Community > Posts By > Rachel78745

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 08:32 PM

Let's not pretend there is no racism towards white people. Though still many white people hold power is irrelevant. That's like saying our president is black so there is no racism. In my college there was NSBE national society for black engineers but there could be no white society. Treating a group different based on race is racism. Also I am currently living n Japan and get treated different all the time. There is racism here towRds white people.

Oh but it is not irrelevant that whites are still in power.

It is very relevant.

Whites in power mean that more of the crimes committed by whites will go unpunished.

Not to mention that blacks get more time for the same crimes as white people commit. Just this past year they finally equated crack as "coke" to stop the bleeding. The "white system" has been imprisioning mainly blacks for years...the white government in the 80's poisoned the inner cities to fund an illegal war Re: Operation Black Eagle (for example).

Again it's clear where the hateful white people are...politically that'd be with the GOP/T-bagging RW religious zealoted ilk among us. When people are Americans first then they'd have a right to call themselves Americans.

Your posts are some of the most racist I have seen on this forum. All of you saying that white people are the most racist are BEING racist by making that accusation! LOL!
By saying WHITE people are the most racist is a racist remark.
You people crack me up. LOL

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 12:18 PM

racism 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2: racial prejudice or discrimination

the spectrum of RACIST is as broad as the spectrum of LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE

american history is directly connected to the social construct of race so it is impossible to grow up emersed in american culture and not fall somewhere on the continuum of the 'racist' line

stereotypes we hold, like what blacks or whites eat or are capable of are RACIST,,,,although probably not hateful

beliefs we hold about what blacks or whites believe or do, when they reflect negative beliefs and actions, are usually hateful

the label is really not the issue, the ACTIONS and POLICIES and the way we view each other, along with how those views affect our treatment and interaction with each other,, is the issue

I said my opinion. I know that the term has become more loose. To be honest I think it's a good thing now that I have had time to think about it. You see everyone is calling everyone else a racist so much that many people are actually becoming desensitized to the term. They no longer pay attention because so much name calling is going around. Soon when someone calls the race card people wont even pay attention.

Used to be if you called someone a racist people payed attention and wanted to know what happened. Now people are starting to not care, for all they know it's just someone who doesn't support Obama, or someone who thinks he was not born here. LOL Racist is the word for Obama's term and "terrorist" was the word for bush's term. The word racist is losing its meaning and credibility. By that definition we are all racists. Because it's in human nature to profile our surroundings. It's a survival method, even animals recognize and use color patters to warn off potential enemy's or attract mates.

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:45 AM

My daughter said to me "Mom, how will Obama deal with all this racist hatred pointed at him?" I told her "That is nothing new for black folks, they deal with it every day" And she looked confused. Of course she is white and has no understanding of a person hating you just for your skin color. Treating you differently because you are not white.
laugh Are you aware that we live in the 21st century?

LOL I was wondering that myself.

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:44 AM

Ill take you down to the ghetto where I grew up. I promise you I can show you what it's like to have people hate you just because you are white. Go ahead and bring your daughter along as well. The two of you could use an education on the real world.

I agree, white people who have grown up in certain parts know all about being hated for the color of their skin.

Thanks! I was beginning to wonder if I really was the only white person out there ! LOL

Im a little keep referring to yourself as a "white person", do you mean a fair skinned latina..? because your features are much closer to latino than anglo...

LOL I don't have a drop of Latin blood in me. (not that I wouldn't like any )lol .
I am Italian(Maltese really but no one knows what that means lol) welsh,native american and German.

I dye my hair black BTW.

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:36 AM

I agree the blame game is futile

but looking at the realities we live in and aknowledging how RACE plays a big part is quite different

I am more interested in ATTEMPTING to be a society where an american is an american regardless of skin color or religious doctrine or gender

if education were the only issue, Id be happy to discuss that, but the issue is the RESOURCES which make education available, the SUPPORT which educates children well enough to be able to compete

those things are NOT equally available or instituted and even if one were to go to the base of the problem(economics), one cannot ignore how economic position in America is painfully and historically entertwined with RACE,,,

Nope you have one thing right though, it is economics. Poor people don't get treated well. Poor school's don't offer the kind of small classes and proffered schooling environment for optimal learning. However, if a child really wants to succeed nothing can stop them not even their race. I understand that you feel it's a black thing but the only way to prove that is to look at each school and see that the black kids in each specific class are being treated differently and that is simply not the case. There was a time when what you are saying is absolutely correct but now that time has gone and passed.

