I am John. New to this community here. Some interesting topics here, and they reminded me of when I was 11 years old and because my parents split, I ended up living with my mother in a different district. Changing school was a wrench, and there were no kids of my age where I had moved to. So, being alone a lot, and because the only amusement I had was my guitar, I began writing lyrics. Words for songs just came to me anywhere, anytime of day. I began sending a few off to publishers where I soon found brick walls before me, no matter what genre I wrote for, or which publishers I sent my songs to. I could have filled a scrapbook with those dreaded rejection slips they send which never explain why the song is not for the popular market. Anyway, I am now in my early seventies, and playing guitar and writing lyrics are still two of my hobbies. I just wondered how many people have had similar experiences? Well, that's got something off my chest.lol Thanks to anyone who reads this. Take care. John