Community > Posts By > sullysully

sullysully's photo
Thu 10/04/07 03:38 PM
Good luck! Remember not to mess in your own yard!

sullysully's photo
Thu 10/04/07 12:39 PM
My heart goes out to the family. - bump

sullysully's photo
Thu 10/04/07 12:08 PM
Hi; Im a newbie too!

sullysully's photo
Thu 10/04/07 11:21 AM
Apparently satan saw God as He really is, where as we try to imagine Him. Satan already played his hand when He tried to take over heaven. Like the spouse who just messed around one to many times. Lousy example, but who am I G--?

sullysully's photo
Thu 10/04/07 11:00 AM
Choose a translation and not a paraphrase the New Internaional Version is A readable translation. The older Testament was coppied down by hand by Scribes. That was their job. They had many was of checking that their work was correct. The dead sea scrolls [discovered in the 1950's or 60's] were hidden a couple of hundred years before Christ by the people hiding from a conquering army. The book of Isiah was found complete with only one word being different the word "light" was used for "lamp".
The new testament was letters or short books delivered to different churches. Many, many copies were made so everyone could have their own copy. Naturally there were differences in the copies since it was not done by professionals as the older testament was. But since there were so many copies made very quickly, modern scholars are able to compare & contrast the available manuscripts and deduce what is in extent what the originals contained.
But a translation is still a translation. Just as there are over 50 ways to say the word snow in Eskimo, so the ancient languages of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek will always be a little differently expressed than they can be in english of french.
Remember "The word of God is Living and active and sharper than any 2 edged sword, -- able to judge the thoughts & intentions of the heart." Jesus said "The scripture cannot be broken". Because [as mentioned above] it is inspired by God, It has great power.