Community > Posts By > Justin68

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Sun 09/05/10 07:39 AM
I have had other profiles, where I specifically said, "No Lesbians". And guess what I would get contacted by tons of lesbains. of course as we know lesbians like to play mind games with straight men. that is what feminization is.

Simple fact is NO MATTER what you put in your profile. people are going to contact you. IF THEY ARE PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO YOU! PERIOD. End of story!

Just because someone has graduated college. And has a "Five year" career plan. Dosen't make them a good person. And yeah, if i read a womens profile. And allshe says about her self is allabout her education and career goals. That tells me, that she is more concerned with that. Than she is with dating anyone.

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Sun 09/05/10 07:27 AM

LOL, Jamie I posed that exact question on a completely different thread.

yeah, just like in a bar or other social setting. it has a lot to do with looks. I mean EVERYONE will click on a profile of a person they are attracted to. few people actually read those profiles.

I think you should be honest in your profile. But at the same time make it simple. I mean you want to make so people know exactly what you are looking for. But at the same time, you want them to want to get to know you better.

I am looking for strictly sex hook ups. I'm not financially stable enough to date. Let alone start a relationship. But that isn't to say people who are looking for strictly sexual hook ups. Can't fall in love. And there are some women on here who are just looking for sexual hook ups. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't post pictures of themselves. So they admit that is what they want. But are still so embarrassed and or ashamed of it. That they won't use real pictures of themselves.

I'm getting off subject. I believe you should be honest and simple. Short and sweet in your about me sections.

By "make it simple" do you mean more like your profile? You maybe honest in your profile, but it tells very little about you. If I were looking through profiles, I'd probably pass yours by, as it's so short and doesn't say much. Though, when you're just looking for sex, I guess you don't need to say much. But, as with anything else, it all comes down to preferences.

Sounds more like you just don't want to read longer profiles. Of course, that's your choice.

Reading someones profile, I really don't care what someones career goals are. someone else pointed out, that is the kind of thing you make small talk over. That also tells me that that particular girl will put her "career" infront of ANY TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP she is looking for.

If I read your profile and know everything about you. Then what would we talk about through e-mails and what have you?

How is it that you don't care about someone's career and educational goals if you are going to become personally involved with them? What if they don't have ambition? Isn't that something you want to know upfront rather than down the road when they are a lump on the coach?

If you connect with someone then you will have a lot to discuss even if you already know a great deal about them via their profile. Knowing what is of interest will inspire conversation rather than prohibit conversation. What if they have an area of interest that you are not familiar with? Wouldn’t that spark curiosity on your part to learn something new?

During my last semester, and taking anthropological osteopathy, many people were fascinated in my studies. It made a great conversation piece!

Just saying ... you never know! winking

first of all I have been to jail. Secondly, what someone does for a living isn't high on my priority list when it comes to dating or having sex.

I have a feeling if I was deeply concerned with that. A couple of you women would accuse me of being a jigalo.


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Sun 09/05/10 07:23 AM
Sing, and Indian Princess,

if the first thing on your mind when you meet a man. is, What kind of job or education they have. Then you have been watching to much Oprah. Seriously.

Maybe you'ld be better served joining those Nazis on

You can not sit there and tell me. When you meet a person in a social public place. The first thing you think, is "Did this guy graduate college and does he have a 401K plan?" Cause if that is the case. then no wonder you are still single.

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Sun 09/05/10 07:20 AM

I understand what you are saying about having a "surprise" effect - and that being part of the fun; however, I don't want to waste my time. If I don't discuss my deal-breakers in my bio section then I am setting myself up for meeting the wrong person.

Melody, I just want to say "Thank You!" on this one.

I've tried to make it very very clear, in my profile, as to what I'm looking for and NOT looking for. I get a lot of profile views here, and only about 10% of those people ever contact me. I think a large part of that is because the others have read my profile and realize we would not be a good match.

As it stands, the majority (I should say "entirety," to be accurate!) of people who do contact me, stating that they're interested in starting something, are people who are excluded by my deal-breakers, as stated in the profile. Either they didn't read that far or they somehow decided they can change my mind!

But imagine how much worse it could be if I DIDN'T mention my deal-breakers in my profile....!

