Community > Posts By > mrburton71

mrburton71's photo
Thu 02/17/11 11:18 PM

not sure about the over thinking part but ... if we take string theory into the picture then lots of things change... the big bang is losing its appeal.

a multiverse is taking form and black holes may be the portals between universes. ... my thought.

its all done with math ... and math now says there are many many universes.

just think fractels and add universes.

I am a proponent of String Theory, M Theory and super symmetric theory. I think they offer the best explanations of how the universe is actually structured and functions. Although the theories are untestable at the moment, intuition, logic and some high mathematics makes these theories plausible. However, its almost as if the more we find out about black holes, time, The Big Bang, etc., the more we discover how much we really don't know. There are so many different equations that can be inserted into a myriad scenarios that anyone at this point could be right about anything. We have only recently discovered that not only is there a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way (our galaxy), but there may also be a black hole at the galactic core of every galaxy in the known universe. Do galaxies form around black holes or do black holes produce galaxies (the old chicken or the egg conundrum)?
I disagree with one gentleman said earlier about always moving forward in time. I think the only thing linear about time is our perception of it. Our limited 4D experience only allows us to perceive time as going forward, just as we are unable to experience the other Planck scale-sized dimensions to our physical reality. The universe is made of circles...why not time? Are time and space not the same fabric? Hypothetically speaking, if you could walk around the universe would you not at some point end up where you began?

mrburton71's photo
Sat 01/15/11 06:23 PM
Hi everybody