Community > Posts By > Deana64

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:55 AM
thats a long list of beers and wines did anyone notice that?laugh laugh laugh

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:49 AM
well quiet events can be good for the inner soul
have a good one anyway drinker

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:48 AM

Correction our's is on October 8th, that's why, I found it quite odd, well, now you guy are making me for me today it's gonna be

Chicken noodle soup

Bacon, tomatoe, collard, swiss, alfalfa,
on a toasted everything seeded bun,

and crannberrie crushed ice juice....

Too you'sdrinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

I'm coming over to your house for dinner it sounds so much better than all the fixins of today :wink:

you had me as soon as you said crushed ice in your cranberry juice.

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:46 AM
good morning shadow dog

hope your day is an eventful one :smile:

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:44 AM

Ah the cp police wanna just tear apart our way of life. Too many people have sacrificed their lives for our freedoms so they can just go to another country if this one dont suit them.

You are right many people ( OF all Races and cultures ) have sacrificed lives on this soil, and all over the world. For this country.
but I would rather see a way for all the people who believe in what this country could really be work together to find that common ground, more than I would say just leave the country.

but thats what makes us unique in our Country, we are all free to think for our selves and have difference of opinion on all matters. without fear of repercussion in how we think.

anyway you enjoy your day and may it be filed with memories that make you smile in years to come.:wink:

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:36 AM

Thanks. That does make me feel a little better! Do you ever feel that it's like one of those times where people say they want you with them but they don't really mean it? Thats kinda the way i feel now! :cry:

I used to
but I am so thankful for my friends and family they are right there and making sure that me and my son are not alone today I can really say I feel like I am wanted to be around.
thats a feeling I have not had for a long time.
I hope that you one day again can feel the joy I do right now
My thoughts are with you.:wink:

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:33 AM
everyone enjoy your day
no matter how you celebrate it

time for me to get cooking too

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:31 AM
feeling alone on any day is not good.
I hope that you can make the best of your day no matter how you have to get through it
and remember many of us are alone today too even while we are spending time with family and friends that is just our bandaid to get us through the holiday.

Take care
and catch ya on the threadsflowerforyou

Deana64's photo
Thu 11/22/07 05:27 AM
Edited by Deana64 on Thu 11/22/07 05:28 AM

Tulsa now your making me blush! Have Happy Thanksgiving oh and by the way some left wingers say today is a day of mourning! LOL

just some food for your thoughts there,
its not just left wingers that think today is a national day of mourning.
this holiday has been a touchy subject with my people for years.
and thats because the portrayal of happy pilgrims, and Indians celebrating together didn't exactly happen as it has been taught.

National Day of Mourning (United States)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The National Day of Mourning is an annual protest held on the fourth Thursday of November (known to many as Thanksgiving) in the United States of America since 1970.

Thanksgiving day, for them, is a reminder of the democide of the Native people. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which some Native Americans continue to perceive. The protest is organized by the United American Indians of New England (UAINE).

there Are many of us out there finding our way back to learn of traditions and customs
and as a Native American I have always celebrated this day as a day of remembrance, of those I lost before me and a time to celebrate family and friends closest to me.

but that is just a brief explanation of why you have heard it as a national day of mourning.
In short it is a day of compassion and understanding, of other cultures and people

I wish everyone the best of what ever they do with this day flowerforyou drinker :smile:

P. S. My internet adress says it all its just Me:wink:

Deana64's photo
Wed 11/21/07 10:41 AM
sounds like its time for him to start writing that book

101 dating horror adventures:wink:

Deana64's photo
Wed 11/21/07 10:39 AM

If she spreads rumors after a first date to all the women in town that you are her sex toy and that they should stay away and then kills your dog to get your attention and try to nursemaid your broken heart then ayempts to burn down your house because she's angry with your house because you are not there does that means she likes you or does that mean she's a mean, manipulative, dangerous socio psychotic who needs to be institutionalized?

that sounds like a movie I have seen before longhairlaugh

Deana64's photo
Wed 11/21/07 10:24 AM
I just have one question.

Why is this thread all stretched across the screen?noway

does anyone else see it too?

I had to use the arrows on the bottom to read itohwell

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 11:50 PM
good luck,

and be a good cadet

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 11:45 PM
I am thankful fro everything I have gone through the lessons in life I have learned.
I an thankful for every person that has touched my life in any way
I am thankful for the family and group of friends that have been there for me even when they didn't really want to be

Happy holiday everyone :wink:

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:56 PM
Yes I have myspace

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:51 PM
may everyone have a good holiday no matter what :wink:

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:50 PM

sad sad sad sad I don't know....where's my Mr one responds.....all men are no damn good...all women are weird....boooooo hoooo...sad sad sad

you left out twisted & pervertedlaugh laugh laugh

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:44 PM
latly I cannot stay away from veggies especially green beans

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:39 PM
I can cook laugh

Deana64's photo
Tue 11/20/07 10:39 PM
Here is another woman that you can not impress with all the toys or material things in the world.

My primary and only concern is that I make enough in my job to support me and my son. and if I didn't I would get another job.
I have many times worked multiple jobs. to get by or to afford some extras in life.
I have never been concerned about what a man makes or does or how many toys he has in the garage, or driveway.