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Mon 11/01/10 08:32 PM
IF WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS NOT REFLECTED IN THE LIFE YOU LEAD, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? this is a tough one. cowboy and david have some great points. if you believe in something with your whole heart then your actions should ultimately reflect that. im also compassionate and understand that people have things in their life that they struggle with that may hinder them from walking according to what they profess to believe in. weights and balances man, does your struggles outweigh what you believe in. |
Well, most "Christians" as well as others would use the "doctrines of men" to condemm others. Read Romans 2 and make up your own mind. ![]() Well, if Romans 2 is in contradiction with the scriptures of John then they only thing I can suggest is the hearsay rumors called the "New Testament" are inconsistent and in contradiction with themselves: [color=blue John 3: [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. "but he that believeth not is condemned already" If it says otherwise in Romans 2 then these hearsay rumors are clearly ambiguous and cannot be trusted to speak truth. In fact, this is indeed my conclusion of this whole collection of fables from the beginning of the Old Testament to the revelations of John at the end of the New Testament. It's just contradictions and inconsistencies at every turn of the page the whole way through the cannon of stories. you cannot read the bible with a carnal mind and expect to understand it. every book in the bible is supported by one or more other books. some books you have to read and understand in order to know what another book is talking about. |
Being Born Again
I have no need of being 'born again'. God has been with me from the moment of my birth. Truly, I can't even begin to imagine existing without God. I never had that experience so I have no clue how that could even work. you said it very well abracadabra, you never had that experience so you dont understand how it works. this is an experience every human being must have. without this experience it is very difficult to understand it or really comprehend much of what the bible is speaking about. i didnt understand it before it happened to me. i know the bible seems to condradict itself but that is because people read it on the surface. if you dig a little deeper and have an understanding of the spiritual nature of God, you will find that all the books from the old to the new testament actually relate, tie in, and support each other. i can only credit the understanding that i have to the grace of God through his spirit. you cannot read the bible with a carnal mind and expect to understand it. |
Well, most "Christians" as well as others would use the "doctrines of men" to condemm others. Read Romans 2 and make up your own mind. ![]() Well, if Romans 2 is in contradiction with the scriptures of John then they only thing I can suggest is the hearsay rumors called the "New Testament" are inconsistent and in contradiction with themselves: [color=blue John 3: [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. "but he that believeth not is condemned already" If it says otherwise in Romans 2 then these hearsay rumors are clearly ambiguous and cannot be trusted to speak truth. In fact, this is indeed my conclusion of this whole collection of fables from the beginning of the Old Testament to the revelations of John at the end of the New Testament. It's just contradictions and inconsistencies at every turn of the page the whole way through the cannon of stories. It does not say differently in Romans 2. Romans 2 is talking about being judged by our father for our sins. And the wrath of our father on the unrighteous. That's where Jesus comes in. Who so ever believes on him is not condemned. That is because Jesus sacrificed himself to die in your place for your sins. That is why who ever does not accept Jesus is condemned already, for their sins stay with them and are not forgiven cause they did not accept the sacrifice for them. Amen. very well put, you couldnt have said it better. thanks for your input. |
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Sun 10/31/10 09:50 PM
| the 'rules' of god as layed out in the oft quoted book... Living in such a way as to be the perfect example of a christian but for one small thing. They do not accept Jesus... Are they damned? Would god allow them in his 'heaven'? Would they be denied eternal life? ![]() there is no eternal life or entering into heaven without Jesus. you cannot live a perfect christian life without him. there is no other way to God except through Jesus. you cannot know or love God without Jesus. it is black and white my friend, no grey areas. people like to quote scriptures alot so if your still having trouble with your questions then John 14 verse 6-7 should answer it. |
Being Born Again
I have no need of being 'born again'. God has been with me from the moment of my birth. i respect your stand and leave that to you and God. |
Being Born Again
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Sun 10/31/10 09:23 PM
this subject has been touched many times but it is important that people understand this miracle. i am not asking any questions, just stating what it is to be born again. im making this post because there are many christians who are missing the mark and causing others to do so by telling them that they only need to believe to be born again. if this were so them Jesus would not have told nicodemus that he needed to be born of the water and the spirit(John3:3), this does not take place in your mind.i think about the ones that said that they did miracles and cast out demons in the name of Jesus and he told them to depart from him and that he didnt know them. where did their belief get them? our belief only causes us to be born again, it doesnt make us born again. i urge every who struggles with this matter to read the book of acts, paying special attention to the first 2 chapters, and Romans 8:9. it amazes me how many so called christians reject this concept. it is impossible to truly worship God or work any righteousness without his spirit. when God looks at you, does he see his spirit in you. the spirit literally resides in the born again person. its not just someone saying "i got Jesus in my heart", anyone who has been truly reborn understands that this is something that cannot be mistaken or guessed. if you have been born again then you know without a doubt. this is the seal of redemption.
