Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Fri 10/04/24 02:53 PM
Deer crossing

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Fri 10/04/24 02:53 PM
Tired, but very happy and satisfied with having my place all set up nice and homey, before starting my work week tomorrow.

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Fri 10/04/24 02:47 PM

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Fri 10/04/24 02:46 PM
Ahoy there matey

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Fri 10/04/24 02:44 PM

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Fri 10/04/24 02:59 AM
Daily writings

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Fri 10/04/24 02:55 AM
Meditation room

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Fri 10/04/24 02:46 AM
409 waving

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Fri 10/04/24 02:45 AM
Mountains near the ocean, haha

Vegetable garden or flower garden?

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Fri 10/04/24 02:41 AM
Slept an hour longer than usual, haha

Guess Hammer and Stormy went back to sleep, so Vibes is next?

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Fri 10/04/24 02:39 AM

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Fri 10/04/24 02:37 AM
Pretty sure everything I have would fit in a mid-size van. The kitchen stuff still needs to be put away, thought it would be nice to sit back and relax while someone else finishes, hahaha.

Wonder what kind of indoor city related stuff Slim likes to do?

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Fri 10/04/24 02:24 AM
Thinking I really like this backlight feature on my laptop.

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Fri 10/04/24 02:22 AM
Happy Friday everyone!

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Fri 10/04/24 02:16 AM
I wonder if Stormy has time before she goes to Seattle to come down here and help me finish unpacking? laugh

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Thu 10/03/24 03:03 AM
Now empowerment

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Thu 10/03/24 02:21 AM
Thinking about how an artist feels when he/she sits in front of an empty canvas, getting ready to create a new masterpiece. Beginning a new chapter in life feels much like that.

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Thu 10/03/24 01:44 AM
Happy new home

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Wed 10/02/24 02:31 AM

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Wed 10/02/24 02:29 AM
Pleasant word

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