Community > Posts By > JoshH

JoshH's photo
Wed 12/19/07 06:36 PM
hey, all!

JoshH's photo
Wed 12/19/07 06:24 PM
Edited by JoshH on Wed 12/19/07 06:25 PM
the one in my display pic is critter.....she's the skinny one, and she does that cause she got a really bad upper resparitory infection when she was little and that eye got crusted really bad and it's real sensitive to light now....

JoshH's photo
Wed 12/19/07 06:23 PM
my persian/tabby is critter and my himalayan is moo moo cause she's a little

JoshH's photo
Wed 12/19/07 06:20 PM
She's a purebred himalayan/doll faced persian (same thing, different name). She's 3 years old and really fluffy...matches my other cat nicely cause my other cat is half doll faced persian/half tabby so they look a lot a like as far as color goes.....i have pics of both in my profile but sadly no pics of them together because they're not friends yet....

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:12 PM
i agree.....i haven't gotten drunk in about 6 months....i'll have an occasional beer from time to time, but then i go to bed right afterwards....i don't see the point of destroying your mind and body because you think it's fun...i was stupid for doing it when i was a kid.....

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:09 PM
it's not that they're trying to annoy me.....they're just naturally good at it.......they don't even know they are....

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:03 PM
you're all great frends.....there's just to many people on this site i could do without

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:01 PM

Marijuana is only beneficial for finding inmates fresh meat when your @$$ gets thrown in jail when the cops bust you for it....

i agree.....i wanna shake your hand.

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:00 PM
fine driving conditions....clear, dry roads, only problem is that it was dark out....but not even teenagers are stupid enough to drive without head was just stupid kids who thought they could handle driving under an altered state of mind. pot heads never want to admit there's a down side to pot...but there is

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:53 PM
i'm thinking about leaving the site for a while.....too much drama and people pissing me off whether they realize it or i'm thinking about just leaving it alone for a while.....

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:48 PM

How come they don't say when alcohol doesn't do the trick people do harder things?

And have you ever heard a story where a high driver killed themselves and a car full of other people?

yeah, actually, a car full of teenagers smoking pot crashed here on a county road about 10 miles out of town about 3 weeks ago.....only one person died, the rest were just a little banged up....but, hey, look what they were doing.....just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:32 PM
back for now......

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:22 PM

Awwe babies!!!


Sup Josh... welcome back!

yeah, i needed some "me time"....

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:15 PM
how much did she weigh?

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:07 PM
congradulations! when did this happen?

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:06 PM
hey, what's up?

JoshH's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:00 PM
Hey, everyone, how've you all been?

JoshH's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:17 PM
come on, people, you don't need me here to keep this thread going, do you?

JoshH's photo
Fri 12/14/07 06:45 PM
i smoked weed for years and quit because i'm sick of it. THC is proven to lower sperm count, motor functions, and impair judgement. if you want to smoke it 20 times a day that's completely up to you, it's not my place to judge. i just choose to not do it. and they actually have relaxed about it in some states. in minnesota it's now "decriminalized" basically if you get caught with weed they issue you a ticket and it's like an $80 dollar fine and petty misdemeanor on your record. if you have an ounce or more the fine doubles and when you're caught with a pound or more it's a felony and a year probation. so laws are changing on the matter (i believe it's because cops are finally realizing there's worse drugs out there like meth), but it's stil not legal. and IMO it shouldn't be...not trying to offend anyone, just voicing my views on the matter...

JoshH's photo
Fri 12/14/07 06:38 PM
well, happy birthday to me.....hello to all of you....just popping in is all...not staying, i gotta get to bed.....i gotta be up at 5am......drinker have a good night everyone...

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