Community > Posts By > wolfchic

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Tue 09/10/13 09:49 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!drinker :banana: drinker

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Mon 09/09/13 10:38 PM
Hell No!That is not even up for debate!!

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Sun 09/08/13 11:30 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :angel: :angel: :angel: :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Sat 09/07/13 04:16 PM

HMM ok Stud, are you a Dom want to be or what? The other day you wanted to be a player but you were to shy. Now all the women want you to sweet talk them into submission. I really don't think that is how the Lifestyle works but it is your story and I am sure you are going to stick to it!!
Maybe I should work my Dominate ways on you and see if you will cry?
laugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl drinks

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Sat 09/07/13 04:09 PM

I am adding your grandson to my prayers for you and your family! God hear our prayers and fully restore this baby's lungs. We give you this atelectasis and ask that all the alveoli in the lungs exchange gases so that this baby will be healed. Give this baby more healing love and strength and fully develop his lungs! In Jesus name I pray! Amen!flowerforyou flowerforyou

AMEN:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:
:angel: JUST BELEIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter was born 6weeks early.The bags in her lungs were all not open.
There was a bigger baby born at the same weeks early.They told me that the bigger ones have more problems.But still come out fine.biggrin
This will be a Rolloscoaster ride for all.So all of the family should just hang in there & fight along side this little guy!!flowers flowers flowers flowers

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Sat 09/07/13 08:03 AM
flowers flowers flowers

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Fri 09/06/13 09:56 PM

:thumbsup: biggrin Help all the rescue animals in the shelters...

That too for sure!

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Fri 09/06/13 09:21 PM
I would leave town for a few months,And when I come back,I would have a house built for my kids and one for me!And have my church go ahead with building the new one!

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Fri 09/06/13 07:53 PM
Congrats!drinker :banana: :banana:

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Thu 09/05/13 08:42 AM

I now have his weight 6 pound 4 ounces

Wow,he would of been an 8/9 pounder at full term!Ouch!:laughing: :laughing: Prayers he will do fine!

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Thu 09/05/13 08:34 AM

Thanks y'all.
The only reason I'm his friend is, he's a jerk and no one wants anything to do with him. I don't take his pushy crap. :wink:

The next door neighbor Bubbles just left. :wink:

Then he is a very lucky man.Every one need a friend.And you may of just saved his life.drinker :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Wed 09/04/13 09:53 PM
Congrats grama!drinker :banana:
He is a cutie!

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Wed 09/04/13 07:46 PM
Good to hear your friend is getting some help.

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Wed 09/04/13 06:22 PM

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Wed 09/04/13 09:34 AM
He is reaching out for you.He needs to seek help from someone that can help him Now.
If you are in the same town,Go talk to him in person.Otherwise.Call family or friends that can go to him.
It may be a Medical reasons that are causing him to feel and think this way!

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Mon 09/02/13 08:46 PM

I've been honest with him. I've not lead him on. I can't beleve a man would want a woman like me.I'm a caregiver to my aunt who is cofield to a wheelchair. No matter what I tell him, he still say he loves me and wants to be with me. I don't have any money, in debt, 19 yr old tralier and a car that is 12 yrs old. I'm thinking this could beh a joke but then again, What if he is the man that I've looking for all my life. I haven't told him that I've lost 50% of my hearing, that no one will come between me and my 5 boys. Some of you know that I lost My Dad, 1/ yr ago this month, after a 3 year battle with cancer and this year has really, really been hard for me. My Doctor wants be to be checked for cancer, but I 'm afraid. I don't want to know,after seeing the pain that he went thur. What I want to know. Would you tell him or keep your mouth shut ???

Being honest with a good guy is the only way to go because if you lie to him then you are the same kind of messed up person he has been passing over to get to you.

A nice lady who loves her family and cares for the people and doing the best that she can in real life situations. So what you have and older car, or home, some debt (don't most) or maybe (nothing is proved yet don't catastropy/size) health issue that is more often than not treatable for years more life. If you only have 50% of your hearing he already has figured it out and doesn't care.

The one sure thing about telling a good guy that he has a laundry list of reasons not to love you is eventually they do get tired of trying to convince you to stop being your own worst enemy and basically they are defective for caring for you and they get tired of being insulted that you expect him to be and elitest creep just because he has been a li8ttle successful and move on.

How about just stepping back and enjoying the blessing that has come your way and see if he turns out to be worth having you? Doesn't your family deserve a break from worrying about you being sad and greiveing? Life does not have to be "miserable" just because you don't see yourself as the top shelf of society. Maybe he prefers salt of the earth and sweet over snooty and selfish.

Amen to that!:thumbsup:

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Mon 09/02/13 07:33 PM
Sorry for your loss!flowers

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Mon 09/02/13 07:42 AM

A bear walks into a bar in Billings, Montana and sits down.
He bangs on the bar with his paw and demands a beer.
The bartender approaches and says,
"We don't serve beer to bears in bars in Billings "
The bear, becoming angry, demands again that he be served a beer.
The bartender tells him again, more forcefully,
"We don't serve beer to belligerent bears in bars in Billings."
The bear, very angry now, says,
"If you don't serve me a beer, I'm going to eat that lady sitting at the end of the bar."
The bartender says,
"Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings."
The bear goes to the end of the bar, and, as promised, eats the woman.
He comes back to his seat and again demands a beer.
The bartender states,
"Sorry, we don't serve beer to belligerent, bully bears in bars in Billings who are on drugs."
The bear says,
"I'm NOT on drugs."
The bartender says,
"You are now. That was a barbitchyouate

:tongue: bigsmile :banana:

I bet they do!rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Sat 08/31/13 11:27 PM
Go to blocked users,there is the option to unblock!Just check the one you want to unblock!

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Sat 08/31/13 11:22 PM
Yep,and going to meet more!

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