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:28 AM

"all i can type is it ain't my fault what happened back then and whats happening now...until one race is left there will always be racism.every race goes through the samething just some more than others..."

Book of RKISIT 4:47

truth!! Thank god!!!

My theory. hating someone or thinking they are less than you based off their color is racism.

Relating to people of your own race and being more comfortable around them and distinguishing differences between the races is natural. These days if a white woman admits she is not attracted to black men, she is labeled as a racist. I don't buy that. Sorry

To me in my opinion, if you don't harbor any resentment or anger towards someone based off race then you are not a racist.

When I was growing up I used to hear the girl talk about white people versus black people. Like the black girls would say "white people eat mayo and black people eat miracle whip." Now I don't know if that's true or not but I also don't think it made them racist.

I feel that we have gotten to sensitive about race and we are actually undermining the problem by calling many things racism that are not truly racism. That very act makes people start to not care about it when someone says someone is racist because the term is bing thrown around so loosely.
It's like the story of the boy who cried wolf.

Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:13 AM

I just read that even with all the low polls on Obama, they did a poll that showed he would still beat out all current contenders for his job.

I thought that was interesting.

I will see if I can find the link.

that will be interesting, although I still believe that throughout the world wide web, we can find polls to point to anything we want them to,,,


Rachel78745's photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:23 AM

Living in Kaliphornya, I am discriminated against daily by the majority Hispanic...most of them here illegally.

Being an American, I am hated and discriminated against by Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians.

Yea it's common here in Texas too. My ex boyfriend of 3 years was an illegal Mexican. His family hated the fact that I was white. My ex and I would talk about it all the time. Take this for example. Mexicans come here daily and mingle with us, work with us and even date us. Yet... if an american goes to mexico, you might be stabbed, robbed, shot, ect. It's a perfect example. Like that woman and her husband who were on jet skies and they went over to the Mexican side and the man was shot and killed by Mexicans. Luckily me ex was capable of admitting the truth about things so we could have honest discussions about it.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 08:17 PM

yeah..Im still not seeing how whites are being "discriminated" against, since anglos still hold the lions share of global power and control.

If some poor schmock feels like he or she is getting kicked in the face, I think it has more to do with the politically correct bones that these power bases toss the subjugated masses in order to apease them.

poor whites are getting sold out by the richer that case I guess someone could cry discrimination...even so, the most discriminated against "white person" is still way ahead of the game than other races...
says someone that isn't even around white people...say that when a black guys trys to beat the crap out of for being white...

Or to the white person who cant get a job at in food service or construction because white's are considered lazy and unreliable. Or to the single mother who is white and cant get even CLOSE to the amount of help a minority can from the government, in the same country no less.What about the white person who has worked hard in college and got a degree and want to work at he post office and cant because they are full up on whites and the gotta find a minority to fill the position? What about all the help for college for minorities that whites don't have? Anyone who says whites have a leg up even if they are poor has never been in that position. For a minority not to succeed means they didn't want to. Because no matter what they need or want there is a government program to help them along the way.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 07:13 PM

Ill take you down to the ghetto where I grew up. I promise you I can show you what it's like to have people hate you just because you are white. Go ahead and bring your daughter along as well. The two of you could use an education on the real world.

I agree, white people who have grown up in certain parts know all about being hated for the color of their skin.

Thanks! I was beginning to wonder if I really was the only white person out there ! LOL

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 02:21 PM

Here is our president making a racist remark.

"typical white person" He says. LOL

Yet he is not racist LOL!

All I heard was that he acknowledged that there were differences in how people of different races perceive things because we have different experiences. At no point did he say anything bad about white people. Honestly, you would disagree with the notion that there's a number of ways that a person could act that would be considered "typical" or "atypical" in terms of social norms?

