Community > Posts By > iam_resurrected

iam_resurrected's photo
Tue 11/05/19 07:51 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Tue 11/05/19 07:53 AM

matter is made up of particles, antiparticles and bosons

When a particle and its antiparticle meet each other they annihilate each other. Their mass is converted into energy in the form of photons.

Baryons – always contain 3 quarks. For example a proton contains the quarks, up up down. Whereas an antiproton contains the quarks, antiup antiup antidown.

Mesons – always contain 2 quarks ( a quark and an antiquark). For example the p+meson contains the quarks, up and antidown.

i wonder if we need to examine this a bit more?


any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.

so, we only "theoretically" believe quarks exist?

i think Science goes down many paths in Blind Faith very much like Religion. and in some instances, it's possible, Science is just making it up.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 08:06 PM

Do we know all there is to know about the relationship of the Universe to the mind?

before we polluted our environments to the point where it has become genetically part of our biological makeup, i believe we were more connected to the unknown concerning the ever expanding Universe and all within.

Do we even understand the mind?

we understand currently what cause Psychological Disorders and other mental illnesses. but i doubt we will ever know from "Lab Results" how we can use our minds to heal, that to me, is not something Science can answer.

Can we even understand the mind of other species?

we can understand hunger, the need to protect, the need to run, the general need to survive like every single Species currently and past have. what we cannot understand, the specific Reasoning behind why those things are valuable to all Species (from Species to Species).

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 03:16 PM

sorry but you did claimed to be the chosen one as indicated in your post below, I intentionally left it out because I knew you would lie about it

chosen one by God can mean death like the Disciples endured :
burning, boiling in oil, crucified upside down, beaten and literally broken, pulled apart by animals, so many ways the Romans had envisioned to apply Pleasure upon their subjects

oops...Mr. IAm the chosen one appears you were busted in a lie ...

cannot be busted for repeating God, you are only confirming. but chosen to God can be to die, how to die, to lead, to teach, to whatever a person can do to share the Gospel

wouldn't watching them burned alive perhaps been a clue

i thought i was burning but was not feeling the pain myself. it was too fast to format the things you ask.

in other words you was frozen in fear

i was frozen to my seat literally for the amount of time we were moving by whatever means were forced upon us. take a rope and just flip and snap it. now imagine being on that rope when you do that. was there time enough to calculate every single move being made while you're holding on for dear life and just waiting for the movement to stop?

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 12:55 PM
never said was the chosen one. but i was focused on what i was hearing. those around (in those few literal seconds) could have been experiencing what i was. it was just like snapping your fingers a handful of times. my experience made me relax i believe more than anything and that is what kept me from bodily harm. and i did not hear the others will die. i just thought alive and that was enough to take my attention off things. i really just think i was trapped by velocity, thrust, and force and it just kept me trapped in place until it was over. and i don't even remember if i remember when it was over.

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 10:36 AM

i guess you have not read my post about 20 pages back being hit crossfire and all 5 surrounding me burnt up alive and not a single scratch could be found on my own body. or when i saw and heard i would be ok while watching the others beside me burning alive or dying from the impact and blast?

so do that mean you didn't try to do anything to stop them from burning alive because the voice told you not to

we were trapped and what happened did in ways you dont train for other than kissing your butt goodbye or riding it out and praying. and thats only if you can separate whats happening with help me God?

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 09:06 AM
does anyone accept Lawrence Krauss, theoretical physicist and cosmologist explanation of tying the "Soup Theory" to the "String Theory" combination?

and if the Big Bang (coined for God Speaking "originally") does not have the proofs from what we observed from the KOBE Telescope Expedition and findings, and from what Krauss expanded upon after the video revealed no Soup Theory ingredients and just blank openness of darkness when suddenly a LIGHT APPEARS and then the LIGHT erupts and then goes into full blown remake of the Universe forming and eventually expanding...does this mean we are no closer to the "Truth" than we had assumed?

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 08:55 AM

Observed RED SHIFT is a very strong argument AGAINST your theory.

