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Wed 11/14/07 09:09 PM
For some reason theres this internet fad of being rick rolled and that got me into the song >_<

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Wed 11/14/07 07:17 PM
Not really actually but that's okay i'm doing pretty well with Galaxy. I love it

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Wed 11/14/07 06:32 PM
haha. I guess i'm lucky I got mario galaxy and a girlfriend within a day of each other

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Wed 11/14/07 05:12 PM
Honey mustard chicken

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Wed 11/14/07 03:01 PM
anyone else here like it? i love it

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Wed 11/14/07 12:34 PM
beth pheonix is nasty. sick I wouldn't mind mickie james or kelly kelly tho love did anybody get the new game? I did it's awesome.

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Wed 11/14/07 12:33 PM
Does anyone like his song "never gonna give you up" it's a guilty pleasure of mine

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Wed 11/14/07 11:57 AM
it didn't do it with my home number..

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Wed 11/14/07 10:17 AM
How did cops get into a topic about firefighters? and yes she is hot no pun intended

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Tue 11/13/07 09:35 PM
i'm not uncomfortable it's actually really interesting and something to be proud of.

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Tue 11/13/07 09:32 PM

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Tue 11/13/07 09:27 PM

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Tue 11/13/07 07:51 PM
I think you're right in a way Joshy. You need to show women that you are both caring but not a rag doll. Women use guys who are pushovers as nothing more then toys and use them for stuff.

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Tue 11/13/07 06:54 PM
I used to agree with you and still do in some ways but I found a girl who likes me for being a nice guy. There will be someone who appreciates your well behaving nature especially if she's been hurt in the past.

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Tue 11/13/07 03:39 PM
I'm not old enough, sorry.

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Tue 11/13/07 01:40 PM
I would avoid it. 18 is asking for all kinds of problems from her parents and friends. Don't take a chance like that.

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Tue 11/13/07 01:39 PM
I don't know if i'm single or not because I don't think me and this girl are officially going out.. i'd like to say i'm not but idk

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Mon 11/12/07 07:28 PM
The Wii version was best cuz the controls were amazing.

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Mon 11/12/07 05:10 PM
resident evil 4 is the BEST game of all time in my opinion just not my favorite but it's top 5.

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Mon 11/12/07 03:27 PM
well, if ur picture of a girl is real how can you be single forever ur gorgeous

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