Community > Posts By > LauraJ

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Tue 08/12/08 07:43 AM

a "box" of Canadians please ??. thats 24 beers eh ?..drinker laugh laugh laugh

here's your box of Canadians minus 12 got thirsty ....sorry

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Tue 08/12/08 07:12 AM
to the store,anybody need anything?

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Tue 08/12/08 07:10 AM
I agree
Mine are very active in sports and are always on the go

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Tue 08/12/08 07:05 AM
we have had rain for 28 days straight
rivers were flooding,roads being washed away
nothing major by my house but the neighboring towns got hit hard cause of the river beds flooding

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Tue 08/12/08 06:59 AM
things are good,we are finally having some nice weather instead of rain every day

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Tue 08/12/08 06:58 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 08/12/08 06:53 AM
Morning Cocoflowerforyou

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Tue 08/12/08 06:52 AM
morning (((Suz))) (((Thumper)))

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Tue 08/12/08 02:05 AM

hi, laura flowers

Hey Chevy

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Tue 08/12/08 02:00 AM
it never is when your having fun

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Tue 08/12/08 01:55 AM
looks like you all had a good time

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Mon 08/11/08 11:28 AM
two wrongs dont make a right.
Im sorry for your daughter and the situation she was in,but her hitting the boy doesnt make it ok either.
She should of gone to a teacher.

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Mon 08/11/08 07:34 AM
I'm so happy for you twoflowerforyou flowerforyou

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Mon 08/11/08 07:13 AM
Good Morningflowerforyou

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Mon 08/11/08 07:04 AM
nothing right at the moment,need to refill then it will be Folgers

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Sat 08/09/08 08:20 AM
I'll have an Oreo spiked milkshakebigsmile

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Sat 08/09/08 08:02 AM
Joan Rivers...I cant stand her voice

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Wed 08/06/08 01:37 AM
laugh I tHiNk ItS FuNnY, iT dOnT bOtHeR mElaugh

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Wed 08/06/08 01:28 AM
9 o'clock

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Wed 08/06/08 01:02 AM
grumble Was my drunk ass brother there also grumble

Damn he sure did make his rounds tonight

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