughout history that's been called an invasion). Instead of being proud to be Americans, they are proud to be Mexicans in the US, carrying on the invasion.

People wonder why we are having such a shortage of police officers in so many areas, lax of proper tax base and law abiding citizens who want the job, given the fact that they are told to let so many law breakers go free instead of upholding those laws, its a wonder we have anyone wanting to be police officers these days.

People wonder why millions of people can break the law and get away with it, when if they get pulled over for a traffic violation they get a nice ticket and fine (illegal’s don't BTW).

People wonder why they now have to carry uninsured motorist insurance on their car if they want any to actually be covered, when it's a requirement for every law-abiding LICENSED driver to have insurance. hmmmmm.

People wonder why our economy has such a large deficit. economics 101. You have a VERY large number of people making money using the infrastructure our forefathers built, and then sending that money back home. These very same people are the number one shoppers at places like walmart, where the vast majority of things are also coming from money spent in other countries like china.

People wonder why they will not be able to settle down in a decent retirement community anymore without being wealthy, mainly because those places all tend to be on the lower scale for cost of living (kind of a requirement for those retirees on fixed incomes), and those areas have now been taken over by people from other countries, waving flags from those countries, and sending money that should be spent here to those other countries.

All the people that claim that we need illegal immigrants are ignorant of the facts on what it's truly doing to our country. One of the MAIN things they are doing is bringing the living conditions of those other countries here, things like an overburdened infrastructure that can't handle it's population (sorry folks, the growth rate in the US without the illegal immigration was such that we could grow our infrastructure along with it, instead we are just barely keeping it together to handle the load we're letting get placed on it.

Those who support illegal immigration haven't had the neighborhood they grew up become overrun.
Those who support illegal immigration haven't had to go to a community hospital paid for by their taxes, and had to wait for hours and hours behind the illegal aliens who haven't paid anything to support that hospital.
Those who support illegal immigration haven't had teenagers in the house who can barely find a job at all because all the non-skilled jobs are taken.
Those who support illegal immigration haven't had to be told they now have to learn Spanish to keep the job they already have in the USA.

Those who support illegal immigration are blind to the REAL picture of what it's doing to our country, a country where all the things they are coming here for are quickly fading away (jobs, free speech, and what was once the most advanced civil infrastructure in the world).

Those who support illegal immigration haven't had family history of people building that infrastructure up into what it is today, at least not descendants they are proud of, not proud enough to protect what they built.

The typical person who supports Illegal immigration is typically someone who comes from a wealthy, or at least well off family, not from the families who've done all the "grunt work" to build this country.

Support someone who breaks laws, who trespasses, and who has no consequences for those actions? Support people who have mad a mess of the country they come from and are trying to bring that mess here? Support people who have let the country they come from be taken over by drug lords and corrupt politicians and are bringing that situation here? They have already corrupted our police system to the point that we may not recover. At the rate it's going, our country will be in just as bad a shape as theirs in a decade.

When my kids are having problems, I don't tell them to run away to somewhere that the problem doesn't exist; I teach them to start fixing the problem. Mexico needs to start fixing its problems, and we need to stop importing those problems here.

Now that I've said all that, let me say that I don't mind legal immigration at all; it's one of the things that has made this country great. But if you live in a dreamland and think that we can just take as many as can get here without suffering for it, you are sadly mistaken.

Mikey86's photo
Tue 11/06/07 09:53 PM
Hi to all! I've been single for awhile now and figured it was time to get back to life :) So far this looks like a REALLY great site, with some really great people. :)
I have a 20yr old son in the USAF, an 18yr old that's graduating this year and planning to head off to the USMC, and a 9yr old that keeps me pretty busy, so I haven't had a lot of time to meet other adults outside of my job. Hopefully this site can help change that :)
Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask, I'll respond to any and all email :)

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