Community > Posts By > AUSTIN38

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Mon 03/03/08 08:54 AM
At least I'm not taken in by the "good ole boys"

So, you're the enemy...? Ok, so be it.

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Mon 03/03/08 08:48 AM
can't even SPELL sane

Aqua, before you spew your garbage and point out other peoples spelling mistakes, perhaps you should go back and read some of your own posts.

You need a spell check! laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 08:33 AM
Ya suppose AllenAqua & Dragon got them some kleenex and decided to call it day? ...


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Mon 03/03/08 08:28 AM
oh wel, just a hit and run piece by the copy paste queen of the forums

Dragoness is doing what she does best, "cut and paste"...but can't refute anyone here or credibly back up any claims she's made. laugh

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 08:25 AM
try to make some sense on your next post...after all you claim you write articles for a profit....hmmmm...I wonder when we're going to see a sample of your "skills"....


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Mon 03/03/08 08:09 AM
Austin, you can't reason with people like this. Their stratagy is to always assualt you personally if they can't successfully attack your convictions.

That's for sure, northrn and very true. It's just more BS from them at the source.

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:51 AM
Dragoness, you can't reason with people like this. Their stratagy is to always assualt you personally if they can't successfully attack your convictions.

Dad told me once " Son...never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig's the only one havin fun"

I have to ask that when you talk sh1t with your mouth, then from which end do you eat??laugh

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:44 AM
The "War" in Irag is about money, pure and simple...The powers that be are in bed with the "contractors" It's all about their bottom line and their "externalities

Wow, you've got your head buried in sand, don't you? To say that is like saying we'll all gain financially by mining silver on the moon.

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:34 AM
pretzel logic.

And yours; smoke and mirrors....laugh


no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:32 AM
first and foremost i would like to commend you for admitting that there are indeed terrorist in the world. there might be hope for you(doubtful as it is)

you say that no terror attacks have happened again and it is illogical to say it is because we are in iraq? it is illogical to think it is otherwise. they can not afford the time man power or resources to launch yet another attack on the US while we are depleting their numbers on the battlefields that are iraq and afghanistan. which is to say we are more than making a dent, but you wouldnt know that without having actually seen it with your own eyes. you have however seen that there hasnt been another attack here, so i guess the government wit its resources is doing an at least somewhat fair job on keeping the blood in your body.

we are no longer at war with iraq. wtf did he just say? you read it. right now iraq is merely a place where we are fighting terrorist of any nation that sends them there. of course maybe you would rather we let the fight(which is happening one way or another-cause hugs just dont work anymre)come to your neighborhood.

we had a large number of forces in afghanistan on 9 11? thats interesting, i mean im in the service and I didnt know about that.

smokin smokin

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:31 AM
you sound as desperate as Cindy Sheen least she knew when to quit

drinker smokin

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:29 AM
The sad thing about terrorists is that if you take out one, another is ready to take his/her place. The war will never end, 9/11 was not the first time nor will it be the last time we are attacked by terrorists. Just like the "war on drugs", the war on terrorism will never end.

Very true, but if we listen to all the bleeding hearts and let our guard down, then the consequences are ten fold. So we continue fighting to keep our heads afloat. Stop fighting and the terrorists win, absolutely.

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:22 AM
I too live this way But many do not and they are being lead down the yellow brick road of fearmongering and warmongering. We are not making a dent in terrorism in Iraq and the reason we have not had any new attacks has absolutely nothing to do with our military being in Iraq. It is illogical to even think along those lines.

Terrorists are worldwide. Iraq is not the homeland of terrorism. Iraq has not perpetrated a terror attack in our soil to this day. 9/11 was perpetrated out of Afghanistan WHILE OUR MILITARY WAS THERE!!!!!!

Come on people. It is not as plain as day.

It's astounding to me that they want me to believe that it's in my best interest to go along with their fascist motives... when the fact is that they get a thrill at the prospect of instilling fear and hate so they can be justified in making their war games into actual death and destruction

And the weather doesn't change much either while wearing rose colored glasses. Don't put away that umbrella just yet.

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 07:10 AM
do you mean as opposed to another war mongering, demonizing, corporate supporting, post ?

Quite frankly, yes. sniffle....laugh

And what does corporate support have to do with war on terror? laugh

More like bleeding heart BULL**** propaganda!smooched laugh

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 06:36 AM
another bleeding heart post...yawn

no photo
Fri 02/29/08 01:30 PM
laugh laugh


no photo
Fri 02/29/08 12:52 PM
laugh laugh


no photo
Fri 02/29/08 12:51 PM
laugh laugh


no photo
Fri 02/29/08 12:18 PM
music in the early 80's....


no photo
Fri 02/29/08 12:15 PM
laugh laugh
