Community > Posts By > brooke007

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:14 PM
dear diary.........

stupid crazy thoughts...

what do they mean?????????

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:13 PM
My horoscope fits me.
so......DO i belive that love IS written in the stars??? follow my birth chart???
can signs mean compatability??

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:11 PM

tina..ive seen u on my space..
im sending u a request.
right now..
cuz i am logged on to both..

u r on either peccy's or lil angels
i was on peccys old account.he deleted it and make a new one.yep i do.i'll emailed it

ive checked peccys account.
he deleted his old one???LOL
i though my daughter hacked my my space and deleted him...

but he is on my friend list now..we had re requested
i need MORE friends!!!! not coputer smart...i cant work off that..
email a username
Here ya go.

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:08 PM too...

my real profile is on my my is more personal...

find me and send me a request tina. I want o see yours.
if im gonna hook u up with my uncle...LOL!!!!

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:02 PM

tina..ive seen u on my space..
im sending u a request.
right now..
cuz i am logged on to both..

u r on either peccy's or lil angels
i was on peccys old account.he deleted it and make a new one.yep i do.i'll emailed it

ive checked peccys account.
he deleted his old one???LOL
i though my daughter hacked my my space and deleted him...

but he is on my friend list now..we had re requested
i need MORE friends!!!!

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 11:00 PM
i aint sleepin in th4e bathtub!!!!
i will sleep in my bed..and if she tries to hog it..i will KICK HER!!!

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:59 PM
i cant find ur space tina..I dont think u got one

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:55 PM
tina..ive seen u on my space..
im sending u a request.
right now..
cuz i am logged on to both..

u r on either peccy's or lil angels

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:51 PM
is asleep in my bed.
her oldest is on my couch.
her twins are in my sons bunk beds.
her middle child is in my daughers room.

I have no place to sleep.

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:46 PM
depends on WHY we split up.

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:43 PM
idk..Im still trippin that my friend tried to hook me up with a police officer and that i jetted that place so quickly. i think it was cuz i took two shots and he told me to put my hands behind my back...IDK

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:39 PM
i would like to go fishing, star gaze, get my feet dirty, or ride on a motorcycle.biggrin biggrin biggrin

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:36 PM
u r who u r.
be happy about that.
have fun with that.

and that will make ur self esteem much better..
focus on YOU

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:33 PM
How to Recognize Cancer "The Crab"
June 22nd - July 23rd

These people don't pant after the spotlight like the other extroverted signs, but Cancerians have an uncanny sense of publicity, when it pleases them to be noticed. Cancerian can daydream with the best of them and they have vivid imagination. They are usually at their best outside under the moon light and stars.
(short report)

I just want to watch the stars with someone

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:30 PM

?? huh is what do I do with ya ! once I caught ya !! frustrated frustrated I just don't know !!!!!laugh laugh

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:29 PM
dont like parties

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:28 PM
u r beautiful...u just need to past more babycakes...biggrin biggrin biggrin

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:21 PM

so love is a sales gimic???

laugh laugh It would appear so.. Because some try to sell themselves as to how a good partner they would be.

cant people jsut be themselves anymore???
i would just be me...thats all i will ever offer..
and im ALOT to handle LOL

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:19 PM
I am only 30 in human years...

12 in mermaid years

brooke007's photo
Sat 08/02/08 10:17 PM
i like posting all my thoughts...

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