Community > Posts By > Shayna1978
Problem being that I blame myself; I never did say I blame the other person..... ok maybe occassionally lol. One thing I have learned, is that nice guys always finish last, and I'm unfortunatly a nice guy. If you thinketh, so will you be. Think positively, I've been down in the dumps recently, but I am on a better road now. |
Stupid fights
It sounds like you really care about her, no matter what you are fighting about, I hope you have less blow ups and more make-ups.
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Sun 03/13/11 11:17 AM
I feel a bit down to think that many Americans think us English girls are like that! It all goes down to the club and place you go to. Or simply down to the amount of alcohol those girls had, us being such hearty drinkers. Don't let that stuff get to you, You'll meet the right person and personally, I don't think meeting someone in a club is ever going to turn into something real. Good luck ![]() I'm sure not all English girls are like that, but I'd be lying if I said that I haven't come across quite a few with their 'Pride' intact. We get a lot of tourism in Louisiana and I only met 1 or 2 who were cool. *Hey* That means you are beautiful and unique to your country, I think that's pretty awesome. |
Stupid fights
No you misunderstood. I don't like her taking silly pictures of me but I let her do it. She doesn't want me to let her do it but enjoy doing it. For example. She doesn't want me to just do the dishes. She wants me to want to do the dishes. Anyway issue resolved and make up sex insued. Ummm, that's kinda weird. It's not like you can stop being you. Maybe you can fake her out. The 7 dwarves sang... |
bleeding hearts hold compassion for those who least deserve it yet most need it... Hi, My name is Shayna and I am a giant sucker. |
I actually had that happen, but in an opposite fashion.
You know that kid who is butt of everyone's jokes and is kind of pathetic because she just wanted everyone to like her, so she would fall for anything...that was me in Jr. High. I made friends with a particular new girl who looked like the female equivalent of Steve Urkel. Apparently, she was the type to point out other people's flaws so no one would make fun of her. We hung out for a little while (sleepovers, etc.), then the few friends I did have stopped talking to me and started separating to be with her. I was very alone the last two years I was there and made fun of constantly by the girls I grew up with. When I moved to a new school, I was suicidal and refused to go. I ended up having to go to therapy. I became a better person for it, instead of a suicidal tradgedy. However, I still had a hard time with resentment. When I was 22 I got a letter from one of the girls in that group about how she missed all the 'good' times she had with me...I don't know what she had been smoking. I know it was petty, but I sent her a scorcher that I would prefer to be a memory to her, because for all intents and purposes, that girl is dead. Five years later, we shared a few e-mails, a few apologies, and I grew up a little. We still chat occasionally. |
Stupid fights
Ok it exploded again. I tried to do the laundry for her today and she yells at me saying I am too slow. She says later we need to work it out but she won't apologize. She says we should apologize together. Said I didnt do anything wrong yet she still treated me like crap. Now she is pissed again and said she doesn't like my personality because though I take emharassing pictures and stuff for her I don't like to do it. Really? What a ***** right? So I do somerging for her I don't like doing and that makes me have a bad personality. Let me translate - she is not comfortable taking silly pictures, but she does for fun, You are not confortable taking silly pictures, but you shut her down and say no. Double standard, she is pissed because you aren't being fair. |
I think your cute, but 'iam4u' is right. If you just try to live your life happily and not try to validate it with having partners, you will find a partner eventually to share the happiness with.
u should tell every girl she is beautiful Stephanie you are beautiful. Ah, beat me to the comment button. No harm in duplication: Stephanie you are beautiful. lol Massage your fruits are beautiful. |
You girls made my day...I was really starting to think there was something wrong ! @Shayna: After I came and started talking to other foreign people at work, apparently england is not very foreign-friendly ! and I have joined one of the online dating sites and paid money for it (never did that in my life before) and the girls specifically say on their profiles on their date specs (caucasian only, and british nationals only) !! Whats an "aryan" ?? Its a skinhead (Neo-Nazi), your skin looks light enough that they might mistake that in a club. Wear a black knit hat or something equally cool. |
I can't see your eyes in the pic, but you don't look too bad to me.
However, I am American who knows we are a melting pot of cultures. Some people are just ignorant. She ran away huh? Sounds like a personal problem. Who knew English chicks were so stuck up? |
u should tell every girl she is beautiful Stephanie you are beautiful. |
And might I say, in a non-pervy way, you are just adorable.
no, not at all there's a difference between a man who is sexy and wanting and a man who is a pervy groper a pervy groper? have we dated the same guys? That's a great question. If you are attracted to someone...are they a pervy groper, if you get excited? |
Stupid fights
Everybody here seems to be giving you some genuinely decent advice, so I really don't have to say anything.
I will say this...don't spoil her so much. Kissing her butt afterward just makes her see how much control she has over you. Next time you go out to give her some space, DO NOT TEXT HER. You make yourself seem needy. Wait till she texts you. If she doesn't text, confront the problem when you get back. How are you dealing in Japan right now? |
still dnt knw. beauty is in the eye of the beholder if you have someone in your life that you genuinely find beautiful, I would suggest you tell them whenever you genuinely feel like doing so... HANDS DOWN! This is the best advice for that question. |
Virginity is only as important as you make it out to be. Personally, I was 20: a little pain, a little blood, no big deal. However, I was also the victim of a 'Virgin Killer'. He dumped me not long after. He made it a point of getting chicks who hadn't had much experience or no experience-- he likes being first. A lot of guys out there chase the girl 'who never gives', just to get it, not b/c they care about the girl. Also, a lot of virgins are very clingy to their firsts, and that can get old quick for a guy. They end up cheating or dumping, either way the girl smothers them til they find someone more realistic. One thing I do know for sure, it almost always hurts a little the first time. And with the right partner, all the other times can be awesome. why don't guys get clingy with their first? and I see that you answered my question. I asked if people should wait for marriage to have sex, but that's only if you want to save yourself from being crushed, by the guy leaving you after you fell in love with him or became clingy right? also, it's all about the male ego when they try to get the girl that never gives...for them it's like cracking a code, if they end up cracking it and getting inside, then they will feel accomplished, tell their friends, then go try to crack another code.... Thank you, you were helpful! You are welcome. To answer the question about why guys don't get clingy, its because they have that happen at a younger age. Most boys lose their virginity in their teens. Believe it or not, it is by girls who have lost their virginity at a young age as well and ALSO have that tendency to try unmarked territory. By the time they go out with girls like myself, they have already covered a lot of relationship ground. They know that sex is just a side effect of being with someone. ITS A HELLUVA LOT OF FUN, but its not the connection to love and happiness either. I have a friend whose husband is severely disabled in his back, they can't do much. However, they love each other and that is what is important to them. My brother, has no emotional connection to any of his girlfriends. He never wanted to get married and he doesn't. He still has no problem finding girls to get laid. He'd never knowingly be with a virgin b/c he knows the score and prefers women who know as well. |
Good morning all and welcome all newcomers. ![]() Water, I see the horns behind those halos. ![]() Shayna.........your kitty di it???? That's a lot of alcohol for a little kitty. I suspect some funny business going on.... ![]() I truly believe she was George Patton in her former life. Always walking around ordering me about. "meow, reaooww, MEOW!" |
The older we get,,,,
the older i get, the more I realize that i have nothing to lose in following my dreams.
I also like the other band maynard created as well.