Community > Posts By > minglerose3

minglerose3's photo
Sat 01/10/15 09:35 AM
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Actually, I shortened my profile a great deal and took out a lot of details because the feedback I was getting said I was too intimidating. lol Seems like I can't win for losing. I don't know how to define myself with less information.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 01/10/15 07:19 AM
I know I'm going to get killed for this but I think honesty is the best way to go here. When I read 'hard working single father' which will almost always have something in the profile about family being a priority in their life, I already know I will never be better than 4th best in his life. Job, kids, and family (parents,etc) are always going to be more important than me. That's too much to sacrifice for me.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 01/10/15 07:08 AM
Okay, I totally get that I'm overweight and that's an understandable hurdle, but there has to be something more than that preventing decent men from replying. I've had a profile on here for years and post updated pictures every few months but have NEVER had a single date. If someone could please read the ad and tell me what it is I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciated it.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 10/04/14 06:53 AM
The lack of any details of what you are looking for makes the profile seems narcissistic. If that's who you are, then by all means leave it as is. If it's just a misstep in how you represented yourself, I would say ad some details about who it is you are looking for,for balance.

Good luck to you

minglerose3's photo
Sat 10/04/14 06:45 AM
picture is clear, info seems pretty clear on what you are looking for. Not at all who I am looking for but I think the profile I more than reasonable.

Best of luck to you

minglerose3's photo
Sat 10/04/14 06:40 AM
crazy? There's hardly anything on it. You haven't defined what you are looking for, but I'm guessing it's just a hook up. Craig's list seems like a better forum for you.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 10/04/14 06:39 AM
Most women on a 'dating' site are not looking for friends, they're looking for dates. Additionally, your image (because it is not a clear picture of you) and missing information says you aren't serious about whatever it is you ARE looking for.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 10/04/14 06:24 AM
is it wrong to lie? Well I suppose it depends on if you are talking about a relationship or just hooking up. Just hooking up? yeah, sure, lie if you can do it convincingly. It's about just giving each other what you need right? But if it is a relationship, don't ever lie. You don't have to tell the whole truth, but don't lie.

Honestly if she's the type who is asking you 'does my butt look big in these pants', she's already got enough emotional issues and insecurities. She's the last person that needs you to lie. If you can't honestly tell her what she wants to hear, don't answer. Of course if it was me, I would just see it as a flag to get the hell out of the relationship, but to each his own. lol

minglerose3's photo
Sat 08/31/13 06:15 AM
Thanks JulieMP, the 'somewhere' ... that's the site I want. is that '" lol

thanks for the feedback

minglerose3's photo
Sat 08/31/13 06:13 AM
Thank you! all very helpful. I will work with that.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 08/31/13 06:12 AM
Thank you, yes that's true, i'm not home with any consistency over the next 10 months, but I had basically the same profile up when I was living in Indiana with no viable results.

thanks for the feed back, I appreciate it.

minglerose3's photo
Sat 08/31/13 06:10 AM
Thanks for the feed back. It's always good to have someone reassure me that I'm not crazy. I didn't realize there were so many inactive profiles. I DO search for men and i'm not really into the wink nudge thing as I think just e-mailing someone makes a lot more sense, so I do frequently.

Thanks again

minglerose3's photo
Thu 08/29/13 11:57 AM
obviously I'm representing myself badly and just don't know it. Please take a look at my profile and let me know what I'm saying that is a turn off.


minglerose3's photo
Thu 08/29/13 11:54 AM
totally agree with the others about the picture. If someone can't at least take the time to put their photo on correctly, I assume they aren't interested in making a good impression.

minglerose3's photo
Thu 08/29/13 11:52 AM
I agree with the two prior replies but I would add that this... the biggest reason I would pass on your add is because you are obviously trying to hide yourself. Either there is something you don't want us to see or you are just insecure, but the photos tell the story.

minglerose3's photo
Tue 07/30/13 07:42 AM
Qatar is a high degree of caution? lol wow, what wacko colored in this map? I live here(past 18 months). UAE, Qatar, absolutely no need for caution.

minglerose3's photo
Tue 07/30/13 07:31 AM
First, if you are serious about meeting someone for a relationship (i'm not sure what your purpose is), a picture without a shirt on is sending completely the wrong message. Secondly, you are wearing a hat indoors, which means it's not for a functional reason. Hats and sunglasses in a picture make me think the person is trying to hide themselves.

There isn't enough information in your profile to give anyone a reason to get in touch with you. To me, if someone can't take the time to really say something about themselves, then they either don't care how they are represented, or aren't really serious about finding someone.

Hope any of that is useful. Best of luck to you

minglerose3's photo
Tue 07/30/13 07:24 AM
I always think posed pictures are a bad idea and for SURE having another woman in the picture is a bad choice.

Best of luck to you

minglerose3's photo
Tue 07/30/13 07:18 AM
sorry, the post really just doesn't strike me one way or the other. The sideways picture thing is always a problem, it tends to say that you don't care,so maybe not making it your main picture would be a good idea.

You seem to be clear about what you are looking for, which is good, it's just not very warm and fuzzy. lol If I was scrolling through a bunch of profiles, I would think, 'okay, he seems reasonable, and I'd keep going.

Not offensive, but doesn't jump off the page.

Best of luck to you

PS a smile would be nice.

minglerose3's photo
Tue 07/30/13 07:13 AM
totally agree on the smile thing, you want to look warm and inviting. I also take issue with people who post pictures with shades. To me it says they are trying to hide something. If you want to appear honest and approachable, post a clear picture, looking at the camera with a smile.. works every time ;)

Good luck to you

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