Women always trying to change us.

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Sat 09/04/10 01:51 PM
Article in this months Rolling Stone. "How Geeks, Vampires and Kick #### Babes took over the tube."

I have often said that over the last 20 or so years. The powers that be. have been using the media, TV, and movies to feminize us regular Joes.

no photo
Sat 09/04/10 10:20 AM

LOL, Jamie I posed that exact question on a completely different thread.

yeah, just like in a bar or other social setting. it has a lot to do with looks. I mean EVERYONE will click on a profile of a person they are attracted to. few people actually read those profiles.

I think you should be honest in your profile. But at the same time make it simple. I mean you want to make so people know exactly what you are looking for. But at the same time, you want them to want to get to know you better.

I am looking for strictly sex hook ups. I'm not financially stable enough to date. Let alone start a relationship. But that isn't to say people who are looking for strictly sexual hook ups. Can't fall in love. And there are some women on here who are just looking for sexual hook ups. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't post pictures of themselves. So they admit that is what they want. But are still so embarrassed and or ashamed of it. That they won't use real pictures of themselves.

I'm getting off subject. I believe you should be honest and simple. Short and sweet in your about me sections.

By "make it simple" do you mean more like your profile? You maybe honest in your profile, but it tells very little about you. If I were looking through profiles, I'd probably pass yours by, as it's so short and doesn't say much. Though, when you're just looking for sex, I guess you don't need to say much. But, as with anything else, it all comes down to preferences.

Sounds more like you just don't want to read longer profiles. Of course, that's your choice.

Sex or dinner and a movie. Reading someones profile, I really don't care what someones career goals are. someone else pointed out, that is the kind of thing you make small talk over. That also tells me that that particular girl will put her "career" infront of ANY TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP she is looking for.

If I read your profile and know everything about you. Then what would we talk about through e-mails and what have you?

My profile tells you what i watch on TV, What kind of hobbies I have. What I do with my free time. And the type of relationship i am looking for. At the same time, it is open. Which leaves something for someone who would be interested to ask or talk about.

Look these are profiles for people looking to meet people for Dating, love and YES SEX! Even if you are looking for marrige, do you really want to know what someones educational and career goals are? it's not a JOB interview. it's people Saying "Hi, I like you"

no photo
Sat 09/04/10 10:09 AM

I put some stuff into my profile deliberately so as to weed out on the front end the ones who'd never agree with my positions - saves a lot of time 'n trouble later on. I know it works by the nasty li'l unsolicitied emails I get from 'em - at which point I just kinda chuckle and delete 'em ... they don't realize the profile has just served its purpose ...

As to your problem - you DO realize no woman is gonna put up a profile with the magic letters 'C F M' in it, right ... ?

You'ld be surprised

no photo
Sat 09/04/10 07:04 AM
Edited by Justin68 on Sat 09/04/10 07:07 AM
LOL, Jamie I posed that exact question on a completely different thread.

yeah, just like in a bar or other social setting. it has a lot to do with looks. I mean EVERYONE will click on a profile of a person they are attracted to. few people actually read those profiles.

I think you should be honest in your profile. But at the same time make it simple. I mean you want to make so people know exactly what you are looking for. But at the same time, you want them to want to get to know you better.

I am looking for strictly sex hook ups. I'm not financially stable enough to date. Let alone start a relationship. But that isn't to say people who are looking for strictly sexual hook ups. Can't fall in love. And there are some women on here who are just looking for sexual hook ups. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't post pictures of themselves. So they admit that is what they want. But are still so embarrassed and or ashamed of it. That they won't use real pictures of themselves.

I'm getting off subject. I believe you should be honest and simple. Short and sweet in your about me sections.

no photo
Sat 09/04/10 06:46 AM

It's hard making predictions! That's what makes college football so fun. And I can tell you, if you don't live in west,PA. It Football weather out there. I might not even go for my weekly 20 mile mountain bike ride.

But' I'll be honest I don't think OSU will win the Big Ten this year. They lost to USC last year in the season opener at the Shoe! it is going to come down to Whether or not Pryor can out gun Harris. No defense in this one at all. Besides we have a whole week to argue it.

