Community > Posts By > AUSTIN38

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Sat 03/22/08 09:00 AM
Awesome, now you can open a casino

laugh laugh


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Wed 03/19/08 09:27 AM

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Tue 03/18/08 03:48 PM

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Tue 03/04/08 12:07 AM
Edited by AUSTIN38 on Tue 03/04/08 12:08 AM
Maybe easier to buy cigarettes?


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Mon 03/03/08 11:23 PM
Edited by AUSTIN38 on Mon 03/03/08 11:26 PM

My philosophy is: even a condom can't prevent STD's.

Mostly it's who you choose in a partner; you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Simple and enough said.

She comes back with this

Are you saying that a moral person can't get std's?

What kind of question is that? I had just implied anyone is at risk and is vulnerable to STD's.

I however stand on my statement about STD's.

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Mon 03/03/08 11:01 PM
Well then I do rephrase... I thought you were stating that moral people don't get STD's

Jill, not at all. I was attacked by the weakest link lady (who she reminds me of) and then it seemed you followed in. Re-read the posts. That's what set her off.

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Mon 03/03/08 10:55 PM
When someone really thinks they like someone, it's best not to step in. Be there for when she falls. You, and I, both, know she will. If you try to tell her different, and she gets mad...whose going to help her later? It's hard, but that's the way it is. The safest advice about the sex stuff is to always wait till you know them enough to ask them to accompany you to the clinic. If both people get tested at the same time, one won't think that the other is suspicious of something. I just tell the man, I would prefer to be safe, than sorry. If he's worth what we are planning to start, he will be happy to comply. The ones who won't, they may be hiding something. Best advice I've got.

Well said

no photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:49 PM

No, I agreed that even a moral person could catch a STD. Your response was:

LOL that's just plain ignorant

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Mon 03/03/08 10:38 PM
LOL that's just plain ignorant

you can catch it many ways... there's even "herpes of the eye" I don't even wanna know how you would get that...
herpes of the mouth are those cold sores that are very common (even among moral people) but can be transmitted very easily to another person

Well, that sounds like a major contradiction on your part. Care to revise your statement a bit?

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Mon 03/03/08 10:33 PM
that's about the truth, eh? You think not.

A statement from an absent mind...


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Mon 03/03/08 10:29 PM
Well everyone in here has about the same advice as I had the only thing is I didn't know that you could get Herpes in other places other than mouth and this true?? This question may sound very ignorant but I always use protection when I have sex with someone I don't know that well and even with that I don't screw until like the 5-6th date...for real!!
Soooo I am interested in this fact I have also had people tell me that you can die from it and that you can pass it on to people just by touching them cus it comes through your pores...this is really scary I am now seriously thinking about becoming a NUN DAMNIT this sex thing is even more confusing then than Algebra, Geometry or Calculous!!!

Finally from someone that is a bit educated on the facts

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Mon 03/03/08 10:26 PM
If you read my responses, you would know I understood the topic just fine.

I think not

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Mon 03/03/08 10:23 PM
I have married friends that have gotten herpes from their husbands. Moral people can catch STD's.

My point exactly.

Excuse me? Is there a particular reason you're being an asswipe?

Any particular reason you can't understand this topic?

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Mon 03/03/08 10:16 PM
Are you saying that a moral person can't get std's?

Were you born yesterday? Yes, that's exactly waht I'm saying.


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Mon 03/03/08 10:12 PM
I had a friend once tell me about her bf who beat her "except that he's an alcholic drug user (felon) who has anger problems, he's a really great guy... you just need to get to know him" idiot...

So which is it? He's a really great guy when he beats her?


He's a felon, who's an alcoholic drug user, that's a great guy, but just need to know him first?

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Mon 03/03/08 10:07 PM
So...she had sex with him the first night...and didn't use a condom. I would say they're both pretty ignorant for that.

Even a condom can't prevent STD's...

Mostly it's who you choose in a partner; you lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas. Simple and enough said.


no photo
Mon 03/03/08 10:03 PM
laugh Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving...


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Mon 03/03/08 09:57 PM
I couldn't read through half of this....HERPES?!...OMG

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Mon 03/03/08 09:55 PM
you look fit as a fiddle, my man smokin

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Mon 03/03/08 12:06 PM
so would it be safe to say Mick is havin a fag in the arse!

laugh Good one!

But the Brit's wouldn't understand American slang/humor either.
