Community > Posts By > Lunali

Lunali's photo
Wed 02/16/11 12:11 AM
I can cross stitch, sew designs, work a sewing machine, and repair clothing, thank goodness!

I used to cross stitch a lot more then I do now. But I do love making these things called, 'Sock dolls', which are fun!

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 11:38 PM
Professional Model! o:

Or something involving your hands, since you have a very well built body.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 11:37 PM
Maybe a comfortable pair of soft, flannel PJ bottoms. :)

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:54 PM
Thank you very much. I really liked your works, as well. :)

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:41 PM
Okay! NEW RECIPE that I am thinking of trying out tomorrow. :)

Apple Cider breakfast bars.

1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup softened butter
4 cups cheerios (or generic, doesn't matter!)
1 cup litehouse apple cider (it's cold pressed apple cider)
1/2 cup chopped dried apples
1 egg
1 cup oats
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup raisins


Heat oven to 375 degrees. Boil one cup apple cider (and 1/2 cup dried apples if you are using those), in sauce pan until reduced to 1/4 cup. Mix sugar, butter, peanut butter, cider, vanilla, and egg in a large bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients except cereal. Gently stir in cereal. Pour into ungreased pan 9x13 inch pan. Bake 15-20 minutes or until golden brown, cool, cut into bars.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:29 PM
Well, I've met all sorts of lady friends in my travels. :) One stole my heart, and she's still a wonderful friend now.

I am thinking if I should post this recipe I found. I think I will.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:21 PM
-Grin- No, I'm not. I am bisexual, however, and yes, I have had a girlfriend.

I now am thinking how silly it is when guys think only hot chicks are lesbians.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:06 PM
;D You wish.

Comfortable, silk boxers! (Most comfortable thing, I swear!)

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 10:03 PM
Curious as to why I was thought to be a lesbian. -Gigglesnort-

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:56 PM
Thinking that I really need to see what other music I've never listened to on my playlist.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:50 PM

Probably my favorite right now is the bacon chuicken artichoke delite pizza.

But I'd have to say my favorite kind is Italian.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:50 PM
Skinny Fists - Christians & Lions

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:49 PM
Banana hammock. laugh

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:11 PM
Welcome! :)

Oh a chief! Share your recipes!

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 09:10 PM

FPS, RPG, MMO'S, it just depends on the game. I wish I had better internet here, but whatever. I just really enjoy a great game.


Haha, welcome. :) It's pretty fun.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcomes!

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 08:47 PM

Well, I have a LOT of close online friends. :) I just have found, if you invest too much in relationship that trust can be so easily broken, you might get your heart broken, badly.

It's just hard to find out things that you didn't think would happen from say, your online boyfriend/girlfriends friend.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 08:21 PM
Probably the MOST insulting question I have ever been asked (keep in mind I was working in a store geared for video games):

"Can I speak to a GUY about this?" Or another personal favorite, "I'm sorry, but why would they hire a girl?"

But, I've worked in a lot of different places, but those were probably the questions that ticked me off the most.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 08:18 PM
To be honest, I've been in a lot of online relationships. But usually I end up just being friends, however, my rules for a long distance relationship usually are:

1] Keep the conversation light, don't go into bad topics all the time.
2] Just have fun, don't put a lot of investment into the relationship, since long distance relationships can put a lot of strain on someone's heart.

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 08:00 PM
;o; Ohmygoodness! I have LOTS of recipes to share. I have LOTS of recipes, so... This is gonna be a pretty massive post.


Mexican rice (vegetarian friendly, I checked.)

Rice 2 1/2 cups
Hot water 2 1/2 cups
Tomato Juice 2 cups
Garlic powder 1 teaspoon
Cumin 1 teaspoon
Oregano 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1 1/4 tablespoon
Oil 1 1/2 cup

Put the oil (1 cup) into an electric frying pan and let it get really hot, almost burning. Add the rice and level it out in the pan and stir occasionally until light brown. Drain all the excess oil except for about 2 tablespoons. Add the tomato juice, then the hot water. Sprinkle the spices over the top and mix with a spoon. Cover the pan and turn the heat down to approx 345 degrees. Be sure the vent hole on the lid is open. Let cook until there is very little liquid left on the top of the rice. TURN THE HEAT DOWN TO A SIMMER and mix the rice with a spoon. Cover the pan but this time close the vent hole on the lid. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes. If you let it simmer too long, add an additional cup of of hot water and let simmer an additional 10 minutes.

