Being who you are
No I believe that people shouldnt try to change eachother Take as Iam or take me at all
Never Again
No I will never give up on love
47 and feeling better then ever
Am I the only one????
no plans tonight
47 and feelin better then ever
I am here its nice to know there are actually some people on here from Iowa Iam from Des Moines
where do you all work?
I am executive housekeeper at a hotel
Who all is here in Iowa?
Hey Iam here and been wandering if theres any good single men left here if your out there let me know Iam from Des Moines
I am kinda partial to long hair as long as they have a personality to go with it
The mutual match thing
I get alot of matches and then send a email,but hardly anyone responds ,but a few do.
Answer this one, ladies.
New Years alone
I had offers ,but having to work I decide to stay in with a bottle of wine and besides just because iam alone today doent mean I have be alone tomorrow
New Years alone
Me too .gotta work tomorrow
NO I work in the hospitality business but I believe there is enough bs goin on I am brutalty honest people and I dont think its too much to ask for it in return.Iam be real or be gone
Why is it so hard for people on line to be honest I am so sick of phoney people if you cant be yourself then dont be on people are on here to meet new people and to make new friends and I dont know abot the rest of you ,but honesty and trust are the key ingredients in my relationships and my friendships.
A love poem for no one=)
thats really pretty I have green eyes, lol
feeling used
Believe it if it wasnt against the rules I would .
feeling used
Yes it will be ok. just dont give up there is somebody for evrybody out there,but take some time and let your heart mend.
feeling used
Hey Dont give up there are still some good guys out there some where and I am not going to quit looking untill I find one .
Dont throw away the whole busehel because of one bad apple. I am not let him win he did take my trust in men away he just made it a little shaky . |
feeling used
Was he from Grundy and have blue eyes