i just want to add that i am not trying to condemn anyone or saying anyone will go to hell for not recieving this. everyone is free to choose what they want to believe, im just putting it out there. |
yeah, this is a very nice song and so true too. my favorite is "Only You" by the david crowder band. "How he loves us" is another wonderful song by this band. they really have some great songs |
Are you sure?
You cannot understand God's Word if you don't trust Him. How can I reasonably trust an alleged Creator who gave me a potentially fatal lesion inside my brain before I was born? Actually, the last episode did technically kill me briefly, but I knew what was happening before it got totally past the point of no return and I was in the back of an Advanced Life Support Unit ready to be airlifted to Johns Hopkins if necessary when it happened. And I can hear it now-- God was responsible for the events that brought me back and that I'm not somehow converted by that experience must mean that Satan has it hooks in me somehow. Don't you just love it? The way that people who have NO experience about your particular experiences with Hell on Earth offering their OPINIONS on What Really Happened? -Kerry O., "Touche!" kerryo, i have never been that close to death so i cant tell you that i know or understand how you feel. i can only tell you that i am very sorry and sincerely feel for you. the one thing i am sure of is that God is just, faithful, and true. he may or may not have caused your condition, i dont know. i can tell you that God is not responsible or doesnt cause all the misfortune that comes upon us. satan does not have his hooks in you and your condition may not be cause by sin. i dont know how you feel now but you are still alive today so that has to count for something. please dont let anyone make you feel condemned or guilty about your anger or uncertainty about God for your condition. people fail to realize that God is not this ruthless judge who is waiting to stricken us or strike us down for our disobedience and unbelief. he understands our emotional state more than we do. sorry for being longwinded but i want you to know that whether you belive in him or not, he loves you, and i can tell you that because i know he loves me. he loves the believer and the unbeliever just the same. please grab hold to a little bit of faith and i hope you overcome your condition and live a long and beautiful life. |
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Sun 10/31/10 08:01 PM
ja1379 wrote:
thank you for getting back to the original question. i started this post because i wonder that the question of God being real has to burn in the back of your mind because you really dont know. just because you are not sure of something doesnt mean it is not so. i am so strong in my faith because i am certain that my God is real and that he is the only God. i am 100% sure and i can say that with confidence, boldness and authority. i am willing to put not just my life on it, but also my soul. can you say with 100% certainty that there is no God? think about that, can you really say with 100% certainty that there is no God. you dont have to answer that because i already know. i just want you to think about that. if you think about it, we are the ones who arent real. God created us, we did not create God. your eyes and heart are shut to him so how can you possibly know if you dont desire to. i truly believe that if you sincerely set your heart to know him and seek him, then you will find him. in order to understand or obtain any knowlege you have to first have a desire to learn it. Apparently you totally missed my point. I'm not an atheist. I'm not saying that I don't believe in the spiritual nature of our existence. What I'm saying is that just because I do believe in spirit doesn't mean that I'm going to run off and worship Zeus, or any other blood-thirsty mythological God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and professes to be a jealous egotistical God. ja1379 wrote:
let me clear this up for all of you who lack understanding and try to disapprove God by saying that it is man made. many people who want an autobioraphy published, dont write it themselves, they tell the writers what they want readers to know about them. there are still people who listen and obey God. yes man wrote the bible, but it is Gods words. paper and ink mean nothing, it is the message that is of value and that messege is from God given to man. God does speak to his people, just because you choose not to listen doesnt mean he is not speaking. Let me clear this up for you. Just because you have accepted one particular version of one particular mythological fairy tale doesn't make it the "Word of God". Also, if I were to say that I speak for God, and you refused to believe me would you then be rejecting God? Or would you simply be refusing to accept the idea that I speak for God? Think about that for a while. It's absolutely impossible to reject a God by refusing to believe in the hearsay rumors of some mortal men. Therefore it's impossible for it to be a grave "sin" to reject the Bible as the "Word of God", yet this is precisely what the authors