Veggie spring rolls

1/2 cup Jalapenos
4 cups fine shredded cabbage
1 cup glass noodles
salt and pepper

Super easy, cook in smoking hot oil until done.

Japanese Fried rice

4 cups cooked rice (1 cup uncooked)
1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed.
2 tablespoons finely grated carrot
2 eggs - Beaten
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons soy sauce

1. Cook rice, following instructions on package (Bring two cups water to a boil, and add a dash of salt, reduce heat and simmer in a covered saucepan for 20 minutes) Pour rice and let cool in the refrigerator
2. Scramble the eggs in a small pan over medium heat. Separate the scrambled chunks of egg into small, pea sized bits while cooking.
3.When rice has cooled to near room temp. add peas, grated carrot, scrambled eggs to the bowl, Carefully toss all the ingredients together.
4. Melt 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter in a large frying pan over medium/high heat,
5. When butter has completely melted, dump the bowl of rice and other ingredients into the pan, add soy sauce plus a dash of salt and pepper. Cook rice for 6-8 min over heat, stirring often.

Almond Roca Popcorn:

3 quarts popped popcorn (Plain)
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup light corn syrup
5 ounce sliced almonds
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 tablespoon butter flavoring

Place popped popcorn in a large roasting pan that has been sprayed with non stick spray, set aside.
In saucepan on low heat mix sugars, butter, salt, and corn syrup, let mixture come to a soft boil and place lid on pan for 30 seconds. Remove lid and stir with clean spoon. This is done so all the sugar and salt crystals are dissolved and none get back into the mixture. Turn heat down and let boil gently with a lid for about 5 minutes stirring constantly.
When the 5 minutes are up remove from heat and stir in baking soda, Syrup will foam, but this is normal. Stir in until baking soda is dissolved. Add butter flavoring and stir. Pour over popcorn slowly, stirring popcorn gently, coating it. When popcorn is coated, pour in almonds and stir well. Place into a preheated oven at 225 degrees for an hour. Popcorn needs to be mixed every 15 minutes. When finished baking, put on a non stick surface, and let cool.

Sonic Onion rings:

Cracker meal
Whole milk

Cut the onion into rings and separate the rings. In separate bowls put cracker meal, flour, and milk. Put the onion rings into milk, then into flour, back to the milk and into the bowl of cracker meal.
Then, fry 'em up!
Chinese Spicy Chicken wings:


1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon onion powder
6 large eggs
1 teaspoon dry beef broth

Put the chicken into a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Let chicken stand in refrigerator for an hour and then add all the other ingredients. Add potato starch until mixture becomes slightly thick. Add the chicken wings to the mixture then fry once. If you have the time the recipe works best if you can freeze or refrigerate the fried chicken until cold after it has been fried the first time. Refry the chicken and add to the sauce and stir until the sauce soaks up into the chicken coating. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve over rice.

1 tablespoon Minced fresh garlic
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce (Korean if possible)
1 tablespoon Chinese chili paste (Sambal Olek) More if you like hot
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon Dry beef stock
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons Korean Vinegar (Not Japanese or American)
1/2 cup thinly sliced carrots
1/2 cup onions in 3/4 inch squares
1/2 cup green bell pepper in 3/4 inch squares

Add all ingredients except veggies to a wok and cook on high heat until the sugar is dissolved, then add veggies and cook until slightly soft.

Avondigas (Spanish meatball soup):

(This stuff is yummy!)
2 lbs ground beef
1/2 cup white rice
2 eggs
1/2 cup bread crumbs
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon oregano
6 large potatoes chunked
1 medium yellow onion
8 carrots, sliced
1 large can tomato juice (64 oz)

Mix the ground beef and all the other ingredients, then form into 1" meatballs. Add meatballs to a 6-8 quart cook pot of boiling water. Once meatballs start to float, dump off the grease and enough of the water for the 64 oz of tomato juice. Add veggies and tomato juice, simmer for an hour or until done.

Strawberries Ambrosia:

(This is SUPER good on vanilla ice cream)

1 1/2 cups fresh sliced strawberries
2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 cup sugar
1 orange cut in half
1 ounce Grand Marnier

Melt butter in a pan and add sugar and Grand Marnier. Place oranges in the pan until warm and squeeze the juice through a cloth into the pan. Cook sauce until slightly thick and add strawberries, cook for a minute or so, until slightly soft, but don't overcook.

