Community > Posts By > ramboracoon

ramboracoon's photo
Mon 12/24/07 08:47 AM
Just my luck. I've been looking for an UNPROFESSIONAL black female girlfriend for years. Maybe weuns could conversate over some shrimps huh?

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/23/07 06:18 PM
One of my girlfriends is an attorney and on occasion, I get to do to a lawyer something that is almost exclusively reserved as the exclusive province of lawyers. YES! It is an ENORMOUS rush. It's impossible to describe the enormous feeling of satisfaction that it gives you. It's impossible to resist a short lecture at the end, about the significance of reversal of roles that just occurred :-)

ramboracoon's photo
Wed 12/19/07 02:30 PM
Brings to mind a bumper snicker that I used to have on a Corvette that I used to own. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.

Ah, the excesses of youth, but for those wonderful days again. The post was so good that I let Make Kitty do the Chicken read it (remember, snakes have EXCELLENT eyesight and MKdtC is a very, very, very smart diamondback, even by California standards. Even he chuckled, so he thought it was very good.

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/16/07 11:36 PM
It's difficult to believe until you actually see it, but Make Kitty do the Chicken actually recognizes me and will come to me if I call him correctly. Snakes don't have ears, but their eyesight is EXCELLENT. If I wave a certain piece of cloth so MKdtC can see it, he will crawl right over to me, coil about my feet and patiently sit there for as long as I'll let him. He will allow me to stroke his head and he will allow me to pick him up. He wraps a coil about my arm and will patiently rest there until I let him back down to the ground, at which point he will uncoil and go back to his favorite ambush spot. MKdtC has NEVER shown any animosity towards me and to the contrary, has always acted very, very friendly to me. I'm the only one that he will allow to get this close to him however, for reasons that only he is aware of. He does not scare me, although he could, if he elected to do so, very easily kill me every bit as easy as he dispatches cats. I do NOT have to restrain his head like you do most snakes, since he shows absolutely no aggression towards me and never has. I guess this will probably work ok until the day I attempt to pick up the wrong snake, lol. MKdtC is very, very, very territorial and I've never seen another diamondback anywhere near our yard, so I'm fairly sure that MKdtC has a monopoly on HIS space now. MKdtC has, on many occasions that I've handled him, gently, gently, gently licked my fingers with his tongue. I know enough about snakes to recognize that when he does this, he's simply tasting me to make absolutely sure that I'm who he thinks I am and not someone who will attempt to harm him. Snakes are not known to have personalities as such, but I will assure you that MKdtC does indeed have a "personality" and it is completely unlike anything that a human would ever expect from a rattlesnake. I've tried to convince my lawyer to come over and take MKdtC around the yard on his arm, but he keeps refusing. He probably knows that MKdtC and I have a little deal worked out. I'm surprised that MKdtC would bite a lawyer, I thought professional courtesy would keep all lawyers safe from snakebite. Well, I'm just trying to advance the body of knowledge about snakes, even if it is at the expense of a lawyer. We've got too many lawyers today anyway, what's the big deal if we lose one? Be interesting to ask MKdtC what tastes worse, a cat or a lawyer. I'd bet on the lawyer, but I'm probably prejudiced, lol.

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:38 PM
Nurses are soooooooooooooooo hot. If I lived in Texas near you, I'd probably have already asked you to marry me. I find there to be nothing whatever fake appearing about your picture, luv. You're absolutely beautiful.

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/16/07 09:34 PM
I was in the Royal Marines and on weekends, we used to go out to this rural farming area with a couple cans of ammo and three or four 50 caliber sniper rifles. You hit a cat with a 50 cal round from about a mile away and the impact spray wets everything for about 20 feet away from where you find usually two or three little paws that were completely blown off as the round hit the stinking little bugger. We used to collect them and make keychain ornaments out of them. They sold like hotcakes in the local villages, lol. The British version of the ASPCA finally figured out what was going on with them and complained to our CO, who tried to put an end to our weekend target practice, but was thankfully, unsuccessful. I believe that watching a cat explode as it's hit with a 50 cal round would be even more visually interesting than watching Make Kitty do the Chicken dispatch one. Probably going to have to go to Camp Pendleton now and get one of the recon boys to do the honors with the 50 cal rifle. Should be easy to film however.

