Community > Posts By > artcat

artcat's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:18 AM

I should be gay, I have so many chica friends .. LMAO

Gay: cheery: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile"
full of or showing high-spirited merriment.

Well alrighty then ..I AM Gay !!!

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Okay then! hahahaha

artcat's photo
Sun 11/09/08 09:14 AM

Judy is da bestest

Can't argue you with ya there Wyle! ;~) Good morning.

CAT!! flowers I still have your jewelry darlin .. email me an addy I can send it to k?

K Judy, you are the absolute best, girl!

artcat's photo
Sun 11/09/08 08:43 AM

Judy is da bestest

Can't argue you with ya there Wyle! ;~) Good morning.

artcat's photo
Sun 11/09/08 06:04 AM

I'm headed to Ft. Collins .. gonna party with Jenn and Dave, and stay in the Hilton @ CSU .. my home away from home

See my son tomorrow ...... oh ya babyyyyyyyy

Good morning.......Judy, say hi to Jenn and Dave for me will ya? I hope you have a great day with your son today. flowerforyou

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 08:43 PM
You gotta challenge them to a duel.....boogers at ten paces! rofl

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 07:25 PM
How many of you are like me I wonder? How many of you have yet to discover you are like me?

I've always loved hugs, still do tremendously. It wasn't until my husband died though that I discovered just how important the gift of touch was to me.

It was the first thing I missed. I never realized how much we had touched one another throughout the day, and in how many ways. It began before I even awakened, he'd be holding me, his arm draped over me and tucked under me for about the last hour before we rose. We hugged at least three times each day. I was "touched" by his voice several times during the day depending on how many things he'd "forget" to tell me. Then there were the moments he would grab my hand or touch my shoulder or back or arm or face. And let's not leave out the kisses.

I have to wonder how many of us have this need/desire to be touched. I can only imagine how desolate it would be to go whole days, weeks or longer without coming into some kind of physical touch with another human being. I do think it would make me physically ill. In fact, I believe that everyone in this world would be so much better off physically, spiritually, psychologically and emotionally if they had AT LEAST three GOOD hugs per day.

Children never get enough of it. My students always come up to me to give or get a hug from me all the time. This is no longer allowed thanks to political correctness and the exposure of so much sexual misconduct. But I never stop them, I just make sure there is always someone else around. My granddaughter, who gets tons of love and hugs, comes running and tackle hugs all those with whom she is close and the second she gets her arms around you she wraps her leg around you too for extra measure.

Give someone a hug today, you might just be giving them exactly what they need.

This poem could be describing me!

Touch Me
by Juliet Klieman

Touch me
In secret places
No one has reached before
In silent places
Where words only interfere
In sad places
Where only whispering makes sense.
Touch me
In the morning
When night still clings
At midday
When confusion
crowds upon me
At twilight
When I see you and hear you
Best of all
Touch me
Like a child
Who will never have enough love
For I am a girl
Who wants to be lost in your arms
A woman
Who has known enough pain to love.
Touch me
In crowds
When a single look says everything
In solitude
When it's too dark to even look
In absence
When I reach for you through time and miles.
Touch me
In winter
When darkness comes early
And the softness of fur surrounds my face
In summer
When the sun makes me languid
And water laps at my feet
In spring
When lovers come alive
In fall
When the woods call to wanderers
And dry leaves make the softest pillows.
Touch me
When I ask
When I'm afraid to ask.
Touch me
With your lips
Your hands
Your words
Your presence in the room.
Touch me
For I am fragile
For I am strong
For I am alone.
Touch me
Not like a cat
Or even a tree
Or even a flower
For I am more than all these yet akin to them;
A woman.
Touch me
I was made to be touched.
I can never be touched enough.

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 02:11 PM
Edited by artcat on Sat 11/01/08 02:14 PM

Seems women with "a few extra pounds" are stubborn and demanding too.laugh laugh laugh

Oh stop acting as if you don't love that too! At least when it concerns women perving you! laugh laugh laugh

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:26 PM
Krupa, I think everyone could agree that apathy in any form is never pretty.

I'm sure you must be sensitive and aware enough as well to know that the pressures of today's society constantly raining down on women in particular who are larger, because of the skewed advertizing blitz being carried out by the Wall Street media moguls. This, of course, tends to engender a sense of false self image among women in general and a lower sense of self esteem among women who are larger, be it by a little or a lot.

You saw me suggest that everyone should love yourself, all of yourself regardless of the state your body happens to be in and I reiterate that because that is the healthiest course. The more we love ourselves, the better care we will take of ourselves.

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:19 PM
Georgiagirl and Voluptous, I'm so sorry for your losses. I've been there too. flowerforyou flowerforyou

I was heavy before I lost my husband though. My thyroid went, I used to be a skinny minnie so now I've been on both ends of the scale. Guess I'll be staying on this end though since no matter what I've done I can never seem to lose more than 20lbs.

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:00 PM

See, I made this cause of a thread last night where a poster basically was stating how he didn't like to date women with this body type. And, that thread (which eventually got locked) went into so many directions that I felt I would start a thread about how women who are not skinny...are hot and sexy. My opinion of course, but anyways.....yeah....peanut butter jelly time rules.laugh laugh laugh

Thanks Goof and all you other guys that appreciate us REAL women.

You know Dove started their campaign for a very valid reason! In our media driven society where the pictures/videos we see are NOT necessarily representative of the actual reality of the models they were derivative of, it's extremely important that our children understand this fact. Everyone should love themselves for who they matter what state your body is in at the moment, love all of you.

artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 09:54 AM
Maybe I should try it.....

okay, looking for volunteers, the line starts here ~~~~>


artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 09:46 AM
नमस्ते Um like that? hehehehehe

Oh yeah, that says Ne how.....I think......which means hi! laugh bigsmile


artcat's photo
Sat 11/01/08 09:41 AM
I prefer nibbling myself but if you bite me I'm biting back! ;~) MEOW

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:53 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:47 PM

taco bell ideal for spring cleaning bigsmile

so is white castle. why do you think they call them
i dont know, doesnt fare well for me, how about you koury?

I've never had white castle...sounds like a real treat though..
basically you eat burgers the size of your hand, very small. ohwell im not a fan personally

And sort of similar to the taste of cardboard, yuk!

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:41 PM


happy good to see you here! ..well, not really..HERE..blushing but here!!

Hi Koury,

yeah, with all this talk I think I'm glad I'm not there, there! Hahahaha, j/k

"butt" then you could see her cute pooping face she makes

So Phil.......then you're saying you've seen it?laugh

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:37 PM


happy good to see you here! ..well, not really..HERE..blushing but here!!

Hi Koury,

yeah, with all this talk I think I'm glad I'm not there, there! Hahahaha, j/k

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 07:29 PM

anyone seen pooping girl? she hasnt updated this thread for 2 days

Geez Phil, I sure hope she doesn't have the runs! noway

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:14 PM
Happy Birthday Judy!!!
I hope it was a great one.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

artcat's photo
Sat 10/18/08 02:06 PM
Edited by artcat on Sat 10/18/08 02:06 PM

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