Snapple iced tea

2 quarts (8 cups) water
3 lipton tea bags (orange pekoe and pekoe black tea blend)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup plus two tablespoons lemon juice

Boil the water in a large sauce pan over high heat.
When the water comes to a rapid boil, turn off the heat, put the teabags into the water, and cover.
After the tea has steeped for about an hour, pour the sugar into a 2 quart pitcher, then add the tea. The tea should still be warm, so the sugar should dissolve quickly.
Add lemon juice. Chill.

Bacon and Double Cheese Quiche (But it can easily be made without bacon!)

30 minutes prep time, 30 chilling, 45 baking.

(My mother adds another two eggs and another half cup of 2% milk.)


1 1/3 cups flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled butter cut into small pieces.
2-3 Tablespoons cold water


10 strips lean bacon
4 Large Eggs
1 1/2 cup 2% milk
1/4 Died Thyme
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
1 cup cheese of your choice (we use cheddar)

1] To prepare crust, in a large bowl, mix together flour and salt. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut butter until coarse crumbs form.
2] Add water, 1 tablespoon at a time, tossing with a fork, until a dough form. Shape into a disc, wrap in plastic wrap and chill for half an hour.
3] Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. On a lightly floured surface using a floured rolling pin roll the dough to an 11 inch circle. Fit into the 9 inch pan. Trim edge leaving 1/4 inch overhang. Fold under to form standup edge. Prick dough with a fork, line with foil and fill with pie weights, or died beans. (We use the dried beans, works really well.)
4] Bake for 10 minutes. Remove beans, bake until lightly golden, about 5 minutes. Take out and cool.
5] Meanwhile, prepare filling. Cook bacon until crisp.
6] In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, thyme, and pepper. Pour into crust. Crumble bacon, shredded cheese. Bake until golden and custard is set, about 30 minutes (add another 10-15 if adding the two eggs and extra milk). Serve warm.
Black bottom cupcakes:

Cream Cheese mixture:
1 - 8 ounce package cream cheese, softened.
1 Egg
1/3 cups granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
6 ounces chocolate chips

1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup water
1/3 cup cooking oil
1 Tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine ingredients for the cream cheese mixture, set aside. (I find mixing this with a fork the easiest way to get everything properly mixed together, FYI)
Cake: Stir together dry ingredients, combine water, oil, vinegar and vanilla, mix with dry ingredients until well combined. Fill cupcake liners one third with cake batter. Top each with a heaping tablespoon of cream cheese mixture.
Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.

:B I'll probably go through a few of my cook books! So, this won't be the last post, I promise you!

Lunali's photo
Tue 02/15/11 07:45 PM
Poem titled, 'Fear', with some edits, thanks to the suggestions of kc0003!
Darling love of mine,
I have a confession.
Something hasn't been right,
and I'm learning a lesson,
that maybe it's a secret to keep.

I touch my own skin,
a wonder of the soft and delicate fabric,
which covers my flesh and bones.
It houses the home of how I tick,
and I am afraid of the horrible words I wish to say.

Tears streak down my cheeks,
and I fight to remain whole.
But this need to confess,
it strikes me cold.
And I weep for unspoken words.

I lay awake at night,
heart pounding and my breathing deep.
Was that a vision or a dream?
Did it come to me in sleep?
What is my heart trying to say?

My lips part,
and I think I can do it.
Say those words that make me afraid,
but when my voice rises I banish it,
back down my throat to settle in my heart.

Hesitation to touch your body,
hesitation to touch my own.
Weep with me my love,
for this fear has me wishing to atone,
to God and all that may witness my fear.

I choke down my plea,
please, don't touch me.
I fear I may break.
And I weep, 'Can't you see?
There's something wrong.'

My fingertips drag down my stomach,
up to my lips.
Choke me,
put me out of my misery and into bliss.
The fear chokes what good I have left.

Love of my heart,
I weep again,
knowing I cannot function,
without the blend,
of pain and misery which paints me so well.

I am becoming what I fear most,
my desire for violence harsh and unkind.
Is it me which wants to part the skin of a body?
Or have I become blind,
by these horrible urges which have taken my love.

I want to remove the skin from my face,
bleed until I have no blood.
But then you'll see the black of my heart,
the ooze of black sin which is ungodly.
I shall tarnish your very soul, my love.

Let me place a chaste kiss on your cheek,
let me withdraw from this fear,
which constricts my throat and makes me numb.
I cannot stand to see your tears,
let me weep for us both.

Love of mine, so gentle and kind.
I am falling away from you,
my eyes close and I am swallowed by sin.
Do not deny that it's my truth,
I have become the Devil.

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