Not being racist doesn't mean that you try to pretend that everyone is the same, it more about not hating people who are different. If Rick Sanchez had simply said that he and Jon Stewart (or he and the CNN executives) had different perspectives on life because of their background, no one would have cared.

"Typical" isn't inherently mean anything bad, just like "atypical" doesn't inherently mean anything good.

That's your opinion. That's not my opinion, you see to me there is no such thing as a typical white person. Or a typical black person.

But since you agree please tell me sir, what is a typical white person?

You're taking the term out of context. We're not talking about an archetype where there's a set of defined traits. It's a general term. However, there are characteristics that a white person might typically have or responses white people typically might give in certain situations in higher percentages than other races.

For instance, white people typically wear Abercrombie more often than black people or they might typically listen to country. However, that doesn't mean that all (or even most) white people have that trait, just that it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if they did. It doesn't mean that black people never do those things, just that it's less typical.

If Obama had said that typically, white people in this country are more educated and create more wealth non-white people, would you take offense or call that hateful? If not, then why?

Nice so you admit that profiling works then? When it suits you. LOL But if I was to say that the womans response to the black man was a legitimate LEARNED response from all of the black crime, I bet you wont agree. LOL Truth is her response is normal and it's not just whites that feel that way. I could understand if black crime was not so high but it is. So his response is wrong and it is racist to assume her response was typical of a white person. She is a typical american who lives in the city and is aware that many black men rob and steal. Especially one that is asking for money and wouldn't leave her alone after she gave him a dollar. That is the full story BTW by Obama himself.

statements about typical dont usually go into detail about the REASONS,,,

that is where racism gets its power,, peoples ability to quickly label without any attempt to honestly analyze

even IF her response is typical of a person living in the city, it doesnt mean it is not ALSO typical of a majority of white people

stating a correlation doesnt mean stating a causation which is why context of a conversation becomes so important

I could correlate higher incarceration rates with black people, and that would be true,, but it would not mean that black people are inherently more criminal

it could also be logically tied into the disparate educational and economic position of blacks in america compared to others, and the prevalence of the undereducated and the poor in the justice system

I actually LOVE those types of logical conversations, but what happens too often , the association of RACE as the REASON for any number of negative things serves to distract from the root causes (often TIED to race in this country, unfortunately) which could be addressed for the advantage of all americans,,,

Sorry but all one has to do is take a trip down to your local ghetto to find that what goes on there is their own fault. I lived in the ghetto for so long and they like it. They CHOOSE to SKIP school. They CHOOSE to join gangs. They CHOOSE to not get a job and live off SSD and welfare/low income/section 8, They CHOOSE to have multiple children instead of having their tubes tied like I did ! We ALL CHOOSE our life by the decisions we make! NO ONE IS A VICTIM AND IF YOU WERE VICTIMIZED GET OVER IT! You cant make your life better when all you see is the bad things and how look at how people are holding you back!

ghetto living is not = black living

and people cannot choose what circumstance they are BORN into and what reality they are TAUGHT

and life cant get better by IGNORING discrimination anymore than it can by being a VICTIM of it

myself and others like me survive and succeed in SPITE of discrimination and have never needed to pretend it wasnt there or not talk about it to do so,,,,

I didn't say ghetto is black living.
And yes people CAN CHOOSE to change their mind about what they are TAUGHT! Yes your life will get better by IGNORING IT! Just like you are supposed to ignore bullies! When you ignore something you lend it no power!! You give them no access to you or even to an argument for that matter! If I wanted you to stop posting in this thread I would just ignore you. Eventually you are gonna stop. That's how everything works! When you yell and scream and complain and preach you make it bigger and bigger and lend ear to both sides! Even the egeyptians knew about that. If the people forget about something it's gone and eventually forgotten throughout history. But if you keep your name out there for forever you will never be forgotten and that's what your race is doing with racism. By "speaking out" and "educating " people ect.. You are actually a part of the problem. Someone hears it gets mad and kills a white person because of the racism YOU told them about. HATE BEGETS HATE, FEAR BEGETS FEAR!

are you serious? so if I am being raped, and I IGNORE it , it will stop?

If I am being tortured and I IGNORE it, it will stop?