of the Bible hold to be true. They claim that's it an unforgivable sin to reject their words as being the "Word of God". ![]() Therefore, those authors cannot possibly be telling the truth. They are caught red-handed in an outright lie that can't possibly be true. Also, are you aware that the Bible does not contain a single solitary word from Jesus himself. Nary a one. The entire set of fables is all nothing but hearsay rumors, many of which actually conflict with each other. So to reject these words of men as being the "Word of God" cannot possibly be the same as rejecting a God itself. Thus the Bible is necessarily ungodly, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with any "real" God. The proof is in the pudding. It's absolutely impossible to reject a "God" that hasn't come to you in person in no uncertain terms and revealed itself as the creator of this universe. Anything short of that is necessarily a man-made sham. im sorry for misunderstanding you. i understand now that you are not an atheist and that you do believe in something. this is why i started this post is to get a better understanding of people views(not to argue and dispute) with that being said, to answer your statement about rejecting God, if God sends a prophet or messenger because you are not hearing him directly and you reject the prophet/messenger then you are not rejecting the messenger, you are rejecting God. this is why i dont debate or get mad when someone doesnt recieve what i say. they arent rejecting me, i only speak what i know in the Lord and nothing else. i dont give opinions, just fact. like i said before, God tries to speak to man but some men dont listen or are not at a place in their hearts to hear God. In his love he sends people/prophets/messengers to speak to that individual or nation. you said that you are spiritual, i can tell you that there are only two types of spirits in this world. good spirits(God) and evil spirits(devil). like i said before, i know for a fact that there is only one God because of my experience with him. my faith in this one God is so sure that if every man on this earth denied him, i would still belive and trust in him. Thus is the thinking of every suicide bombing terrorist. People like you give me the willies. A wise person once said, "Never trust anyone who says they've found the truth. Only trust those who are still looking." arcamedees, the only reply i have for you is that you are very foolish and unwise. you have no desire for God and to understand truth. one day you will know the reality of God, THIS IS CERTAIN. it is sad that by the time you know him, it will not be his love but his wrath that you experience. i will no longer reply to any of your post. like i said, you are very foolish and it will be a waste of time replying or furthering any conversation with you. abracadabra doesnt agree with me either, but at least i can say that his comments arent silly and i can somewhat understand and relate to his way of thinking because i wasnt always a believer myself. your words are full of air and have no substance or credit behind it, you are just a silly man. |
Are you sure?
Edited by
Fri 10/29/10 12:43 PM
umm..nope. Either it's put in my hand by the giver OR I pick it up after they've put it down. It's not that kind of a "gift" Arcamedees. It's the kind of "gift" that retail stores offer. In order to qualify for their "gift", you first have to buy their product at an expensive price. It's the same with the Biblical God's "gift". It's just a gimmick to get you sucked into the product. In order to "qualify" for this so-called "gift", you must first agree to give up your own free will and only do the will of the gift-giver, for the rest of eternity. I've always pointed out that this so-called 'gift' is certainly not FREE. It's the most expensive 'gift' you can possible purchase, and you purchase it by devoting your soul to the WILL of another being for all of eternity. God is offering to BUY your soul essentially. Just like the devil supposedly offers to BUY your soul. This mythology was written by extremely uncouth salesman obviously. ![]() you guys arent really getting it. yes you have free will and God wants you to freely love and obey him as he is the Father. do we not want our own children to freely love and obey us as parents. we cant force our children to love us. the point im trying to make is that it is a CHOICE. YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO LOVE OR OBEY HIM. stop thinking that someone is pushing you to. if you choose not to then yes there are consequenses for that choice just as there is for every decision you make in life. if you are in school and you choose not to listen to the instructions of the teacher then you will fail. you will not pass and graduate. can you then say that it is unfair that you failed because you didnt listen and heed instruction? we as parents want the best for our children, thats why we dicipline them and set boundaries for them because they are children and they dont understand everything. we as parents are wiser than children so we instruct them to take the best path in life that keeps them from harm. |
Are you sure?
