Community > Posts By > AKchatterbox114

AKchatterbox114's photo
Thu 11/29/18 03:12 PM
907 area code is all of Alaska. Anchorage is probably the biggest city while others keep growing I love all of Alaska. We aren't so big we fail to smile or say hello to complete strangers. Even people open doors for us Seniors. To discover Alaska here is a great place to start or you can try our newspaper Anchorage Daily News at If you are a tourist check out this site If you are going to Whittier I recomment taking the train there isn't much need to take your car and you'd end up parking it in their parking lot unless you have a 4x4 then you can do trail camping when you drive deep into the traveled road. There is a lot to do as a tourist and as a resident I still enjoy doing those things like visiting Portage Glacier, going to Seward for their marine museum or camping at Primrose Lake. Going in the other direction, north, I love Thunderbird Falls and Nancy Lake. Hatchers Pass has a lovely road to drive down for some great scenic photos. Fairbanks is a most see city and you can get their tourist pamphlet to check out all they have to offer from the Ice Sculpting business, to the play how Alaska was founded, gold digging, to seeing how the pipeline historical site. If you love horse back riding and having a good time staying n cabins then I would suggest Chena Hot Springs. We also have several air plane tourists companies that can give you an airplane view of Alaska. Seeing Rainy Pass from the air truly leaves one humble at the majestic beauty of the snow covered pass of these large mountains. I have lived in Alaska for 36 years and I absolutely love all the beauty it has to offer. It is by far HOME SWEET HOME.

AKchatterbox114's photo
Thu 11/08/18 08:05 PM
Edited by AKchatterbox114 on Thu 11/08/18 08:14 PM
TY for moving my comment here about my concern about giving out my phone number. I never thought about other concerns and oops I might regret later moving off of here. In the future, I won't do. From a couple of experiences, I can already say NO don't give out your phone number, keep your facebook, twitter or other places confidential until you are in a relationship with who you meet if approached for favors to buy things or give money "red flag". If you share a meaning conversation and share your financial hardships, how little you live on and all the things you go without because you don't have money and then they hit you up for any favor requiring you to purchase anything or ask you for money did they really listen to you in the first place? Scammers I am learning come with praises, compliments and sexy smile with saying all the right words a lonely woman or person wants to hear. You can accept their compliments while keeping your checkbook closed. Since I show the respect to never ask for money they should do the same. As I learn more and more about it is actually becoming a pretty nice way to meet people. There are some really nice people who use this site. Even a few who look after you and offer tidbits to protect you from scammers. I just got my first hit for a favor today to buy something for someone and when I explained my no he no longer wanted to talk to me tonight so maybe he was trying to find another person who could do this for him. When a person claims to earn 90 times more than you why would they need to hit you up for money! Something just isn't right there. Yet, I would and never would ask this person for money. Maybe this is how scammers stay rich - they prey on the foolish and kind-hearted. Be careful and be wise. What would you do in real life should be no different then what is done online. What I am saying is if you meet someone at a local bar and they ask for your phone number, you could say why don't we just hook up again here in two weeks. See if they show up, offer to meet again in two or three weeks. Do this several times getting to know this person. Then maybe in a few more meetings, you can decide wife they are worth meeting for coffee or asking them if they'd like to meet for dinner. You can set up a date at that time. It is okay to get there phone number without giving yours the first time around. You can confirm the date using SKYPE or another program. In the same way here if you do make arrangements to meet locally you can confirm the date here on this site.

AKchatterbox114's photo
Tue 11/06/18 02:28 AM
Yes I have been getting replies from people out of Alaska but I can't relocate so it would be pointless unless they are willing to move. One man said he would. It takes time to build a friendship and a long distance one I am not sure about. I typed in BBW and it took me here but I honestly don't think this is the write site for full figured woman seeking men who love them as most of them guys want what I am not, a Barbie doll look a like. Still willing to give it a try as it has only been a day and it's free.

AKchatterbox114's photo
Tue 11/06/18 02:19 AM
Edited by AKchatterbox114 on Tue 11/06/18 02:20 AM
Day One - A man asks for my phone number. I said no. He gives me his. If I call he then has mine. He never left a I care message since I didn't call or text him. Would you take the chance and text him if the conversation in here was a good one? I am new to dating to online sites and not sure if this would be a risky move or not.

AKchatterbox114's photo
Mon 11/05/18 02:08 PM
There is one user who has 5 accounts with different names. I did leave messages on two and then noticed with his photos he was the same guy only to find out with his photos he has 3 maybe even 4 other account all with the first name but different suffix and different ages. Without the photos you'd never know it was the same person. So, I am wanting to block all of his accounts and honestly feel this person should be removed from mingles as this maybe give him a way to date more than one person at a time but my no means am I accusing him of doing this just looks suspicious.