Good luck to the Youngstown State Penguins. LOL

no photo
Fri 09/03/10 10:27 PM

Joe Paterno has one of the best Opening day records in Division 1A college football.

no photo
Fri 09/03/10 10:26 PM
Edited by Justin68 on Fri 09/03/10 10:29 PM

My Miami Hurricanes looked great tonight :) Can't wait for us to crush Ohio State next weekend.

Yeah. But FAMU's band was much...much better than The U's.:tongue: laugh

Here are a couple of predictions for you all.

Miami will beat OSU next week.
Penn State will stay alot closer to Bama than most think.
Boise State will get killed by VT.
LSU will desmantle North Carolina
Tim Tebow will be sorely missed at UF. laugh

Half of UNC's players are suspened. With more suspensions coming!!! There is no way VT will beat Boise. Because alot of people overlook how good Boise's defense is. When they shut down VT's rushing attack. It's all over for the Hookies.

Joe Paterno, is starting to come out of that conservative shell he's been in siince the 80's. LOL, a result is the guys will like playing for him even more. And they'll be less predictable to defend. Oh yeah, Ingram might not play. And Bama has a defensive linemen who got injured and will be out for a couple weeks.

But I can't wait to get a six pack or so. And watch that VT Boise game Monday night. If you think that Pitt utah game was a good one. VT and Boise will be better.

no photo
Fri 09/03/10 10:20 PM
It won't matter, The Sharks are like the Buffalo Bills. One of the greatest teams ever, that will never win a championship. And I kinda like the Sharks. Just the way it is. Goal keeping wasn't thier problem.

no photo
Fri 09/03/10 10:17 PM
Am I the only one who has ever noticed? That the stuff people put on thier About me sections. Are more like things they would say at Job interviews. And less like the things they'ld say to someone at a bar. Or to someone who they are trying to pick up.

I suppose it has a lot to do with what type of relationship they are looking for. But still, the whole fun in dating is getting to know someone. In the process you either fall in love. Or learn that that particular person is not the type you should or want to be dating at all.

Knowing to much about someone right off the bat. Ruins a lot of the fun in dating or even hooking up for one night stands.

no photo
Fri 09/03/10 07:28 AM
Habs shocked a lot of teams in the playoffs last season. it Won't happen again!!!!!!!

Philly, New Jersey, and Pittsburgh are awsome Hockey teams. If Philly can finally keep thier tempers in check. They'll do some damage. If the League ever approves Ilia's contracts, well hell the Devils don't need him to win. Not the he doesn't help. They just don't need him. If they sign him the devils will hurt people!

As for the Penguins, clearly they had trouble replacing Scuderri and Gill last season. Infact, not having that physical defensmen is why the Habs beat them. They'll have it fixed this year.

Teams on the bubble, Atlanta, Buffalo, The Habs, The Senators, and Boston. it's always fun watching hockey.

no photo
Thu 09/02/10 07:53 PM
Cool, good for you. I had to quit when I had back surgery.

As for OSU v PSU. We shall see.

no photo
Thu 09/02/10 12:54 PM
newark, you hated jocks in high school didn't you?

Captin, They have been getting royaly SCREWED! over the last couple seasons. Thing to remember, is the conferences with the TV contracts. Automatically get favored. The SEC has had it's own contract with CBS for years! And a lot of the sports reporters who vote are from SEC schools.

I hope Boise pounds VT! They couldn't dominate the Big East. Cause Pitt found ways to beat them regularly. Kinda like Iowa and Penn State, Ohio State and Penn State. LOL So what did VT do? They up and moved to the ACC. Something about the ACC and the SEC. You don't have to go undefeated. To win the conference and have a chance to play for the national title. HUMMMM?

Just in case you wondered. I am a Penn State fan.

no photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:58 AM
Well the 2010 College Football season Kicks off TONIGHT! Its about time, I love them Thursday Night games on ESPN. There are a slue of games on tonight. USC at Hawii late night, a big one is Pitt at Utah on versus. Ohio State is on ESPN. Miami v. Florida A&M. If I had money tonight would be the night I'ld hit a bar. Oh yeah, NFL preseason is on too.

How many times will Dr. Lou go off on a rant? howm many times will Coach Lee Corso tell the guys "Not so Fast"?

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