Community > Posts By > MadeNew

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Fri 06/12/20 05:19 AM
Edited by MadeNew on Fri 06/12/20 05:55 AM
God is moving through you, thank you for these well written and apparently doctrinally sound posts. I wanted to post in this thread, for readers looking for information related to indications within the world, resources that may help bring awareness and validation to the times we are now living. Listed below are resources that will open the eyes of many to the incredible amount of deception in which we now live, and indications of how close the world really is to the condition described in the book of Revelation prior to Christ's return. I pray, and hope, through the resources listed below the Lord would break chains of deceit and draw countless many into a living relationship with Himself. As the OP has indicated, we may very well be living in the final days of this age. Within our, or our children's, lifetimes we may see the end of all things and the beginning of the next age when all things are made new having been reconciled to God the Father through His son, Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).

Content hosted on YouTube:

- Jason A (channel)
-- Simply global news, selected from a Biblically relevant perspective

- Hidden Secrets of Money episode 4 (documentary film)
- The Secret of Oz by Bill Still (documentary film)
-- Bondage of individuals and nations through debt enslavement

- Truthstream Media (channel)
-- The Minds of Men (documentary film)
-- The documented desire and efforts to control human beings; human robots
-- Correlate information presented with Neuralink, Elon Musk's start-up
-- All other content on this channel is also informative

Artikel 7 (channel)
- Architects of Order
-- Three part documentary series
-- The true lucifarian world power, operating through deceit and secrecy

Nicholson1968 (channel)
- All content

Content hosted on BitChute:

- Some YouTube posters listed above also post additional content on BitChute
-- Alphabet owns Google and YouTube, censorship is a real issue / problem

- Shaking My Head Productions (channel)
-- All content

The one-world system (New World Order) described in the book of Revelation is nearing full implimentation. Through the central banking system (debt based monetary system; God tells us when in debt we are slaves to that debt) nearly every nation on the planet today is enslaved and controlled. The illusion of national boundaries is simply that, an illusion. One world government and monetary systems are already present, operating under the surface of the perception of national boundaries and sovereignty. The system is presently established and will emerge from secrecy / deception when the Lord allows it.

Every human being on the planet will, eventually, be forced to make a choice related to accepting or rejecting what scripture refers to as 'the mark of the beast' which will dictate whether an individual will be able to buy or sell. The system that will be capable of enforcing such control on a global scale is already present within the world and impacting millions of people's ability to buy or sell within the respective society. This system can be investigated and observed when researching the 'social credit rating system' currently present within the nation of China. The 'beast system' as it relates to economic participation is now being expanded in the world through the removal of paper currency and other related measures. Timely investigation into this is of particular importance as it directly relates to one's spiritual preparedness as emphasised by the OP.

This post, and its contents, is a microcosm of the factual world-truth available to correlate and substantiate Biblical prophecy and provide context related to where we currently are on the associated timetable. I strongly urge anyone who is currently an unbeliever, and professed believers alike, to begin devoting themselves to learning world-truth (evidence & correlation) and Biblical truth for life application and spiritual developement. Whether or not one believes something to be true has no bearing on the facts that are indeed true. The OP is calling for readers to 'wake up' and this post is in support of that sentiment.

May the Lord, the creator of Heaven and earth, bless us all, keep us all, protect us all, provide for us all, bring us into all truth, make His face to shine upon us all and grant us His peace that surpasses all human understanding. In Yeshua's name I pray, if it be in accordance with your will, Lord. Amen.

For Spiritual Developement - FREE Resource
- Daily Audio Bible
-- Website & app (both FREE)