ja1379 wrote:
thank you for getting back to the original question. i started this post because i wonder that the question of God being real has to burn in the back of your mind because you really dont know. just because you are not sure of something doesnt mean it is not so. i am so strong in my faith because i am certain that my God is real and that he is the only God. i am 100% sure and i can say that with confidence, boldness and authority. i am willing to put not just my life on it, but also my soul. can you say with 100% certainty that there is no God? think about that, can you really say with 100% certainty that there is no God. you dont have to answer that because i already know. i just want you to think about that. if you think about it, we are the ones who arent real. God created us, we did not create God. your eyes and heart are shut to him so how can you possibly know if you dont desire to. i truly believe that if you sincerely set your heart to know him and seek him, then you will find him. in order to understand or obtain any knowlege you have to first have a desire to learn it. Apparently you totally missed my point. I'm not an atheist. I'm not saying that I don't believe in the spiritual nature of our existence. What I'm saying is that just because I do believe in spirit doesn't mean that I'm going to run off and worship Zeus, or any other blood-thirsty mythological God who is appeased by blood sacrifices and professes to be a jealous egotistical God. ja1379 wrote:
let me clear this up for all of you who lack understanding and try to disapprove God by saying that it is man made. many people who want an autobioraphy published, dont write it themselves, they tell the writers what they want readers to know about them. there are still people who listen and obey God. yes man wrote the bible, but it is Gods words. paper and ink mean nothing, it is the message that is of value and that messege is from God given to man. God does speak to his people, just because you choose not to listen doesnt mean he is not speaking. Let me clear this up for you. Just because you have accepted one particular version of one particular mythological fairy tale doesn't make it the "Word of God". Also, if I were to say that I speak for God, and you refused to believe me would you then be rejecting God? Or would you simply be refusing to accept the idea that I speak for God? Think about that for a while. It's absolutely impossible to reject a God by refusing to believe in the hearsay rumors of some mortal men. Therefore it's impossible for it to be a grave "sin" to reject the Bible as the "Word of God", yet this is precisely what the authors of the Bible hold to be true. They claim that's it an unforgivable sin to reject their words as being the "Word of God". ![]() Therefore, those authors cannot possibly be telling the truth. They are caught red-handed in an outright lie that can't possibly be true. Also, are you aware that the Bible does not contain a single solitary word from Jesus himself. Nary a one. The entire set of fables is all nothing but hearsay rumors, many of which actually conflict with each other. So to reject these words of men as being the "Word of God" cannot possibly be the same as rejecting a God itself. Thus the Bible is necessarily ungodly, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with any "real" God. The proof is in the pudding. It's absolutely impossible to reject a "God" that hasn't come to you in person in no uncertain terms and revealed itself as the creator of this universe. Anything short of that is necessarily a man-made sham. im sorry for misunderstanding you. i understand now that you are not an atheist and that you do believe in something. this is why i started this post is to get a better understanding of people views(not to argue and dispute) with that being said, to answer your statement about rejecting God, if God sends a prophet or messenger because you are not hearing him directly and you reject the prophet/messenger then you are not rejecting the messenger, you are rejecting God. this is why i dont debate or get mad when someone doesnt recieve what i say. they arent rejecting me, i only speak what i know in the Lord and nothing else. i dont give opinions, just fact. like i said before, God tries to speak to man but some men dont listen or are not at a place in their hearts to hear God. In his love he sends people/prophets/messengers to speak to that individual or nation. you said that you are spiritual, i can tell you that there are only two types of spirits in this world. good spirits(God) and evil spirits(devil). like i said before, i know for a fact that there is only one God because of my experience with him. my faith in this one God is so sure that if every man on this earth denied him, i would still belive and trust in him. |
Are you sure?
