Community > Posts By > Bunslinger

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Thu 10/21/10 07:26 PM
Dubz, sweetie, you're not ready or you haven't met the right girl yet, you said it yourself, "I DATE a lot of drop dead gorgeous ladies & I LIKE them" sounds to me , that you're "dating"

There's no time line here is there? This is exactly what you should be doing, going out meeting people & enjoying their company, it helps you know what you do & don't want in a woman. Sounds to me like you've already learned one thing. Drop Dead Gorgeous hasn't opened your heart yet, she'll come hon, just hang in there, you're just getting through the shiny outside wrapping right now. ;-)

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Wed 10/20/10 10:11 PM
Is there gonna be a quiz on this?

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Wed 10/20/10 10:08 PM

Omg the dirt Shat jokes!

He was sexy though... My brother said that was gross though rofl

the funny thing about this pic is it says "violating space" & at the same time it looks like Shatner is doing a reach behind to give Spock a little "Mind Meld" if ya know what I mean:wink:

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Wed 10/20/10 09:49 PM
two words

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Wed 10/20/10 08:43 PM
Hi Hi!!biggrin

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Wed 10/20/10 08:40 PM
Just now, watching Gracie get a brain freeze while "stealing" some of my coffee icecream...LMAO!!

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Wed 10/20/10 08:33 PM

congrats, auntie.

Thanks, it's still in the scary, we don't know what to think grey area of it all, but she's in good hands & it seems Savannah can't wait to meet us all, "so Godspeed & safe journey to us" !!

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Wed 10/20/10 08:26 PM
George Burns & Gracie Allen, cuddled up with me when I woke up...then getting a call that my niece is in the hospital preparing to give birth (granted a month early ) to my Great niece Savannah tonight/tomorrow..

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Wed 10/20/10 06:11 PM
Jim Morrison (at the height of his career the Lion phase)

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Wed 10/20/10 11:10 AM

i usually have on 30w or transmission fluid, because i find the gear lube to be way too over powering.

LOL, ese!! what no WD40 sprayed behind the ears??

I love Tre`sore by Lancombe ( although the new Halle Berry is nice , especially the purple Orchid one )

On a man, well there's only one that literally & physically makes my knees weak ... Grey Flannel by Geoffrey Beene

...all I can say is OH! MY! GOD!

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Tue 10/19/10 08:13 PM

What? And be best friends with a chick and have sleepovers? Seeing her in her panties and trying not to get a boner while we talk about all the cute boys? I dunno man. That would be tough. :tongue: laugh

I did that once with a friend from work ( didn't want him driving after drinking ) he said every time after that all he could see was my lil white tank top & red thong...LOL it just wasn't the same after that....

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Tue 10/19/10 07:58 PM
Well I think as basic social group friends yes But as go out to movies, hanging out alone the two of you together, that kind of friends no. It almost always gets tested to go further & if that fails, you both end up feeling kinda weird & if it actually does go further, it just ruins the friendship so I vote NO. in a perfect world it would be nice, until then just hang out with your friendly neighbor hood drag queen, but be sure to hide your lashes & lipgloss girlfriend!!

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Tue 10/19/10 07:10 PM

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Tue 10/19/10 07:08 PM
I like you better without glasses...just sayin! ...LOL

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Tue 10/19/10 07:05 PM
BunSlinger...kpow kpow kpow...Pilgrim!

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Tue 10/19/10 07:04 PM
rut roh raggy....

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Tue 10/19/10 06:59 PM

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Tue 10/19/10 06:56 PM
uhmmm thanks!! & you're ok Grumpity, your growin on a FUN~GUY!! ar ar ar hahaha!! ( I apologise for that complete & utter lack of taste...but seriously, I couldn't resist.)

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Tue 10/19/10 06:46 PM

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Tue 10/19/10 06:37 PM
Tanks Grumpity grump LOL!!:wink: happy flowerforyou