If a people are being systematically oppressed or terrorized and they IGNORE it, it will stop?

racism doesnt end by being ignored, it just allows the racists to believe that it is how it should be because NOONE is saying any differently,,,

Obviously when I say ignore a bully one would assume that you have removed yourself from the bully.......I think that's common sense. The point is this..

You have one rape victim she is sad and depressed and so she gets counseling. she works hard to work through her fears and move past the event. she is rewarded by moving on and being able to heal emotionally and be happy in life. She is able to rise above the situation because she CHOOSES to focus on the good and positive things in her life.

Now take the second rape victim still sad , depressed and yea she has a reason for it too! She is COMPLETELY justified in her actions!. But she focuses on the fear, the pain and she gives into that fear and hides from men and lives off SSD for PTSD from the trauma of the experience. Not only is she stuck in the poor area where she is more likely to be victimized again but she also is stuck. Emotionally and physically and she is NOT happy, because you cant be happy when you live your life thinking about how bad things are for you.

I agree, and this is why I said people achieve IN SPITE of racism and people hold themself back BECAUSE of racism,,but neither group has any obligation to IGNORE racism exists,,,

I was a victim of rape, I didnt overcome it by ignoring that it happened or not talking about it,,,JUST THE OPPOSITE,,,

Yea yea I know you were raped by a white guy and I was beaten and abused by black people. Hence our extremely different views. Both fueled by our passion on the subject.

but I dont think white men are the 'most' sexist on the planet,,,

I have also been LOVED by white men, which makes them pretty equal to everyone else in my book,,but I can look logically at the HISTORICAL context of race and race relations in america without harboring ill sentiment against any RACE in particular

Exactly. Just because a person is bold enough to admit and acknowledge the differences in our races and culture doesn't make them racist and it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen else where. Just because a lot of white people live in nicer areas doesn't mean some white people are not going through racism on an everyday basis. and vise verses. Thats my point in these days where poor people come in all colors and so do the wealthy one has to assume that racism hits ever social stature and ever race. To assume that in THESE DAYS that one race has it worse than another is WRONG!

there is no statement that applies to all whites or all blacks, I have and would never suggest otherwise

however, there is AMPLE evidence of INSTITUTIONAL RACISM

( here I am not just speaking of slavery, but jim crow laws and unwritten hiring and educational practices, as well as good ole boy networks that have long been given the predominant power status in this country)

having a more adverse affect on the economic and social status of African Americans than other 'races'

If that's the case than why didn't you correct dragoness when she says that no white person can understand what it's like being a minority ? I have a feeling you know exactly what I went through because I bet you have known other poor white people who have experience racism from blacks. and as you can see from her post thats what my life was like from the white side. They blamed me for my life where they feel sorry for blacks. LOL nothing like being a poor white person let me tell you. NOBODY gives a **** about the poor white person. LOL You chose not to say anything to her obviously ignorant and naive post.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 02:12 PM

'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits.

But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot.

This is where he called me a birther. huh You didn't even look did you? Like I said LAZY!

rofl rofl rofl

at the irony and hypocrisy of that entire POST

rofl rofl rofl

Laughing wont distract from the fact that I am right and you are wrong. He DID name call. :banana:

and yes I did it on purpose......obviouslyspock

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 02:09 PM
Edited by Rachel78745 on Sun 10/10/10 02:10 PM

We discriminated against blacks only in the schools???

That wasn't even our discussion.

So I can't prove you wrong since it doesn't make sense.

You stated one of the ways we are racist is by failing our black kids in school. Well prove it. Prove that it's a race thing and not a poor school/ verses wealthy school problem. Go ahead and try.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 02:06 PM

As to the OP. There is racism in all races.

The issue in this country is that whites are the majority and they perpetrate hatred on the minorities making them worse than the others.

Because racism was started in this country by whites who continue it to this day.

LOL no you are once again mistaken !!! Whites did not start racism. Geez take a history course or just be silent and read the thread. LOL The native Americans were enslaving each other long before whitey ever got here! Not to mention the Mayans also enslaved other Latins. Humans are racist by there very nature all you have to do is LOOK at our cultural history!!!!