Cowboy wrote:
And I have no idea what you are referring to as the man made construct called a god. I follow no such thing, but i do follow the guidelines our father has given us to follow. The Bible. The bible is the man-made construct of a God. That is indeed what you FOLLOW. In fact, you don't "follow" it, but instead you decide what you believe it should be about by deciding how you will personally interpret it. You keep saying things like "OUR FATHER" expect this that or the other thing. When what you really mean to say is that the various men who wrote the large collections of stories that we have come to call the "Holy Bible" appear to be suggesting that God might potentially want certain things from us, but then again they contradict themselves in these stories so often that it's truly hard to say what this God wants from anyone. That's all you can TRULY SAY. Anything else is a major leap of FAITH on your part. Not only faith that these stories might have had some divine inspiration, but that the versions and conclusions that you personally draw from them might also have some sort of validity. The bottom line is that, even if these stories in the bible were inspired by some supernatural being, that doesn't mean that you interpretations of views of them would represent this "God's" views. So for you to even remotely speak of what "OUR FATHER" wants is basically blaspheme. You need to start every one of your sentences with: "In my personal opinion here's what I think this biblical God seems to want,... blah, blah, blah" Anything less than this is blaspheme. let me clear this up for all of you who lack understanding and try to disapprove God by saying that it is man made. many people who want an autobioraphy published, dont write it themselves, they tell the writers what they want readers to know about them. there are still people who listen and obey God. yes man wrote the bible, but it is Gods words. paper and ink mean nothing, it is the message that is of value and that messege is from God given to man. God does speak to his people, just because you choose not to listen doesnt mean he is not speaking. |
Are you sure?
i often wonder, how can an atheist be so sure that there is no god, that they are willing to jeopardize eternity for a mere 70-100 years of life. its kinda funny because you can be certain that there is a God if you truly know him, but you can never really be certain that there is not if you dont know him. Getting back to the original question of the thread. Why reduce everything to such simplistic terms? Why assume that either a particular specific mythology is true, OR there is no God at all? ![]() This kind of simple-minded view never ceases to amaze me. There are so many other possibilities. It's like saying, "Well, either Zeus was God, or there is no God". I mean why think like that? Why not recognize that the truth of reality might be something far beyond what mankind has previously imagined in his superstitious fairy tales? Why reduce yourself to some particular ancient mythology? Especially a male-chauvinistic mythology that's based on a self-confessed jealous God. A mythology that it riddled with self-contradictions, not to mention blatant errors associated with the status of physical reality. Why focus in on that as a basis for a belief in something supernatural? thank you for getting back to the original question. i started this post because i wonder that the question of God being real has to burn in the back of your mind because you really dont know. just because you are not sure of something doesnt mean it is not so. i am so strong in my faith because i am certain that my God is real and that he is the only God. i am 100% sure and i can say that with confidence, boldness and authority. i am willing to put not just my life on it, but also my soul. can you say with 100% certainty that there is no God? think about that, can you really say with 100% certainty that there is no God. you dont have to answer that because i already know. i just want you to think about that. if you think about it, we are the ones who arent real. God created us, we did not create God. your eyes and heart are shut to him so how can you possibly know if you dont desire to. i truly believe that if you sincerely set your heart to know him and seek him, then you will find him. in order to understand or obtain any knowlege you have to first have a desire to learn it. |
Are you sure?
i often wonder, how can an atheist be so sure that there is no god, that they are willing to jeopardize eternity for a mere 70-100 years of life. its kinda funny because you can be certain that there is a God if you truly know him, but you can never really be certain that there is not if you dont know him. I see no reason to believe that a person's belief is going to have anything at all to do with their eternal fate. That kind of rhetoric only stems from the Abrahamic Religions with their supposed jealous egotistical God who hates anyone who refuses to love him. ![]() Who would want to worship such an ignorant selfish God for eternity anyway? Even if that mythology were true your best bet would be to tell that God to go jump in his lake of fire because he's clearly not worthy of worship. Unless, of course, you'd be willing to worship a demon just to save your butt from death. Personally I would gladly choose death over becoming the mindless slave to an evil demon like the biblical God. Our father hates no one. He only loves. That is why he offers eternal life. If he didn't love you or someone else, would he still offer the eternal life? I think no, but he does. Heaven is merely a gift. Gifts are generally earned in one way or other. Not "bought" but earned through love. umm...If one has to earn a "gift", it's not a gift. It's payment for services rendered. a gift is given in love and not earned. this is very true but in order to recieve that gift one has to reach out and accept it. we who believe reach out with our faith and accept the gift of eternal life that is in Christ Jesus. |
Are you sure?
