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As the deep state looses power will they motivate their followers to riot in the streets and blame it on President Trump and conservatives?
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Sat 07/20/19 03:28 PM
If Donald Trump had been involved with Jeffrey Epstein the news media would have plaster this on the mainstream media in 2016.
Because of his business contacts with the rich, famous and Hollywood Donald Trump has known that the sex trade would be the door opener to the deep state downfall. Jeffrey Epstein and the deep state made videos of the people involved in this illegal sex trade to be used for blackmail. Be prepared for the rich and famous who were involved to claim that the videos the FBI now has are Deep Fake AI generated videos. However, the DOJ has technology to determine whether they are fake or real. The deep state is counting on most Americans being more interested in the TV game shows than the spygate investigation. However, as the sexgate and abuse of children becomes common knowledge Americas attention will become focused and the deep state players are in a panic. The main stream media is attempting to deflect the full impact of everything. There will come a day when they will be forced to report the truth. Within 24 hours of Jeffrey Epstein's arrest from New York, Washington DC and Hollywood big name personalities have appeared saying they were deceived. Aa Shakespeare wrote, "He doeth protest to much"! Funny how the guilty have been accusing President Trump of the very illegal activities they were involved in. The next year is going to be very interesting. |
The Deep State tried to destroy Trump through three unprecedented actions:
1) To find compromising information to pin on Trump, there was massive unmasking of the identity of American citizens gleaned from the National Security Agency’s “incidental intercepts of Americans abroad search protocol,” with a focus on those who interacted with Trump and Russians — an initiative largely authorized and facilitated by National Security Advisor Susan Rice; 2) There was a false anti-Trump narrative created with contractual help from former British MI6 intelligence officer Christopher Steele (paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC) in the form of dossier to be leaked to the media to destroy Trump’s reputation; 3) Then there was a political weaponization of the FISA courts using that same dossier to authorize U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on Trump and his people. In the near future all of this, and more, will become common knowledge and those responsible will be held accountable. ... and it's all beginning with Jeffrey Epstein! |
The present democratic presidential candidates are all weak and to far socialist. I wonder if just before the 2020 democratic convention the DNC will quietly introduce someone new that they feel has greater voter appeal and is a touch more to the standard democratic ideal? The problem is by that time the American public will be far to turned off by the direction of the democratic party. Trump has so many good things he's done for the country the 2020 election will be like a ripe apple falling into his hands. |
As AG Barr's spygate investigation proceeds democrat's and their news media outlets are squealing louder and louder.
Barr's investigation will begin to unearth illegal activity by the rich and politically powerful. No doubt Barr's probe will cross lines with the Epstein investigation finding some in Washington DC (past and present) were involved with his sick activities. These two cases will, no doubt, have a strong effect on the 2020 election. Question: why are there more protests against the spygate investigation by democrat's than republican's? Time will tell. |
Instead of displaying the smoking gun the following all shot blanks:
1. Russiagate 2. Collusiongate 3. Taxgate 4. Epsteingate 5. Racegate But keep trying. ![]() |
The whole 2020 presidential game plan of the democrat's is "We have to defeat Trump". Very little else for the American people to sink their teeth into.
"Hate Trump" "Defeat Trump" "Remove all of Trumps programs" "Raise taxes" "Increase socialistic spending" "Go back to the old international trade agreements" "Re-institute government regulations" This is the dems platform. Joe Biden mentioned fixing the insurance industry. Hold on Joe: you and Obama instituted the INSURANCE FIX UNDER OBAMACARE. We know Obamacare is a failure especially for the middle class. Why did you push the un-Afordable Care Act? How can we trust you to fix what your created? The Squad of Four have hijacked the democratic party into becoming the party advocating Socialism. Even all of the democrat presidential candidates have moved toward socialism. They displayed this during their debate. Most Americans have an idea of what socialism is and don't want to be forced into going that direction yet the democratic party is ignoring America. Initially Nancy Pelosi tried to stand up to the Squad of four but she lost her nerve and backed away. Of course, Racism is the rally cry they use to get anyone disagreeing with them to back down. The election of the Squad of four was the best thing that could have happened for the republican party. Come oooon 2020. |
Eipstein Arrested
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Mon 07/15/19 07:39 PM
Fake news:
AG Bill Barr's father taught at the same college that Epstein taught at. Therefore the AG should excuse himself from this case. THE PROBLEM: AG Bill Barr's father retired in February of 1974. Epstein began teaching in September of 1974. The AG's father retired 7 months before Epstein hire in. Another fake news story being published by the national news media trying to put anti-Trump spin on everything. We need to question everything we hear by the national media. There's usually enough truth in what they report to make it sound plausible but when one digs deeper one will find how they slant the truth. |
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Mon 07/15/19 07:18 PM
Our national media has, once again, misquoted President Trump with regards to the congressional gang of four. I've copied and pasted the Presidents statement word for word. Notice the misquoted second paragraph that I've underlined. The national news outlets that I've heard never quote the second sentence. This is deceptive journalism.