Thanks for the incorrect history lesson on this country. America was founded on what date? Our founding fathers were white racist men who promoted racism in this country. So this country was founded on white racism.

Now do I get to tell you to shut up and sit down?

I didnt tell you to shut up but I would love too bigsmile

Explain why the entire continent has racism then. If it was our founding fathers who started it all.

I will repeat myself one more time.

This country was based on white racism from its beginning. So we have a problem with white racism in this country that was even allowed in our laws.

I never spoke of other nations or people for that matter.

LOL Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, racism was already here and it will always be here. White people bought black slaves from black people. So you are wrong. We would not have had slaves if it was not for the Africans who enslaved their own people to sell to us. So in truth it's all the Africans fault for selling us slaves in the first place.

And here is an example of the ignorant white myths that continue the perpetuation of white racism in this country.slaphead

i suppose you were there and you know they didn't? so if white people WERE responsible, name one white person alive to day that had anything to do with it? slavery still exists today, but people are still whining about 200-300 years ago...why is that?

Oh man, does a person have to go through this every time.slaphead

Okay, you take an oppressed people which oppression means abuse, misuse, which includes not educating, not feeling equal, not having the same advantages as the Oppressors and you do that to many many generations of the people, okay. We are talking complete decimation of these peoples lives. For hundreds of years.

Okay then one day you say you are free. But you free them into the Oppressors world. Where they are considered less than, treated badly, non educated, struggling to live, treated badly and continually treated badly, do you get that part? Treated badly in the Oppressors world.

The bad treatment continues today.

So it may have started 3000 years ago but it hasn't ended yet.

the saying "god helps those who help themselves" comes to mind...
have you noticed the minorities that study in school, don't get into a lot of trouble seem to have better jobs and a better life? the ones that get into gangs and such wind up in prison... is that the white peoples fault? i always here this crap about how black people are targeted by the police... why is that? because most of the gang activities are in the black areas and not the middle class areas?
i can take blame when it is my/our fault, but no one is telling these kids to not study in school. If anyone is holding back minorities, it is themselves. the system is fair and just for all people, not just whites... look at the asians and indians, they seem to be doing great for minorities...muslims too

None of which makes a difference to the fact that in this country black folks are still not completely equal in our society yet and will not be until they work their issues in their community and when whites stop continuing the crimes of prejudice and hatred on them.

LOL as I already PROVED earlier, Blacks commit FAR FAR MORE hate crimes on white's than white's due to blacks. Feel free to go read about it.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 02:04 PM
'Fraid not, mon cherie. It was an obvious attempt to 'poison the well', a common debating tactic amongst the loud and less adept at making a case based on merits.

But that's Birthers for you-- anyone who doesn't see things their way is an idiot.

This is where he called me a birther. huh You didn't even look did you? Like I said LAZY!

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 01:49 PM

As to the OP. There is racism in all races.

The issue in this country is that whites are the majority and they perpetrate hatred on the minorities making them worse than the others.

Because racism was started in this country by whites who continue it to this day.

LOL no you are once again mistaken !!! Whites did not start racism. Geez take a history course or just be silent and read the thread. LOL The native Americans were enslaving each other long before whitey ever got here! Not to mention the Mayans also enslaved other Latins. Humans are racist by there very nature all you have to do is LOOK at our cultural history!!!!

Thanks for the incorrect history lesson on this country. America was founded on what date? Our founding fathers were white racist men who promoted racism in this country. So this country was founded on white racism.

Now do I get to tell you to shut up and sit down?

I didnt tell you to shut up but I would love too bigsmile

Explain why the entire continent has racism then. If it was our founding fathers who started it all.

I will repeat myself one more time.

This country was based on white racism from its beginning. So we have a problem with white racism in this country that was even allowed in our laws.

I never spoke of other nations or people for that matter.

LOL Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, racism was already here and it will always be here. White people bought black slaves from black people. So you are wrong. We would not have had slaves if it was not for the Africans who enslaved their own people to sell to us. So in truth it's all the Africans fault for selling us slaves in the first place.

And here is an example of the ignorant white myths that continue the perpetuation of white racism in this country.slaphead

LOL so are you saying that we didn't buy slaves from Africans?