i often wonder, how can an atheist be so sure that there is no god, that they are willing to jeopardize eternity for a mere 70-100 years of life. its kinda funny because you can be certain that there is a God if you truly know him, but you can never really be certain that there is not if you dont know him. How can you be sure that the God you know is the same God that others also claim to know? How do know that the eternity your God offers is not one of servitude and oppression? What does your God say is the price of a ticket to eternity? (like requirements or pre-requisites) Do you know God on an interactive level - or is the communication just one way (him to you)? Just wondering because Abraham seemed to have a good repore with his God - heck, Abraham even questioned God's judgement conserning Sodom and even persuaded him to lower his expectations. Is that the kind of relationship you have with your God? Is that how well you know him? thank you for your concern and your questions. to answer your first ?, i can only tell you that the God i serve is the only God because his word tells me so. i know this because i dont just claim to know him, i have actually felt his overwhelming presence and i have experienced many of the miracles that are in the bible. you have to understand that God is the same God now as he was then. for your 2nd ?, i know that the eternity that he offers in not one of oppression because fist, he gives us choice to serve him, and 2nd, if you truly have felt his love and presence like i have then there would be no doubt about the peace and joy in heaven. i love to worship him, i cant explain the feeling i get to cry out to him and praise him, all my worries and cares cease in his presence. your 3rd ?, all you need to be saved is faith. your faith will cause you to seek him and understand you need to be born again. your 4th ?, my relationship with God is interactive but mostly on his part. i am a man who struggles with giving up the things of this world just like many others. i dont claim to have it all together but i understand how much he loves me and this causes me to always come back to him and stive to obey and do that which is upright. he mostly speaks to me in dreams, i guess thats the best way he can get my attention is when i am still. he speaks to us all the time but we arent always receptive. i thank you again for your questions and if theres anything else you would like to know please dont hesitate to write me here or send me an email to my profile. |
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its funny but also sad that when i read the remarks that the athiests post, i can feel a sense of anger behind their words. why so angry guys? im trying not to laugh here but i cant help picturing you guys with a scrunched up face while you are typing. listen up close, i dont hate or dislike any of you because you dont believe. believe it or not but i have more compasion for people like you because you are truly blinded. who doesnt have compasion on a blind man? im not trying to convert anyone. i simply state the truth as the holy ghost has taught me and i dont speak on things that i dont fully understand. its your choice to believe or not. if you dont believe, i dont love you any less and neither does God. he loves you just as much as he loves me. this is what is so amazing about him. My, but how condecending. And you wonder why we get angry... Look kid, I'm sure you're a real nice guy and I'm glad you found something that makes you happy but I'm guessing you don't actually debate anything because you can't. If you want to preach unto the masses, I believe there's a place for that. I suggest you go find it. Staying here will only cause you pain. Ask Cowboy how happy he is with his rate of conversions so far... And I've got a lot of respect for him. He at least swings back, so to speak. i can debate with whoever wants to because i am confident in the knowlege that the Lord has given me. i chose not to because i dont believe in arguing over Gods word. i only like to share with those who want to listen. anyone who i feel doesnt care about sincerely knowing God, i dont waist time with. |
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Thu 10/28/10 08:30 AM
this message is for arcamedees. there is no deed or series of deeds, only belief/obedience and unbelief/disobedience first off, the QUOTE button is your friend... ![]() Secondly, I know this is hard for you to understand, but try to follow me here... Believing in something or obeying someone is a DEED. Look it up. You have a finite life in which you will do DEEDS, like believing in things and obeying God and such. And somehow, whatever one does in a finite life merits an infinite reward or punishment? Yeah, that seems fair. ![]() You are still missing the point man. we are not saved by our ACTIONS. only by grace through faith. i really dont expect you to understand. you are one of the blind men that i have compasion for. oh yeah, thanks for the quote tip. |
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Wed 10/27/10 08:35 PM
it depends on what faith you are. according to the bible, God tells us(his people) not to be unequally yoked(joined) with an unbeliever. i understand this is very hard for some people and it seems unfair but he is only looking out for our best interest, which is our relationship with him. he doesnt want anyone to hinder your relationship with him. he also says "how can two walk together, unless they agree". if you are a strong beliver, you may struggle in your marriage because your spouse doesnt understand your faith. i sincerely urge and hope you find someone who shares your faith. i struggle in this area too. it is a beautiful thing to be able to pray and worship with the one you love.
wow. this is a great concept to think about. thank you for your post.