Community > Posts By > Scorpio_WJR
To me, "girls night out" or "guys night out" is something that we stop doing when we become adults. I have one best friend who I talk to every once in a while about "the good ol days" and how we are to old and have to many responsibilities to do those things anymore. Other than that I only have my work aquaintences. Not really interested in going out with the guys to the bar and wasting a bunch of money and making a fool out of myself. The last time I went out with a friend from work, I was miserable the whole time, wishing I was out making magic with a woman instead of wasting my night drinking, watching sports, and playing video games. Those are things we did as teenagers in high school, I'd like to think that I've made some progress since then.
Stages: single- sole ownership of your life, no one else is a factor. Friends/dating- other person expresses thier opinions and may or may not be able to influence a few decisions, however most intimate details are not shared. Relationship- Other person's opinions are very valuable to you and you feel the need to share everything and get input but you still make the final decisions, more of the intimate deep down stuff is revealed. Engagement/Marriage- every detail is shared by default and approval and permission is needed by both parties, decisions are made by compromise. I'm curious to see what other people think.
Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. I in no way meant that a woman needs my permission or approval to do what she wants. It would just be nice to know that she cares about me enough to want to share her life with me. I'm not asking for information because i'm digging for something to lecture on. If I were to jump to conclusions, it sounds to me like people who don't want to share are embarassed or insecure with their life, afraid of being judged, or that I won't understand and fly off the handle, or maybe there really is something to hide. I guess if you could see it from another angle, if I am left completely out of some things, its going to be me who feels without any control. Just because I make a request doesn't mean I am trying to dominate the world, I wish people didn't have to feel that way. I guess it's not my intentions, but how other people percieve me. Maybe I am too intimidating and should try to find less invasive ways to make requests. Sorry 4 the long post but on my phone & no paragraphs
country boy or city boy
I don't think it should matter either and I am also both. Grew up in the smallest town, and now I live near the state capital. I had to learn how to adapt. So how do you classify me?
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Mon 05/16/11 01:39 AM
He means he can't decide if he wants to design his site on land, or in his secret underwater-proof office.
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Mon 05/16/11 01:28 AM
A relationship is when two people mesh thier lives together. I agree there are different stages. I am looking for a relationship, not dating, however right now I am open to dating, bc you have to start somewhere. But dating doesn't last long for me. After 1 or 2 dates, I already know whether or not I like enough to go to the next stage, a relationship. I will be ready to start sharing every little thing that goes on in my life and I expect the same in return. To me, that defines what a relationship is, when two independent lives mesh together as one. It's not about control, both still have just as much control as before. Its kinda like having 2 brains who share just one body. If one wants 2 make decisions without the other person being a factor, then to me that is not a relationship, it has remained at the dating stage or a derivative, such as fwb, etc. If you aren't thinking about & working towards a future of living together, marriage, family, etc & want 2 be a sole proprietor, then its not a relationship.
I don't like independance in a relationship. If that's the case, whats the point of it other than a booty call. I want 24/7 whether in person, call, text, internet, and everything else. Thats what it means to be in a relationship. Where people get the idea that they can be in a relationship and go for a whole day without speaking is beyond me.
Who is Deserving?
Well in my book, the person who is deserving is the person you are in a relationship with. Your significant other should be the most important thing to you. When choosing a relationship partner, you should be prepared to sacrifice money, happiness, time, resources, your military band, etc, basically anything. Your significant other is more important than these things. There are too many selfish people who only care about thier own, instead of contributing to something that both can enjoy. How do you choose a relationship partner? You just choose, no one is perfect, you are going to have to make those sacrifices reguardless. It usually has something to do with physical, mental, and sexual compatability.
Ride???? To where?
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Are You a Romantic?
Women that I meet don't expect guys to know how to be romantic. They are suprized when I call to let her know I'm thinking about her, have bought her flowers, invite her on a real date and not just fast food and tv at home, etc. Then I get called weird and obsessive, dumped, cheated on, neglected, etc when I do all of the things that women say they want in a man. So I'm not sure how I will be with my next relationship but don't think I will run through fire again to show her how great I can be, since that never gets me anywhere.
Bye Bye Lakers! KOBE A PUNK
Why do people obsess over sports players? What does it matter how many points this or that guy scored last year or who he's sleeping with, or what he said to the press or what kind of shoes he wears or ... give me a break. You don't play for the team, you didn't score any points, you don't get anything if they win. These are just regular guys who throw a ball around. Are your lives so boring that you have to follow someone else around for amusement? I like sports but I just want to watch a game, I don't really care what the players names are or how many games they won before or who insulted the other... What does that have to do with it? And what makes this guy a punk? Is that just trash talk? Why do I always hear attacks on one player, didnt the whole team win or lose? Ummm yea I don't get it
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Ex wants favours
There is something seriously wrong with her. Stay away.
What browser do you use on your pc? If it is internet explorer, I know a few tricks
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Turn ons and turnoffs?
Using the phone on a date, including texting, is a huge turn off unless it is really important.
Don't have any experience with the ps3, but if it were me, I would try turning it on without a disc. I would try letting it stay at the "hang" point for 5-10 minutes, if it is trying to connect to the internet, it may "time out" and go to the next screen. Maybe you need to have the controller or remote turned on first? Try pressing buttons. Try unpluging it for 5-10 minutes or longer that helps sometimes. Make sure everything is hooked up right. Try LIGHTLY whacking it or shaking it, honestly!! Ummmmmmmm that's all I can think of right now
What tasts good cold?
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how to deal with ex
I still don't see what is so wrong with talking to or seeing an ex, even a recent ex. (unless they are abusive or you hate each other) What rule or law states that you should not communicate with them anymore? Talking makes it easier to move on, not harder.
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how to deal with ex
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Tue 05/10/11 08:02 PM
There is no rule or law. Its what is morally right... How would you feel if you were in a relationship, talked to someone everyday, saw them all the time, made a daily routine of comunicating or spending time with them, and suddenly they just broke all of that off? It is devastating, messes up all balance in the world. But every situation is different. In this case, they've already agreed to break up I think, so now it is just a matter of putting distance between them, but it is not very nice to do it suddenly. How can people move on so quickly??
Do you date fat chicks?
Why I like bigger women: - Going out to eat: She'll usually have a preferance, so choosing a restaurant isn't always left up to me. She'll always eat what you pay for, so no wasted food. You can get appetizers or deserts without feeling too guilty. ![]() In theory! However -I know some heavy ladies who eat very healthy and smaller portions because they're wayching their health ,and I know some very thin ladies who can eat everyone under the table! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what is the
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Tue 05/10/11 11:26 AM
Well, I shortly dated a woman who was 7 years older than me. I rather like older women, they are more mature and balanced. I don't think age makes a difference within 10 years. I've never dated anyone younger than me.