The point is that it doesn't matter who sold them. Both white a black flesh traders were doing it in Africa.

White people abused them in this country for a long time.

Continues to abuse today.

And this is one of those white supremacists distractors that is spread around to try to make victims be responsible for the crimes against them. White wash ******** it is.

No only Africans went around enslaving each other, just like they still do to this day. Africans have a long history of enslaving each other and slaughtering each other due to being of different tribes. If the Africans had not enslaved their own people we could not have bought them. Period.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 01:44 PM

As to the OP. There is racism in all races.

The issue in this country is that whites are the majority and they perpetrate hatred on the minorities making them worse than the others.

Because racism was started in this country by whites who continue it to this day.

LOL no you are once again mistaken !!! Whites did not start racism. Geez take a history course or just be silent and read the thread. LOL The native Americans were enslaving each other long before whitey ever got here! Not to mention the Mayans also enslaved other Latins. Humans are racist by there very nature all you have to do is LOOK at our cultural history!!!!

Thanks for the incorrect history lesson on this country. America was founded on what date? Our founding fathers were white racist men who promoted racism in this country. So this country was founded on white racism.

Now do I get to tell you to shut up and sit down?

I didnt tell you to shut up but I would love too bigsmile

Explain why the entire continent has racism then. If it was our founding fathers who started it all.

I will repeat myself one more time.

This country was based on white racism from its beginning. So we have a problem with white racism in this country that was even allowed in our laws.

I never spoke of other nations or people for that matter.

LOL Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, racism was already here and it will always be here. White people bought black slaves from black people. So you are wrong. We would not have had slaves if it was not for the Africans who enslaved their own people to sell to us. So in truth it's all the Africans fault for selling us slaves in the first place.

And here is an example of the ignorant white myths that continue the perpetuation of white racism in this country.slaphead

i suppose you were there and you know they didn't? so if white people WERE responsible, name one white person alive to day that had anything to do with it? slavery still exists today, but people are still whining about 200-300 years ago...why is that?

Oh man, does a person have to go through this every time.slaphead

Okay, you take an oppressed people which oppression means abuse, misuse, which includes not educating, not feeling equal, not having the same advantages as the Oppressors and you do that to many many generations of the people, okay. We are talking complete decimation of these peoples lives. For hundreds of years.

Okay then one day you say you are free. But you free them into the Oppressors world. Where they are considered less than, treated badly, non educated, struggling to live, treated badly and continually treated badly, do you get that part? Treated badly in the Oppressors world.

The bad treatment continues today.

So it may have started 3000 years ago but it hasn't ended yet.

Sadly what you think of as racism towards blacks is actually classicism. ANY poor person experienced those problems. Its not a personal thing against blacks. I just so happened that there was a lot more blacks in poverty so I am sure that's why it seemed that way. Any poor person knows that's not true though.

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 01:40 PM

As to the OP. There is racism in all races.

The issue in this country is that whites are the majority and they perpetrate hatred on the minorities making them worse than the others.

Because racism was started in this country by whites who continue it to this day.

LOL no you are once again mistaken !!! Whites did not start racism. Geez take a history course or just be silent and read the thread. LOL The native Americans were enslaving each other long before whitey ever got here! Not to mention the Mayans also enslaved other Latins. Humans are racist by there very nature all you have to do is LOOK at our cultural history!!!!

Thanks for the incorrect history lesson on this country. America was founded on what date? Our founding fathers were white racist men who promoted racism in this country. So this country was founded on white racism.

Now do I get to tell you to shut up and sit down?

I didnt tell you to shut up but I would love too bigsmile

Explain why the entire continent has racism then. If it was our founding fathers who started it all.

I will repeat myself one more time.

This country was based on white racism from its beginning. So we have a problem with white racism in this country that was even allowed in our laws.

I never spoke of other nations or people for that matter.

LOL Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, racism was already here and it will always be here. White people bought black slaves from black people. So you are wrong. We would not have had slaves if it was not for the Africans who enslaved their own people to sell to us. So in truth it's all the Africans fault for selling us slaves in the first place.

