Community > Posts By > saucy_redhead36

saucy_redhead36's photo
Mon 10/25/10 05:40 PM
A TRUE Christian doesn't hate homosexuals. I do honestly believe that its those who are there to "play the part", they may actually be afraid to "come out" about their own sexuality so they take the chance to try to fool themselves into thinking theyre not in fact homosexual by treating others in such an unfair, AND unchristianlike manner. Maybe its because they have been brought up to hate also. Often times there are many deeper psychological issues behind it as well. Dont get me wrong to think Im "sticking up" for christians in that way. Im was merely implying that there is a difference to show someone in a kind way, what the Bible actually does say regarding homosexuality as opposed to bigotry and hatred shoving religion down someones throat. There is always a difference. If someone does not know something and you provide them with the information and someone agrees with it, then by all means its ok, but when someone does the same thing and someone disagrees with it, its like people take offense to it. Now, Im not saying this is so for many people. Im just saying that about the ones who actually do care and are not full of hatred such as what we are speaking about. Any honest to goodness christian should only say something once, love that person unconditionally and just pray for that person. Also you are right in saying that NO ONE IS PERFECT!! Absolutely correct!! I remember our pastor saying many of times he is not perfect in anyway, hes not God, nor does he proclaim to be and he is just another man preaching the word. He also has said several times that there isnt a church where everyone has it altogether, where no one has any problems or where people arent struggling with addictions, and there is only one who ever walked the earth who has not sinned and was hung on the cross for our sins. He said if there's someone in the room that has everything going perfectly in their lives and has never had a problem and is perfect to please share their secrets. Those of us who truly love each other do not share in the hatred of the people. As Jesus said, hate the sin and not the sinner. You mentioned that back in another post I do believe and that is correct. The Bible also mentions that no one sin is greater than the other, but some are listed as if you participate in those sins without a true repentance than heaven will not be in your future. I do like what you pointed out in #4. and yes I do agree with that as well. I think we all just need to learn to play nice together lol none of this oh youre gay or youre black or youre muslim or jewish. We are ALL Gods creations. Oh and btw I attended church faithfully, love many of the people at it, sang in the choir, etc. I was about as active in the church as the pastor himself. However, I too had problems with someone in the church who caused a lot of problems-one of those that wants to play the part of the nice little christian girl. I know somewhat how LGBT could feel about the anxiety and other things that come with coming out. I am bi(curious) and if I like it, Ill stay that way. So I kinda understand

saucy_redhead36's photo
Mon 10/25/10 02:37 PM
Im also not saying that anyone should be killed or harrassed or bullied because of any beliefs. I dont care if youre Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. It is not nice to do and people should just leave others alone. My son was bullied in school because he has a disability. It caused him to want to commit suicide as well, he did not. This went on for 4 years and I didnt find out about it until the 3rd. The kids moved and it stopped til the last year. The bullying finally stopped due to unfortunate circumstances. They were killed in a crash on the way to school. And you know what? Though my son has a disability, he still wanted to pay respect and went to their funeral. These boys had their own problems, theyd also been picked on when they were younger. Unfortunately it is a cycle that needs to come to a halt. Who's going to stop it? No one unless everyone can set aside their differences and get in there and talk to these kids and let them know that their lives arent worth taking. We ALL need to set aside our differences because our differences are the very thing that keep hatred alive without education and added ignorance. It's a sad thing to think about but, nevertheless, so true. That goes for everyone, not just the believers or the non believers. If people dont get educated on the facts instead of making assumptions about crap they only THINK they know, we will all end up dead-why? Because of uneducated, ignorance filled differences.

saucy_redhead36's photo
Mon 10/25/10 02:26 PM
To blame religion and christianity for suicides, etc related to LGBT individuals is rediculous. If someone goes and shoots someone that pissed them off because someone else made them mad, whos going to be blamed for the shooting? Its not the person who ticked the shooter off but the actual one pulling the trigger. When I make mistakes I have to own up to them because of something I DID, not someone else. Whoever said on here that we are given free will, well, you are correct. Yes, we are given free will. We are given the free will to live anyway we like to do so, but are we willing to pay the consequences rendered for our actions without trying to blame someone else? There are bad seeds in every church wanting to look and play the part-I know, Ive had to deal with them myself, in my own church. BUT there are wonderful people in them as well who would do anything for anyone. Those bad seeds, however, are the ones that make the church look bad, the ones who want to SHOVE RELIGION down peoples throats. My gay cousin has had this happen to him and his partner. It's about having a relationship with God and loving others as Christ loved the church. If those that truly show what God's love means then they would be showing it in a different way, or perhaps this is how they were taught to do so-not always a great excuse, but it does happen on occasion. The Bible DOES say there are particular things that will not get you to heaven and it is clear about this. It's not in grey, but in plain black and white (ok and sometimes red too lol) for people to understand without having to ask questions due to misinterpretation. It's not just about being "good" people. It's living your life as close as possible to the way Christ lead his own. If youre going to bash the Bible, at least get your crap right before spouting off in a forum.