Community > Posts By > just_mary

just_mary's photo
Sat 12/22/07 07:53 AM
In a land far away

They will be with us in spirit

Would that we all remember them

On this special day

That they know we do not forget

May our love surround them

In a special way

Around our trees we may sit

Free to celebrate because of them

Free to worship in our own way

Free in ways others may not get

To be able to sing any hymn

On this Holy Day

May we all take a minute

To make a toast to them

That we show in some way

That their sacrifices we get

That our hearts are with them

On this Christmas Day

just_mary's photo
Sat 12/22/07 07:52 AM
I awoke to find

My cat has strewn

Yarn through four rooms

Reminding me why I did not

Put up a tree this year

I go back a few years in my mind

Colorful sparkling ornaments are strewn

Glue used to fuse glitter across the room

Colorful images of tangles and knots

And a kitten in the middle of the tree

Looking at me with not an ounce of fear

Anger melted and laughter I did find

As I gathered ornaments from across the room

Disengaging a kitten from several tangled knots

The tree looked almost as good as new

Broken ornaments I found very few

The kitten got toys new

To help distract it from the view

Of the pretty tree

As much for the kitten as the tree

Eleven years later he is still with me

Playing with a ball of yarn to tease me

just_mary's photo
Fri 12/21/07 06:25 AM

just_mary's photo
Fri 12/21/07 06:25 AM

just_mary's photo
Fri 12/21/07 06:24 AM
thank you both

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:36 PM
oh I love this so hopeful I love those that find solutions and with little changes we can change the world albeit slowly

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:34 PM
I am certain that there are real men as well as real women but we seem few and far between and well for some reason it is hard to get the two together. but we keep looking if we have a heart

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:30 PM
Torn between the ism's

I have felt at times

I am a Christian who is Spiritual

The sign out front does not dictate my faith

But the spirit and faith within

Gets me in trouble at times

I refuse to limit my faith

For myself or others

If you truly believe

It lives in your heart

It is expressed in your spirit

Faith does not need a label

When I stumble it lifts me

When I cry it comforts me

I have seen it in so many others

With so many different labels

Who am I to say which is right

That would limit the light

So in this Holiday Season

I try to show I remember the reason

Without thrusting my beliefs on others

For me personally that detracts

From the spirit I wish to share

Praying that my acts

Will show I care

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 08:30 PM
On a day when I am grumpy

When I have spilled my coffee

As the dog drug me across the yard

Everything from then on seems fated

My phone will ring and I hear that friendly hi

As if you knew I needed to hear from you

Have the winds been telling on me

In seconds you have me laughing

Giggling like a school girl

Like the sun coming out

You make me smile

my friend

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 06:11 AM
Torn between the ism’s
I have felt at times
I am a Christian who is Spiritual
The sign out front does not dictate my faith
But the spirit and faith within
Gets me in trouble at times
I refuse to limit my faith
For myself or others
If you truly believe
It lives in your heart
It is expressed in your spirit
Faith does not need a label
When I stumble it lifts me
When I cry it comforts me
I have seen it in so many others
With so many different labels
Who am I to say which is right
That would limit the light
So in this Holiday Season
I try to show I remember the reason
Without thrusting my beliefs on others
For me personally that detracts
From the spirit I wish to share
Praying that my acts
Will show I care

just_mary's photo
Thu 12/20/07 05:00 AM
this time of year
is so bright for some
while others fight
a forboding darkness
have seen both sides
have been both places
it is a time when people
are either very generous
or very hateful and mean
for those with families
the gatherings are either
joyful or painful
and for some a combination
of both these feelings
for those with no family
it is often very lonely
expectations run so high
that disappointment
is often found
may those of us not fighting
the overwhelming darkness
try in some small way to brighten
the world for ones who are
is my prayer this year

just_mary's photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:25 PM
send me to bed with such thoughts LOL

just_mary's photo
Wed 12/19/07 07:24 PM
love this I want one of those tapestries

just_mary's photo
Wed 12/19/07 12:06 PM
Bundled in her winter coat

She walks in the snowy night

The snow swirling around her

Blocking any view of stars from sight

Her heart is with him miles away

Wondering what he does this night

Suddenly she feels a presence

Like gentle wings brush against her this night

More a stirring of her essence

That lifts her spirit and makes her feel light

Angel or fairy she does not know

Just that this feeling is so bright

Within her the love does glow

In the this stillness of the night

This spirit seems to know

She needs its presence this night

Hoping he has a similar visit

From such a blessed sprite

just_mary's photo
Tue 12/18/07 11:55 AM
Given a tree but it looked bare

Grateful for the one string of lights

But ornaments seemed necessary

Who wants a unadorned tree

Money, there was none to spare

That bare tree was one of the saddest sights

Creativity was now necessary

A silk blouse with lace, I could spare

Stuffing from a pillow that had seen too many fights

Needle and thread I had a plenty

Cutting and stuffing in a frenzy

Homemade ornaments the tree would wear

And the one string of blinking lights

When the wee ones saw it , they were merry

I felt as blessed as I could be

For a few precious moments I had not a care

For their eyes gleaming was one of the most beautiful sights

just_mary's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:40 AM
when our day is hard
we turn to each other
little quips make us smile
a hug can be uplifting
a cup of tea
to lift our spirits
we turn to
dear friends
to soothe our hurts
to give each other strength
we can not make the world right
for one another always
but we can make it warmer
and know we are not alone

just_mary's photo
Wed 12/12/07 10:19 AM
As this year comes to an end
I try to list my blessings
To weigh this year against the rest
Is not really the reason for this test
I have not become wealthy
I am not really very healthy
But I have so many blessings
So many dear friends
A place to lay my head at night
More food than I really need
So though everything may not be just right
I have all that I really need
As I look out amidst this world
I can see my blessings unfurled
This year I will share
Christmas with many who care
I wish all were equally blessed
That none were overly stressed
So I will spend some time on my knees
Sending to heaven heartfelt pleas
And thanking God for my relative ease

just_mary's photo
Wed 12/12/07 10:17 AM

just_mary's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:59 PM
no aplology needed Wolfeyes those of us who have not found our loves have hope when we see yours and as long as I can dream I have hope

just_mary's photo
Tue 12/11/07 07:49 PM
mine is still a dream but I can hope your love gives us all hope