---------------------------------- So interesting to see "Progressive Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they evem have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth how our government is to be run. Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, ---------------------------------- The term racism is being used to polarize our nation on purpose. When bandied about for political reasons the term looses it's sting when real racism takes place. What is so hypocritical is the gang of four are so anti-Semitic themselves. My guess is they won't last the 2020 election. Such hypocrites. |
Eipstein Arrested
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Fri 07/12/19 08:17 PM
Notice that the Department of Justice isn't rushing through the Epstein case. Politicians and the very rich are ducking for cover. Even Bill Clinton tried to distance himself from Epstein in less than 24 hours.
Washington DC, Hollywood and really big money could find themselves being held accountable for what they've done. In the past most of the rich and powerful got away with it while lower level underlings took the rap. Doesn't seem the current Department of Justice is going to let that happen. The wheels of justice turn slow but they very well could grind exceedingly fine. Maybe this is why Guantanamo is being rebuilt! Ask Q! |
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Fri 07/12/19 01:15 AM
Interesting, as soon as the Epstein story broke Bill Clinton immediately published a statement that he had never ridden on Epstein's jet. Yet the pilots log shows he had been a passenger 26 times.
Epstein will make Harvey Weinstein seem like a boy scout. The hammer could be ready to fall on the rich, famous and politically powerful. Even Nancy Pelosi's daughter indicated this may happen (democrat or republican). Have some extra popcorn: anyone want some? ----------------- Oh, Donald Trump's name never showed up on the pilots log. Epstein had frequented Trumps Florida facility but when he found out Epstein had attempted to pick up a members teenage daughter he banned him from the facility. The Florida prosecuting attorney stated that Donald Trump was very helpful in the initial investigation. I add this because some in the media are trying to connect the President with Epstein. Like all of the other mud slinging no actual facts or proof exists. |
Very interesting. There is a campaign called the "Walk Away" group that is growing very fast. Dissatisfied democrat's who feel their party has swung to far to the radical left. They feel the present democratic party is almost fascist against anyone who disagrees with their ideology. Interesting that most social media are trying to shut down all web sites of the Walk Away movement. This just goes to show how the media news, social media and many democrat's don't want freedom of speech but you have to toe the party line and what's strange is the far left are making this same accusation against republican's.
Popping more popcorn and waiting for the 2020 election. |
During the Presidents inauguration speech the national media made a strong attempt to say not may people showed up. This was proven incorrect.Now the national media tried trashing the President concerning the July 4th celebration. For days they claimed few would show up.
Well guess what? So many showed up there was no space available from the Lincoln Memorial back to and including the Washington Monument. they claimed he would politicize his speech which he did not. Evven some of the media reporters are admitting his speech was about those who gave their lives for our nation. The national media continues to discredit themselves and they don't seem to care that the country realize they are lying. Much of what they say is slanted to a one world government and financial system. They hate national patriotism. |
but semantics aside. I always think treating people humanely is the LEAST we can do as human beings
Last week six Latino pastors from Texas visited a number of these "concentration camps". They were shocked to find that the conditions were nothing like what the national media has reported. During the Clinton and Obama administrations the boarders needed to be protected. Why all of a sudden the change in attitude? Because American's voted Trump in and Hillary out. The are trying to manipulate the voting population by bringing in millions of illegal people and tell them to vote democratic. Stuffing the ballot box. |
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Sun 07/07/19 12:45 AM
FWIW, if the holding facilities are not to the liking of the illegals who are housed there they are free to return to Mexico or their country of origin. All they have to do is say they want to return to the boarder.
