Community > Posts By > Thatsme27909

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 11:48 AM
Even in your answer. It comes down to society. We already have fairly strict gun laws. Universal back ground checks restrictions on weapon type. I can't own a fully automatic rifle. I don't have the proper licence. Why make it even more difficult for the law abiding citizens to obtain their firearms. Also..why is it when someone commits one of these crimes. All of the firearms owners, the NRA and the manufacturers criminalized? No one held ford responsible when that clown plowed down a crowd in New York. No one said... We need tougher restrictions on rental vehicles. Outlaw enterprise rent a car. . or more laws for giving immigrants drivers licences. No one peep like that. But if its a gun... Ban the NRA... Take away guns.... More gun laws...blah blah blah. Soon only the bad guys will have guns. They don't care about the laws. Now where I live. Guns are fairly easy to get due to the majority of the area being conservative and guess what. Violent crime is nill because they know we can and will shoot back. And to tie into your closing.... Let em break in and threaten my family ... Bring a mop and buckets. There won't be much left.

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 11:20 AM
Now I can agree with that. But I am both. I am a highly trained veteran and civilian that has said weaponry. Now here is a question id like to pose to you. Since the topic is gun control and you obviously have an open mind d yet a different view. What would YOU propose as acceptable gun control policy. Or what would you change?

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 10:49 AM
Well...that was the technology of the time. Technology has obviously advanced. The second amendment was written with the purpose of affording civilians the same armament as the military for the purpose of denying government absolute rule and subjugation of its citizens like the British empire did at that time. Well.. Technology has changed but the governments desire for absolute rule has not. Hence our desire to retain the right to keep and bear arms. When the government says we don't need the second amendment anymore...then we need it even more. History has shown us that on multiple occasions.

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 10:30 AM

I think the comparison is being made because there are so many views to this topic and some are really extreme. Take the super hard left like Mr.Hogg... They want complete confiscation of ALL firearms. Well that's how it started in most countries that have been victim to mass genocide.

I agree. Confiscation is another extreme and not the answer. Even in the UK, which has a gun related death rate that is only 2 percent of ours, guns are not banned, the vetting process is just more thorough for licensing and the type of guns being retailed are better monitored.

yes... Their FIREARMrates are a fraction of ours. I can't argue that. But explain this. Why is the murder rate in London exceeding that of New York and how? The criminals have the same intent but have just found alternate ways of committing the same crimes. Now they are talking about banning KNIVES. See... Its not a gun control problem. Never has been. Its a society problem. Our society is broken. Too many "safe spaces." Everyone is a victim now. It just plain getting out of hand. People need to just suck it up as we were told when I was a kid. Stop worrying about what Suzy is doing or how Jimmy is treated. Worry about yourself. Society as a whole is screwed. This "everyone is a winner and everyone gets a trophy" is the cause.

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 10:06 AM
I think the comparison is being made because there are so many views to this topic and some are really extreme. Take the super hard left like Mr.Hogg... They want complete confiscation of ALL firearms. Well that's how it started in most countries that have been victim to mass genocide.

Thatsme27909's photo
Fri 04/27/18 09:33 AM
Here is what the biggest problem is. Its not so much the firearms but the media. I have been saying this for years. If the media stopped reporting and, for the lack of a better term, glorifying these shooters... This would surely reduce the number of these mass shootings. These people are convinced that they will go down in history with their names being remembered for the things they have done. Well... The media hasn't let them down. Someone shoots up a church or school and the media talks about that person and their life for weeks. Stop!!!. Don't even mention their name. Just refer to them as the assailant. Don't show their picture. Don't mention their name. Don't drone on about their history and family life. No one cares. Concentrate on the victims if you need to have a story. When these idiots and glory whores realize they will simply be forgotten and referred to as simply body 1... They won't be as apt to try and go out in the blaze of glory.

Thatsme27909's photo
Thu 04/26/18 11:13 AM
Sorry... I got to rambling. Maybe even a little off topic.

Thatsme27909's photo
Thu 04/26/18 11:12 AM
That may be true as far as guns but do you realize London has surpassed New York in murders. So that just shows even more regulation isn't always the answer. They have banned guns altogether so the crimes are perpetrated by different means be it knives, machetes, cars, trucks and vans. The results of which are just as horrific. Many of these regulations that are being suggested are already in place. Take universal back ground checks. Already doing it. But when the entities in government dont do their jobs. Some slip through the cracks. Hold them responsible, don't try to create even more regulations for an already strained system that has proven not to always work. In my humble opinion, the best thing to do would be training and education. Teach people about these "scary" guns. Once the mystery is removed... They aren't as scary. People always fear the unknown. Learn about them. Touch them. Ask questions. These knee jerk reaction s because of something scary causes more problems. Society as a whole has fallen into a ditch. If its even perceived as bad, scary, or MAY hurt someone's feelings... Then we have to get rid of it. Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.

Thatsme27909's photo
Thu 04/26/18 10:18 AM
Sorry... That was my bad. This is the first forum I ever replied to and it sits close to my heart. I started at the wrong end of the thread. But... Most of what I said still rings true. Tougher laws are not the answer. I was raised in one of the worst areas of Chicago and they have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation yet the crime rate is also the highest. Now I live in an area where the laws are a LOT more relaxed and almost every household has at least one weapon. The crime rate is a fraction of Chicago. The united states is 4th in the world in relation to gun violence. Now if you remove the 5 areas with the highest incidents of gun violence ( which also have the most strict gun laws) the US is 12th from the bottom. Now the cities with the most strict gun laws also having the highest gun violence rates is not a coincidence. Only the bad guys have guns and they know it and exploit it. The reason these rates are not as high in areas with more relaxed gun laws is because the bad guys don't know who's carrying or has a weapon in their home and know there is a better than average chance their target/ victim may shoot back.

Thatsme27909's photo
Thu 04/26/18 09:36 AM
So banning guns is the solution? Yeah... Tell me how well that worked for heroin and meth. Both banned and illegal yet easier to get than ANY firearm and responsible for 10 times more deaths. Firearms are used defensably more than a millions times a year yet the mainstream media never reports on that. Its all a numbers game . inflate the numbers and delete others so we can achieve our political agenda. In a proud vet and gun owner. If they want to ban them... Come and get them. Just be careful... The barrel may be hot.