Community > Posts By > HappyDude111
I've never been too good at explaining myself using words, so instead, I will prove myself using the so-called hard research that I preach. Here are a few videos to get you started on this journey.
Mushrooms and spirituality(scientific study) Proof Jesus was a mushroom (12 part 2 hour series) Proof our country is satanic in nature (10 part 100 minute series) and here is a bonus... Knowledge of Ascension (Dr. Delbert Blair) Let's see you outargue that proof with your little dark-humorous and ridicule-soaked comments, Arcamedees. Anyone that watches those videos will be changed forever... guaranteed. That's magic for you. Anyways, thank you for giving me the motivation to reenforce my point. I have this problem...... I can't stop winning arguments! I don't get it!!! Someone tell me whyyyy!!!!!!!! |
If Jesus were real....
I'm I'm sorry...did I just get ridiculed for no good reason? Are you only talented at name-calling?--Or... Can you provide me hard research to prove me wrong? That's what I thought... Firstly, I wouldn't be agnostic if I thought I could prove that God was real. I'll let the mushrooms handle that... Here is probably some decent-enough video evidence/proof for you NEWS watchers out there. Just keep in mind... I never get myself into an argument that I can't win. There is some scientific proof for you. |
I have a dream that one day, all stoners will be able to smoke freely without any oppression. Plus, it is the CURE to cancer. Check this video out. likewise... Here is the cure to AIDS and all other viruses/parasites/pathogens... |
Seems to me that you(Arcamedees) have not made one good point yet that would be helpful to anyone except for yourself. I want readers to keep this in mind as they go through your ridiculous posts of HATE. People need to be loving each other-not hating each other. I think that any 2 year old with a brain could figure that one out.
I really just don't get it
I could say the same thing about you, but since we are all one... you are me.
Edited by
Thu 10/14/10 01:36 AM
However, by definition, if an atheist(weak or strong) does not deny the existence of any kind of God, then he must be an agnostic. There is no such thing as an atheist that believes in ANY God, for that would just be a paradox, for by clear definition, an atheist believes that there is no God(period). Agnostics don't confine to one specific religion... They are more open-minded regarding the subject, and they realize that God is not something that can be proven through science as it can only be proven from within.
If Jesus were real....
I'm I'm sorry...did I just get ridiculed for no good reason? Are you only talented at name-calling?--Or... Can you provide me hard research to prove me wrong? That's what I thought...
Regardless of our unique differences, we all must come together as one unit against oppression. Our whole lives, we have lived a conquer-and-divide lifestyle, and it is time to rejoin as one unit together in perfect harmony using our individual talents for the benefit of the world. I love you all as my brothers and sisters.
I really just don't get it
BTW, Atheists will have the hardest time with shrooms, for they will realize that the creator does exist, and they will most likely have a hard time coping with it. An atheist won't be an atheist after using shrooms... he will become an agnostic, for he will realize that there is a father creator, yet he will realize there is no way to prove it other than to offer people the same experience that he shared. Get my drift?
I really just don't get it
The effects are fun if you are happy with your life! The effects are hard (also known as a bad trip) if you are a depressed individual and haven't found the creator yet. Shrooms make you feel the connectedness to your self aka your soul. If you led a bad life where you treated people poorly, then your soul will be slapping you in the face to wake you up. If you led a happy life of caring and helping people, then your soul will give you an amazing experience. The experience is different and unique to each user. I will tell you one thing that is for certain--shrooms encourage critical thinking and creativity to the highest degree imaginable. If you are an artist looking for ideas, shrooms are the way to go. For example, a musician could become a musical genius over-night so-to-speak. However, our Luciferian society does not promote creativity. If you don't believe me that our society is Luciferian, take a look at this video series, and it will surely wake you up to REALITY: Watch if you dare! Beware... watching this will change your life forever, but not for the bad...
I really just don't get it
Unfortunately, I agree with you regarding the jail part, yet who knows, that could change too one day...
I really just don't get it
Sir, you are WRONG! I am sorry to be so blunt. If you do research into psilocybin, you will find that it is simply a DMT compound. It releases the same DMT substance that is released when you are in dreamy sleep. Trust me... 20,000+ hours of research. It simply allows you to dream while consciously awake connecting you to your spiritual side. Just because it is not socially accepted doesn't mean that it is wrong. Also, it has been known to help patients with brain cancer and cluster headaches. I recommend researching your information a little bit better before saying that something as natural as a mushroom could cause brain damage. Prove me wrong... Dare you to try.
Would you also agree that people must come together in this time of turmoil?
Did you know that Paul Stamets(mycologist) has proven that human beings are genetically related to the mushroom?
Well, there is the link for ya. Also, did you know that the mycelium fungus makes up 25% of the Earth's crust? Therefore, are you saying that the very thing that we as humans are genetically related to is a drug? Did you know that psilocybin is a DMT compound? Furthermore, did you know that when you are in deep sleep, your brain releases 4 different kinds of LSD/DMT(article from Boston Globe) allowing you to dream? The only thing psilocybin mushrooms allow you to do is to dream while you are consciously awake. So, it is not a drug sir... It is a natural substance that was used by ancient shamans for thousands of years in order to have visions of the past, present and future. Reality is only a matter of perception, but to become aware to this fact is extremely difficult unless you have ingested this magical substance yourself. Only then can you be aware of the point of this message without applying judgement and ridicule. |
925 Here
thank you. Chill site.
Every bible-worshipper here owes it to his or herself to look closely into the Dead Sea Scrolls(The Old Testament) and Ancient Sumerian text which both predate the bible to understand Christianity. I would recommend looking into John Marco Allegro, author of more than 10 books, whom was highly unappreciated. He was a top-notch Manchester University scholar that was appointed by the pope to translate the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Jordan in the 50's. He was the only agnostic on the team, for the rest were Catholic priests. His findings may startle you. Problem is, you would have to able to read Aramaic to accurately follow the entire argument, for only a handful of people actually had a chance to translate this Sumerian textual document.. Here is a good video to see his findings... I recommend that everyone in this thread checks out this important information which very well could debunk the entire Christian religion. You owe it to yourself to look into this research. Don't be scurred of new information. This information leads to a whole new way of thinking regarding religion in general combining teaching from around the globe.
I would also look into Professor Dr. John Rush for more information regarding these subjects. More good people to hear are Terrence McKenna, Judith Anne Brown, and Bill Hicks. |
420 all day. everyday. forever. amen.
925 Here
Here in Pleasant Hill near Martinez looking for friends/gf/etc. New to area, so please hit me up. Dying to meet people
I am looking for women to converse with in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. I am new here, and I am having an extremely hard time meeting new people, for everyone is glued to their computers, and no one comes outside. I am open-minded and cool as hell. If we hit it off, maybe something nice could come out of it. :) I am a chillaxed person looking for more chillaxed people. I also would like to meet people in the area that are 420 friendly and/or shroomers(guys(friends only) or girls). Hit me up!
will anyone here talk to me?
Bick Hicks and Terrence McKenna KICK ***!