Agreed, and something i have pointed out!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 07:32 AM
yep, they really have no idea they are observing God in so many ways that it literally binds their perception of Reality!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 07:30 AM

Scientific observation is full of miracles. While most of them do not answer fundamentally important questions like the miracles in the Bible, they are from God, they can be the essential tools for the exact needed service in this world for each other as followers of Christ in this life, sometimes literally life saving - no exaggeration or joke, and they help to build a language to understand and relate to each other who are with the Spirit, living in the present.

i am envious and literally ashamed of being so jealous of Science it is silly. but they are in a facility, paid for, to observe the unknown. and even when they aim their telescopes to new coordinates and find new possible discoveries, it's what they are LITERALLY BEING ABLE TO SEE that makes me envious of them. they are so BLESSED to be able to observe what we are not privileged to!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Mon 11/04/19 07:18 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Mon 11/04/19 07:25 AM
hey Narlycarnk,

i was doing some studying and i stumbled over some more evidence tying the Old Testament to the New Testament.

the topic is Abraham:

we know first of all, that from Book of Enoch, that Abraham is the Great Great Grandson of Noah, the Great Grandson of Sham, and lived wih Noah and Sham until Noah passed away.

then we know that Melchizedek (another place where Jesus makes His presence known in the Old Testament) was Abraham's person Pastor, High Priest and shared with Abraham the Plan of what will happen and eventually "New Jerusalem."

1. so how do we know Abraham knew Jesus' Plan 3700 years before Jesus was known to all on Earth?

in this passage of scripture we learn Jesus claim that He is God, the Jews Elohim, when He claims to be "I AM!!"
but also in this passage leading to this reveal, Jesus also tells us that HE PERSONALLY "TOLD" Abraham about the Plan and then after that about the future New Jerusalem.


John 8:
53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead: whom makest thou thyself?

Jesus reply:

John 8:
54 Jesus answered: (verse 56 shows us where Jesus claims to have revealed His Plan to Abraham and Abraham loved it)(verse 58 where Jesus claims to be God with His infamous "I AM")

56 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM

2. and since we know the Plan of Jesus ultimately leads to the City called New Jerusalem, WHOSE FOUNDATIONS are built by God, but how do we know specifically that Abraham knew about this one day COMING CITY?

Hebrews 11:8-10 (verse 10 specifically)

8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:

10 For he [[[looked for a (((city which hath foundations))), whose builder and maker is God]]].

i love how the WORD of GOD (Authored by God's Spirit) through the followers of Yah, just wrote what God instructed them to. And then, throughout literally thousands of years, centuries, generations, that the very presence of God (Jesus/Yeshua) reveals a plan to Abraham, then comes to Earth as our Messiah, and then later as Paul would claim, Jesus is the one who directs what he said, preached, and wrote in his 13 Letters, and within Hebrews, ties the entire Plot of Yeshua to Abraham revealing that from the very BEGINNING of our (the Jews, the Muslims) foundational belief until Paul, Yeshua was still reminding US OF THE PLAN of the "Coming City whose foundations are built by GOD!!"

the Word of God is the Ultimate Giant Puzzle!!

and when we can figure it out and put the pieces together properly, it reveals what we as Believers have BEEN SEEKING all along. That from "word GO," Yeshua kept His WORD all along and continued the Plan!!

it's times like this that give that extra nudge of Security, for Believing and Knowing, that God truly Exists and His WORD is Golden and Truth!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 11/03/19 08:00 AM
and since the Theory of the Big Bang has not been proven, only accepted, that means by TECHNICALITY, it still is a CURRENT REFERENCE TO GOD SPEAKING hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

they will never be able to prove it since they have changed the concept four times now hahahahaha they are failing and struggling.....

it must REALLY SUCK to those Atheist in
Science knowing if they DO NOT FIND PROOF, the Big Bang is technically GOD SPEAKING HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

i'm sorry, but that is really hilarious!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 11/03/19 07:56 AM
so even to the followers applying the Theory of the Big Bang, via Science and their current explanations to their own Reasoning, are still following a CONCEPT CREATED by thinking GOD SPOKE = "BIG BANG!!"

that is priceless info to know hahahahahahahahahahahaha

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 11/03/19 07:52 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 11/03/19 07:53 AM
and MK,

you will absolutely LOVE THIS point being made!!

do you know how Science coined the term, "Big Bang?"

100+ years ago, this phrase was coined because WHEN GOD was like...a BIG BANG!!

so the Big Bang when being applied to Creation, was the result of God Speaking into the vast of Nothingness!!

that is HOW the catch term "Big Bang" literally and factually got here hahahahahahahahaha

it is a reference to God SPEAKING hahahahahahahahaha

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 11/03/19 07:08 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 11/03/19 07:12 AM
since none of us really actually know, and the glimpses here and there we see and try to understand by piecing it together, is just simply the best guess we have to choose from.

and those two options are:

the universe, earth, us are here by one of 2 options:

1. by way of God through Thought and Reason as Espinoza explained and Einstein touched upon on

2. by way of Accident

and honestly, the way we choose depicts our ignorances.

