Community > Posts By > MrWrongman

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:02 PM

Men are the one's who put women on Pedestals, simply for the fact that then they can look up their skirts!!! :tongue:

Thats not a bad idealaugh

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:01 PM
Both of you can bite me!!!

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:59 PM
they should be put on a pedestal...WTF I think they should put their man on ahead of themselves:angry:

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 07:53 PM
This thread sucks!!!

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 06:02 PM

whats with the guys on here.... chessey lines.. wont take no for an answer.. come on guys...

Are you from Tennesse cuz your the only Ten I see LOL!!!laugh
yea u would say somethin like that:tongue:

LOL!!! Its my pick up line works like a charmbigsmile
guess u shouldve tried that one with me instead of............laugh laugh

Its only for girls I like LMAO!!!!!!!!!!laugh
oooops my badsad

LOL!!! Now go away

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 05:58 PM

whats with the guys on here.... chessey lines.. wont take no for an answer.. come on guys...

Are you from Tennesse cuz your the only Ten I see LOL!!!laugh
yea u would say somethin like that:tongue:

LOL!!! Its my pick up line works like a charmbigsmile
guess u shouldve tried that one with me instead of............laugh laugh

Its only for girls I like LMAO!!!!!!!!!!laugh

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 05:55 PM

whats with the guys on here.... chessey lines.. wont take no for an answer.. come on guys...

Are you from Tennesse cuz your the only Ten I see LOL!!!laugh
yea u would say somethin like that:tongue:

LOL!!! Its my pick up line works like a charmbigsmile

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 05:53 PM

whats with the guys on here.... chessey lines.. wont take no for an answer.. come on guys...

Are you from Tennesse cuz your the only Ten I see LOL!!!laugh

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 04:58 PM
Oh hi Princess thought you leftbigsmile

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 04:43 PM

arguing or do you try and keep the peace?[lets see if anyone admits that they like to argue]

I usually put them in their place:wink:

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 04:38 PM
This ship was sinking it was on the second page,had to bring it back up for entertainment purposes...Good Day Ya'll flowerforyou

MrWrongman's photo
Thu 05/22/08 04:36 PM

calling people darlin', doll, hun, babe, baby, etc in real life. I have been using those words so much on here, that I caught myself today trying to call someone that. laugh

Nah babe why do you ask?happy

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:15 PM

There are times when being single is good, especially after ****ty relationships. But i've been single for too long, but at the same time, i'm just not finding a girl that i truly wanna be with. I'm sure I should develop a new way to meet girls, because the old partying lifestyle only leads to really one type of girl. I'm just wondering how to go about meeting someone new.

The only way your gonna meet women is if you talk to them, the more you talk to them the more confident you become and the site here is a great way to practice

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:33 PM

hey IndnPrncs, was just reading back on an earlier post , how did i piss mr wong off ?

did i say something wong ?
wasnt even talking about him , am I wong ? lol laugh
am i wong rabbit ...? lol

(((knight))) lmao don't worry about it.. he thought you were slamming him, I told him you weren't it was an oops all good now... flowerforyou
((( IndnPrncs ))) thank you .. and umm this huggie thing ... im liking it ...ALOT ..
ummm do you have a list i can get on since you only have room for one Psycho a night :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

A public apology to the Knight Riderdrinker

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:14 PM

How do you handle finding out 2 years later your Partner Cheated on you?huh

Dump that Btchh!!!!!!!

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 06:16 PM

Im gone for a bit and I get called a jackass...Umm thanks buddy but usually I get called that by the girls..I guess that makes u my biatch!!!!:wink: laugh

huh huh huh

Its comes out only if I dont like thembigsmile

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 06:11 PM
Im gone for a bit and I get called a jackass...Umm thanks buddy but usually I get called that by the girls..I guess that makes u my biatch!!!!:wink: laugh

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:52 PM
You people are putting my bunny ranch outta business:angry:

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:23 PM

when i read womens profiles, a lot of women put down that they want someone who dosnt play games or cheat , but then they go out and seek out people who play games and cheat over people who dont play games and cheat,it seems like they say one thing and do another , is it just me imagining this??.how do yall all think about this

So play games with them and cheat, whats the problem:wink:

MrWrongman's photo
Wed 05/21/08 05:19 PM
You dweebs killed my thread:angry:

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