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/16/07 09:19 PM
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly entertaining to see Make Kitty do the Chicken exercise his constitutional rights to eradicate cats, that I think I'm going to make a movie of him dispatching one of the filthy, stinking things and upload it to YouTube, so everyone can see and enjoy the survival talents of a species that's been over 200 million years in the making. The look on the cat's face as the venom courses through its body is completely priceless, lol. Uncooked cats must taste like crap, because I swear Make Kitty do the Chicken licks underneath the dead cat's tail after he's killed the stupid thing, I'm sure to get the nasty taste of cat out of his mouth. I only wish that I'd kept closer track of exactly how many of the filthy, stinking things that I've seen Make Kitty do the Chicken dispatch so far. It must be close to 30 or 40 so far, and the count continues to rise, thank God! Go Make Kitty do the Chicken!!!!

ramboracoon's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:55 PM
OK, I'm completely missing the point here. Why, exactly, would anyone see an excess population of feral cats as being any sort of problem? I live in LA and where I live, we have the world's absolute best excess cat population answer. It's called the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake and they will control the "excess" population of ANY gaggle of cats in extremely little time. Cats, being the stupid creatures of habit they are, are easily attracted to the slight movement of a diamondback as it stealthily lies in ambush mode in the short grass. A couple times a week in my backyard, I see a nice fat diamondback, which I've named "Make Kitty do the chicken" that's taken up residence in our backyard, charm a cat, sometimes feral, sometimes one of the neighbor's domesticated ones that they've allowed to wander, lol, close enough to strike it. The snake sort of "hypnotizes" the stupid cat into just standing there, staring at him, as he winds up preparing to strike. The strike is so lightning fast, all the stupid cat can do is stand there with this "WTF was THAT and why does my neck feel suddenly like it's on fire?" look on it's stupid about-to-be-dead face. Cat stands there for about 5 minutes as the venom spreads and then falls over and does "the chicken" for about 3 minutes until all 9 of it's lives depart. Make Kitty do the Chicken slithers over the now-dead cat to make sure his handiwork was successful, takes a look, smiles at me and slithers back down the hill to his burrow. Unfortunately, cats are way too big for Make Kitty do the Chicken to swallow, so I have to wrap their carcasses up in newspaper, Gladbag them and send them off to a friend who has an incinerator. If you just tossed them into the trash (where they belong), some other poor critter, most likely a dog or raccoon, might drag them out, eat them and suffer the same fate as the cat. Snake venom remains lethal in a corpse for several days and we don't want to take a chance on killing any little doggies or raccoons do we now? I say let nature deal with the cats, the show that snakes make getting rid of them is well worth seeing and highly effective. Make Kitty do the Chicken is an extremely large diamondback, he's about 7 or 8 feet long and maybe 5 inches in diameter mid-body. He seems like a nice enough sort as a neighbor, long as there's an ample supply of little kitty cats for him to play with, lol. I'm just guessing, but based on what I've seen so far, I would guess that Make Kitty do the Chicken alone could be responsible for killing maybe 100 to 150 wild cats in a single year. Since Make Kitty do the Chicken doesn't show any interest at all in eating his kills, I assume he's just another one of the guys and hates cats like we all do. My hat's off to ya, Make Kitty do the Chicken, and thanks for taking care of my girlfriend's two stupid house cats that wanted to show you how superior cats are to snakes. The look on the black and white ones face as you clamped down on his neck and injected him was truly priceless, lol. It was no contest, you dispatched both of them with the ease that only a large viper is capable of. You got any constrictor relatives living anywhere in the neighborhood? Man, that would be worth seeing, a boa or a retic python showing a cat how "superior" they are to constrictors, lol.

I'm sure that Make Kitty do the Chicken's relatives throughout the LA area, as well as the rest of California, are doing a fine, fine, fine job of ridding the city of the vermin that cats, feral and domesticated, are. So what's the problem here? Let's let nature do her work and rid the overpopulation the natural way. Keep those big diamondback's milked down so if they do happen to accidentally mistake a human for a cat or a rat, their bite may not be as severe as it would be in the absence of all the cats they're biting and keeping their venom down. Let nature do her work and don't interfere with her, nature will always find a solution to any overpopulation problem, with the apparent exception of the 3i's, Idiots, Imbeciles and Incompetents. We need to work on those three don't we?

ramboracoon's photo
Fri 12/14/07 08:51 PM
My goodness, your pic looks great to me and you look absolutely beautiful. Ummm, as far as the photos of you with your top off in front of a mirror go, can I get in line in first place, please? I promise, I'll ONLY examine your topless pics with an eye to judging the photographic and artistic merits of the photos and give absolutely NO thought to any purient interest that the photos might stir in me.