And here is an example of the ignorant white myths that continue the perpetuation of white racism in this country.slaphead

i suppose you were there and you know they didn't? so if white people WERE responsible, name one white person alive to day that had anything to do with it? slavery still exists today, but people are still whining about 200-300 years ago...why is that?

some of those people are talking about AMERICAN HISTORY and their AMERICAN experience,,,,

What is an american experience?

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 01:34 PM

As to the OP. There is racism in all races.

The issue in this country is that whites are the majority and they perpetrate hatred on the minorities making them worse than the others.

Because racism was started in this country by whites who continue it to this day.

LOL no you are once again mistaken !!! Whites did not start racism. Geez take a history course or just be silent and read the thread. LOL The native Americans were enslaving each other long before whitey ever got here! Not to mention the Mayans also enslaved other Latins. Humans are racist by there very nature all you have to do is LOOK at our cultural history!!!!

Thanks for the incorrect history lesson on this country. America was founded on what date? Our founding fathers were white racist men who promoted racism in this country. So this country was founded on white racism.

Now do I get to tell you to shut up and sit down?

I didnt tell you to shut up but I would love too bigsmile

Explain why the entire continent has racism then. If it was our founding fathers who started it all.

I will repeat myself one more time.

This country was based on white racism from its beginning. So we have a problem with white racism in this country that was even allowed in our laws.

I never spoke of other nations or people for that matter.

LOL Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, racism was already here and it will always be here. White people bought black slaves from black people. So you are wrong. We would not have had slaves if it was not for the Africans who enslaved their own people to sell to us. So in truth it's all the Africans fault for selling us slaves in the first place.

And here is an example of the ignorant white myths that continue the perpetuation of white racism in this country.slaphead

LOL so are you saying that we didn't buy slaves from Africans?

Rachel78745's photo
Sun 10/10/10 01:32 PM

Here is our president making a racist remark.

"typical white person" He says. LOL

Yet he is not racist LOL!

All I heard was that he acknowledged that there were differences in how people of different races perceive things because we have different experiences. At no point did he say anything bad about white people. Honestly, you would disagree with the notion that there's a number of ways that a person could act that would be considered "typical" or "atypical" in terms of social norms?

Not being racist doesn't mean that you try to pretend that everyone is the same, it more about not hating people who are different. If Rick Sanchez had simply said that he and Jon Stewart (or he and the CNN executives) had different perspectives on life because of their background, no one would have cared.

"Typical" isn't inherently mean anything bad, just like "atypical" doesn't inherently mean anything good.

That's your opinion. That's not my opinion, you see to me there is no such thing as a typical white person. Or a typical black person.

But since you agree please tell me sir, what is a typical white person?

You're taking the term out of context. We're not talking about an archetype where there's a set of defined traits. It's a general term. However, there are characteristics that a white person might typically have or responses white people typically might give in certain situations in higher percentages than other races.

For instance, white people typically wear Abercrombie more often than black people or they might typically listen to country. However, that doesn't mean that all (or even most) white people have that trait, just that it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if they did. It doesn't mean that black people never do those things, just that it's less typical.

If Obama had said that typically, white people in this country are more educated and create more wealth non-white people, would you take offense or call that hateful? If not, then why?

Nice so you admit that profiling works then? When it suits you. LOL But if I was to say that the womans response to the black man was a legitimate LEARNED response from all of the black crime, I bet you wont agree. LOL Truth is her response is normal and it's not just whites that feel that way. I could understand if black crime was not so high but it is. So his response is wrong and it is racist to assume her response was typical of a white person. She is a typical american who lives in the city and is aware that many black men rob and steal. Especially one that is asking for money and wouldn't leave her alone after she gave him a dollar. That is the full story BTW by Obama himself.

statements about typical dont usually go into detail about the REASONS,,,

that is where racism gets its power,, peoples ability to quickly label without any attempt to honestly analyze

even IF her response is typical of a person living in the city, it doesnt mean it is not ALSO typical of a majority of white people

stating a correlation doesnt mean stating a causation which is why context of a conversation becomes so important

I could correlate higher incarceration rates with black people, and that would be true,, but it would not mean that black people are inherently more criminal

it could also be logically tied into the disparate educational and economic position of blacks in america compared to others, and the prevalence of the undereducated and the poor in the justice system