---------------- The distinction is in 'illegal' If this ideology is maintained the 90,000 per month will turn into a much larger flood. And who is going to pay for it all? At the current rate there will be 1.000,000 in just 2019 alone. Are the sanctuary cities of California going to foot the bill? For those who like to use the immigration of the late 19th and early 20th century you may want to study up on the limitations the government placed on those coming in. My grandparents on both sides immigrated just after 1900. My mothers parents from Germany and my fathers from Sweden. The idea of open boarders back then is unfounded. By 1900 all immigrants had to obtain entry paperwork from the American embassy in their particular country. There were physical and mental health restrictions as well as the head of family had to have a trade. Boatloads of sick, mentally ill, criminal and no work ability were sent back. By 1900 if one didn't have proper documentation the shipping companies wouldn't even let you buy a ticket let alone board the ship. These are facts the democrat's, national media and even many universities will never talk about. The question is, WHY? By the 1890's the American government realized other governments were unloading their sick, criminals and no ability people on America and they began to limit who could come. Both sets of grand parents attested to this. FWIW, world war I ended the great influx of people. |
Why are democrat's still talking about affordable health care for all? Didn't Obamacare take care of that? that's what Barack Obama, Nancy Peloci and Chuck Schumer all promised.
Obamacare generated a welfare insurance program on the back of the middle class. While those in the middle class have insurance the out of pocket now is SO HIGH they can't afford to use it. My guess is Obamacare was designed to devastate the middle class and when Hillary was voted in Medicare for all (socialistic and all government controlled) would have replaced it. Some in our nation ignore the fact that the government is the most inefficient organization to run something. |
Obama-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting Trump
Organizing for Action, a group founded by former President Barack Obama and featured prominently on his new post-presidency website, is distributing a training manual to anti-Trump activists. --------------- This is treason. |
Why The Inspector General's Report On FISA Abuse Will Unleash Barr’s Investigation Of Spygate
The forthcoming report from the Office of Inspector General on potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse will finally unleash Attorney General William Barr, and when it does, watch out. For the last month, conservative pundits have predicted the ever-imminent dropping of Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on his investigation into the circumstances surrounding FISA surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. Horowitz’s report will likely provide new and damaging details surrounding the FBI’s use of the FISA court to spy on Page. More importantly, the conclusion of Horowitz’s probe frees Barr to conduct a broader and more exacting investigation into all aspects of the Russia collusion hoax. ----------------- When Barr is turned loose some democrat's and past/present employees of the department of justice will be squealing to save their hides. On top of this Hillary will not be protected anymore by the likes of Comey. The President is taking his time to get all of the ducks in a row. Facts that even the national news media will have to acknowledge. Americans have been waiting for this day since the Russiagate hoax was first pushed on our nation. |
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Fri 07/05/19 12:10 AM
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Thu 07/04/19 09:56 PM
A report form the Center for Immigration Studies:
Like the proverbial "bulge in the belly of the snake," unusually high numbers of non-Latino migrants, obviously not from Central America, are now reportedly passing from Colombia through Panama on their way to the U.S. southern border. Their numbers range to the tens of thousands, whose vanguards we have already seen at the U.S. Southwest Border in recent months: Cameroonians, Ghanaians, Congolese, Haitians, Cubans, and some from the Middle East. Guess what all of you open boarders liberals? New waves of the world's poor are coming in large numbers. If these are let in the flood gate will only open wider. These people have no education, no money, no trade but have been told America is taking in all and giving free medical and financial support. So who is going to pay for this and where will they live? Our over burdened facilities will be flooded and the democrat's say: open the boarders. They have NOTHING. They have no way of traveling here on their own. WHO IS FINANCING THESE PEOPLE????????? |