Community > Posts By > Themobscene

Themobscene's photo
Tue 10/25/11 08:21 PM
Thinking people should stop worrying about others and start worrying about themselves.

Themobscene's photo
Mon 12/10/07 12:55 PM
You want some come get some you dont like me BITE ME *rick stiener* or of cours if you smelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll what the rock is cooking

Themobscene's photo
Tue 12/04/07 03:56 PM
i liked him back when he first came but then when they let him have the title for over a year he got kinda old he has been gettin better in the ring and it sux for wwe that he is hurt the one thing i dont like is i loved hwen he used to do t he promo battle rap things even though i dont like rap but all the sudden he stoped and the only promo he does now is THE CHAMP IS HERE and htat gets kinda annoying

Themobscene's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:35 AM
ya i like all of them except carlito is leaving and all though i really like punk morrison all of them even kenny none of them will get a shot at teh wwe or world title the most they will be is IC US or ECW champ cause vince has a man crush on the steriod lookin people which is suprising to me because of all the steriod talk

Themobscene's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:58 AM
ya tna is cool i love petey williams and chris sabin there finshing moves are insane the canadian destroyer is one of the coolest moves i have ever seen but they have there own problems too like a few months back when they put ever title on kurt angle and how they never give samoa joe the main title when he is one of there best workers. and i dont think nash should be werslting any more his knee is bad enough the booker thing was cool though but i think there going to get sued by wwe for the music so he is going to have to come out to something else

Themobscene's photo
Tue 11/13/07 12:15 PM
ya its going to suck to see calito go he was a awesome IC and US champ but wwe hasnt pushed him since that and he put on some awesome matches and its pretty much a gurantee that Y2J is coming back on the 19th casue he is on the cover of the next wwe magizine and it says the story behind jerichos shoking return to teh WWE

Themobscene's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:55 PM
ya i would have to say my favore young guys are londin and kendrick i cant wait till they finally get tehre shot wit the world tag titles kenndy carlito and burchill are awesome too though

Themobscene's photo
Thu 11/08/07 06:45 AM
i just hope it really is jericho and i was just thinking a few mintues ago i know it will never happen in a million years becasue he is happy making movies but i was thinkin how crazy everyone would go arenas tv fans if all the sudden you heard IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN but not goin to happen and i know why the jericho thing is takin so long cause the internet

Themobscene's photo
Thu 11/08/07 06:37 AM
i think it was a few months back raw's ratings were going down and the usa network said that they want something better out of vince that they bascially want the attititude \era and thats when the save us promo's began to air

Themobscene's photo
Wed 11/07/07 09:29 AM
usa has demanded changes and vince doesnt care because he still makes money people still come to shows even if ratings suck and they still sell out ppv's and shows vince will be happy becasue he is still gettin money so if we want things to change people have to stop going to shows and that wont happen

Themobscene's photo
Tue 11/06/07 09:51 PM
ya raw was a pretty good show but that is part of the problem they put on awesome shows for raw and then ecw and smackdown suffer most of the time

Themobscene's photo
Sun 11/04/07 06:30 PM
ya that is the one main problem wit wwe right now i thoguht that this whole bastard child thing wit vince was going to get kenndy up there and i thought the wrestlemania match was going to get umaga up to main event but he got beat by cena and thats teh other problem all the up and coming heels they just kept feeding to cena once taker hbk hhh retire they are going to have some problems and i cnat wait till MVP and Matt Hardy are evenutally a main event match

Themobscene's photo
Sat 11/03/07 09:56 PM
i wish it was alot better to i miss the days of austin rock and hhh goin againts eachother if only they would of had a triple threat for the title woulda been awesome the only good thing about wrestling now is i am starting to like kenndy and carlito more and more and hopefully Y2J is coming back so that will help

Themobscene's photo
Tue 10/30/07 12:01 AM
it will be tough but if we finally beat teh broncs in denver i think we can beat teh cheifs at arrowhead

Themobscene's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:36 AM
GO Packes there going to Beat the Broncos and make this a very bad weekend for Denver

Themobscene's photo
Wed 10/17/07 02:24 PM
and we just got koren robinson back

Themobscene's photo
Wed 10/17/07 09:45 AM
yabut the packers also beat the vikings and we have a bye week now to try to get a run game set up then we go to denver

Themobscene's photo
Mon 10/15/07 08:57 AM
its a good day packers won bears lost and cowboys lost its all good

Themobscene's photo
Mon 10/08/07 03:02 PM
ok so dallas is a perfect team if TO or romo went out your post season hopes would be crushed too dont think any team is invincible cause there not

Themobscene's photo
Mon 10/08/07 01:50 PM
we played a different D the game wit the cowboys tillman wasnt in and he was the main point they won and if you dont like the packers y are u even in this thread it has notin to do wit the cowboys

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