I actually LOVE those types of logical conversations, but what happens too often , the association of RACE as the REASON for any number of negative things serves to distract from the root causes (often TIED to race in this country, unfortunately) which could be addressed for the advantage of all americans,,,

Sorry but all one has to do is take a trip down to your local ghetto to find that what goes on there is their own fault. I lived in the ghetto for so long and they like it. They CHOOSE to SKIP school. They CHOOSE to join gangs. They CHOOSE to not get a job and live off SSD and welfare/low income/section 8, They CHOOSE to have multiple children instead of having their tubes tied like I did ! We ALL CHOOSE our life by the decisions we make! NO ONE IS A VICTIM AND IF YOU WERE VICTIMIZED GET OVER IT! You cant make your life better when all you see is the bad things and how look at how people are holding you back!

ghetto living is not = black living

and people cannot choose what circumstance they are BORN into and what reality they are TAUGHT

and life cant get better by IGNORING discrimination anymore than it can by being a VICTIM of it

myself and others like me survive and succeed in SPITE of discrimination and have never needed to pretend it wasnt there or not talk about it to do so,,,,

I didn't say ghetto is black living.
And yes people CAN CHOOSE to change their mind about what they are TAUGHT! Yes your life will get better by IGNORING IT! Just like you are supposed to ignore bullies! When you ignore something you lend it no power!! You give them no access to you or even to an argument for that matter! If I wanted you to stop posting in this thread I would just ignore you. Eventually you are gonna stop. That's how everything works! When you yell and scream and complain and preach you make it bigger and bigger and lend ear to both sides! Even the egeyptians knew about that. If the people forget about something it's gone and eventually forgotten throughout history. But if you keep your name out there for forever you will never be forgotten and that's what your race is doing with racism. By "speaking out" and "educating " people ect.. You are actually a part of the problem. Someone hears it gets mad and kills a white person because of the racism YOU told them about. HATE BEGETS HATE, FEAR BEGETS FEAR!

are you serious? so if I am being raped, and I IGNORE it , it will stop?

If I am being tortured and I IGNORE it, it will stop?

If a people are being systematically oppressed or terrorized and they IGNORE it, it will stop?

racism doesnt end by being ignored, it just allows the racists to believe that it is how it should be because NOONE is saying any differently,,,

Obviously when I say ignore a bully one would assume that you have removed yourself from the bully.......I think that's common sense. The point is this..

You have one rape victim she is sad and depressed and so she gets counseling. she works hard to work through her fears and move past the event. she is rewarded by moving on and being able to heal emotionally and be happy in life. She is able to rise above the situation because she CHOOSES to focus on the good and positive things in her life.

Now take the second rape victim still sad , depressed and yea she has a reason for it too! She is COMPLETELY justified in her actions!. But she focuses on the fear, the pain and she gives into that fear and hides from men and lives off SSD for PTSD from the trauma of the experience. Not only is she stuck in the poor area where she is more likely to be victimized again but she also is stuck. Emotionally and physically and she is NOT happy, because you cant be happy when you live your life thinking about how bad things are for you.

I agree, and this is why I said people achieve IN SPITE of racism and people hold themself back BECAUSE of racism,,but neither group has any obligation to IGNORE racism exists,,,

I was a victim of rape, I didnt overcome it by ignoring that it happened or not talking about it,,,JUST THE OPPOSITE,,,

Yea yea I know you were raped by a white guy and I was beaten and abused by black people. Hence our extremely different views. Both fueled by our passion on the subject.

but I dont think white men are the 'most' sexist on the planet,,,

I have also been LOVED by white men, which makes them pretty equal to everyone else in my book,,but I can look logically at the HISTORICAL context of race and race relations in america without harboring ill sentiment against any RACE in particular

Exactly. Just because a person is bold enough to admit and acknowledge the differences in our races and culture doesn't make them racist and it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen else where. Just because a lot of white people live in nicer areas doesn't mean some white people are not going through racism on an everyday basis. and vise verses. Thats my point in these days where poor people come in all colors and so do the wealthy one has to assume that racism hits ever social stature and ever race. To assume that in THESE DAYS that one race has it worse than another is WRONG!

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