1. if we choose God we are disgraced by our humanity for being delusional.

2. if we choose Accident, it makes no absolute sense, we just have to accept the stupidity of the dead ends accounted for in Evolution by way of Mathematics, and by way of discovery via Biology, and just assume IT HAS TO BE TRUE BECAUSE I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD!!

so either choice is a series of peeling off the outer layers, because of the marred conditions we have put both idealisms in, and have proven and still have yet to prove.

but let's examine this position of Delusion:

1. God, you have NEVER SEEN, but SOME may have seen His Angels, or even if the Greeks are correct WAS SEEN IN PERSON 2,000 years ago. it still is a matter of Faith to believe (for most) the very UNKNOWN!!

2. Accident, this is like the trainwreck clause and answer to a situation that no one has the first grasp about. FIRST OF ALL, up till a 100 years ago, no one thought about Big Bang. < the idea of the Big Bang is so NEW, t is not even a recognized concrete Theory yet, and very well could be DISMISSED soon since THERE ARE NO PROOFS to support this idea.
so if Science removes the Big Bang Idea (due to lack of proof), now you have another problem, what other ACCIDENT could have taken place for what exists as we can visibly see for ourselves?

if they remove the Big Bang idea (and i believe it's only being kept because the only other remaining solution would have to be GOD) then You believing Accident will literally be S.O.L again!!

and if you become S.O.L., that means following who you have been was NOT very INTELLIGENT after all!!

especially if it's not just Science, but your own self!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sun 11/03/19 06:45 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sun 11/03/19 06:46 AM
but despite that, this topic has contained the need for believers and unbelievers alike to attempt to 'prove' the impossible. It has even extended to a discussion about the age of the universe, the age of the earth and other points which are certainly 'off-topic'!

to some, when you discuss the Universe, it's age, the age of the Earth, the impossible, you are discussing God!!

the only reason to others, that it seems like a different subject, is that Science has tried to make them different subjects!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 11/02/19 06:53 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Sat 11/02/19 06:57 PM

indeed, excellent point on what constitutes what the word and meaning of Day should be?

there are 2 references (one in Psalms and the other in the Epistle of Peter) that to God, our one 24 hour Day can mean 1,000 years.

and David, in the Book of Kings and Chronicles, mentions a Book of the Hebrew Bible they had in his day called "Jasher" (Joshua mentions it in the Book of Joshua. but there is a reference in "Jasher" to where during a Battle that was nearing darkness that God stopped the time so that Battle could continue since it was against offspring of the Fallen Angels.

but those examples show us that we should not immediately take the 6 Day Creation literally because it was on God's time as He was Creating. and if God literally took one thousand years between 24 hour periods during the 6 Day Creation, then we cannot actually clarify 6,000 years as 6 literal days.

but you said it correctly, what constitutes the meaning of a Day in these references?

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 11/02/19 10:51 AM
that last sentence was me putting the term "that was a real mind skewing they're attempting to do by reversing common sense with their personal logic.

and they feel they have actually outsmarted the masses.

it's quite entertaining just how invisible they believe they are while making the sole difference hahahahahaha

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 11/02/19 09:46 AM
Einstein's theory of relativity was for the sole purpose of claiming from the outermost edges of the Universe to the tiniest microorganism existing unseen on Planet Earth, we are all "connected."

he called it harmonious in his view of God and beyond.

today's science by virtue of DNA connects us to these very same microorganisms in bacteria existing in all living Species.

so indeed we are connected to it all.

the difference being however, are the views of being Connected by Reason and Thought (God), or by Accident?

and then in some Reasoning, the very idea of Accident equates to Highly Intelligent.

what, are they that foolish to believe such garbage?

that is the typical mind switch by imposition and based solely upon absolute ignorance..

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 11/02/19 08:09 AM
and REMEMBER, they believe they are an actual ANIMAL due to Evolution, SO, that means they are nothing but ANKLE BITING PESTS that you swiftly kick once in awhile for being RETARDED!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Sat 11/02/19 08:08 AM
and the funniest and most revealing part of this entire process in this thread, is recognizing what specifically bothers their insane disorders.

i am told i repeat myself = in every topic i find a way to bring GOD into it = they are TIRED of listening/reading about God!!

i am told i should stop posting in this thread = well, that is obvious code that someone's toes are feeling stepped on over the topic of God HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

and before these 2 suggestions, there have been numerous others trying to get me to STOP!!

nah, this is specifically where i am to be and continue doing as God leads me to do because like I know, God obviously knew, this would pizz em off Royally :)

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