Community > Posts By > loverboy39

loverboy39's photo
Wed 09/29/10 02:32 PM

Weed is weed, as long as it gets you high...I see no reason to complain about the grade. Unless it is dirt weed, then you are an antichrist.

well dirt weed obviously a grade so you just completely contradicted yourself mmmk?

loverboy39's photo
Wed 09/29/10 02:31 PM
also different types of mary jane gives u different types of high some are more mental maening u feel dizzy others more bodily to where as after u smoke it you couched meaning you don't feel like moving im actually doing research on marijuana because i am going to open my own farm in a couple years with my brother if you feel you are being mislead wiki it

loverboy39's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:16 AM
marijuana is a plant and just any plant there are different kinds. kinda like a maple tree did you know there is over 27 different types of maple trees marijuana has different types the way it is grown the male the female some are grown in different ways like hydroponics for instance the weed is actually grown in water not dirt

loverboy39's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:10 AM

well maybe if we televised the presidency as from a more advertising level in stead of such secret buisness as usual more people would react to it more instead of how well someone can sing

they do advertise, they tell you why NOT to vote for someone else, instead of why we should vote for them(in most cases)

one thing I liked about OBamas campaign was how rare it was to see such negative campaign ads approved by him

im not just talking about televising the election im talking about having cameras set up in the white house televising exactly what the president is doing this way people would make sure he as doing his job if celebrities can make entire tv shows about their life why can't the government do it considering they are running our lives we should have the right to see what they are doing

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 11:51 PM
ha i been smokin weed for the past 15 years i don't even get dry mouth or munchies any more but thx for the offer i only smoke the best weather it's sour diesel blue berry haze g-14 or silver haze or jamaican red hair thats all i smoke =P

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 11:36 PM
brutus that is some amazing body art how that take you?

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 08:23 PM
well maybe if we televised the presidency as from a more advertising level in stead of such secret buisness as usual more people would react to it more instead of how well someone can sing

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 04:23 PM

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 04:11 PM
Seakolony i completely agree with your last statement due to political pressure as well as our family pressure and our own self doubt how many people actually vote for the real person they want in office and this includes the candidates that never even entered the pole

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 04:05 PM
simple as this being he got into it and made money a lot of money on it was still making money obviously won't get out of it becaause of the money they still make simple psychology my friend

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 01:38 PM
passaic county right here holla

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 12:11 PM
and they still have ties and stock into weapons factories which makes them supporters as well as co owners

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 11:59 AM
ty =D

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 11:50 AM
for those of you that doubt my sources go to that site it will show you the family tree starting with the weapons that his family started making back in the 1700s so as far as my sources and having a dung myth apparently you are mislead my friend

loverboy39's photo
Tue 09/28/10 02:03 AM
actually none every time we get a republican for president they screw up the economy then the democrats have to come into office clean up their mess all the republicans do is whine and cry about why they lost their seat then somehow manage to convince enough extremely gullible people mind u most of these people are also the same people who would become easily encouraged to join a cult manage to over take the office with promises of they will make it better then all they do is screw it up again then it's right back where we started this has gone on since hoover it needs to stop and the only way to make it stop is to completely disassemble the republican party along with the god awful tea party

loverboy39's photo
Mon 09/27/10 10:11 PM
half of bushes family owns an oil refinery out in texas the other half is a co-owner in one of the biggest weapons factories in the world

loverboy39's photo
Mon 09/27/10 09:12 PM
aaand so you think that an ak-47 is the onlyweapon they use in iraq? i go news for you the m16 is used a lot more over there by them than an ak-47 is although it doesn't really matter they can't aim for **** anyway lollaugh

loverboy39's photo
Mon 09/27/10 09:01 PM
you don't have tobe in the presidential office to have pull with the government for starters half of bushe's family owns weapon and oil factories where do you think the taliban got their weapons from

loverboy39's photo
Mon 09/27/10 08:56 PM
unbelievable 22 people checked this out and not one person even responded in the box >.<

loverboy39's photo
Mon 09/27/10 08:29 PM
lol clinton = one of the best presidents in american history so transparent that knew it when he got a blow job also a democrat

both bushes and reagan=fail republicans secretive and let the people that were screwing the american public side becuse they were bought

democrats are mostly already rich whereby they don't get bought out as much