Why are you still Single?
first i love that song lol and i am alone becasue every single man i have been with has cheated on me. i think it was the universe telling me i needed to sort myself out first before i would find a good guy.
i have 6. one of them i was so drunk i didnt even know what was going on. lol but i got something i wanted it just looks horrible. ill get it fixed eventually
Ryan Reynolds is Single
SOOOOOOOOOOO HOT. lol he is on my list of five hottest celebritys that even if i was in a relationship i would sleep with.ok he is more like top 2.
you seem honest and fun. but i perosnally think sometimes a little criminal activity is nesiccary lol
i agee lol i think its for likely a person to fall in lust at first sight lol everone had had that weather they admit it or not