cool_guy_incognito's photo
Mon 06/09/08 02:56 PM
hhmmm...kitcat87 you're starting to sound suspicious already. but i'll take your word.

dance extremist!!!

actually you look like you dance?


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Mon 06/09/08 02:49 PM

The FBI s Most Wanted List

kitcat87 looks way too innocent to be on the FBI's most wanted list. unless...thats what she wants us to think! dun dun dunnnn..........!

air bud!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Mon 06/09/08 02:45 PM


I'LL CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS!!! (shakes fist)

cause thats what i do...i clean windows.


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Mon 06/09/08 09:47 AM


p.s. i'm a genius!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 07:55 PM
wait a sec, this thread is bogus! theres no such thing as a goonies sequel!!!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 07:53 PM
hmmm....wowzer. hard to say if it should be made. why the hell not! its all about fun and adventures. you can't complain. plus there's no back story behind this so...this can't fail...or can it? unless they base it off the sequel that was made into a videogame by nintendo. why the hell did they ever do that?!?!? the sequel to blade runner was made into a inactive video game for the PC. whyyyy?!?!?!?!?!????........


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:40 PM

that expalins the explosion on your page. anywho, sorry to say man, but your job may be on thin often do you work due to CG these days?

i see your point from afar. hollywood/producers will do whatever to make as much money as they can. its not only about using CGI, its losing the principles of a story that gets to me.
for instance, i hear of a live action akira being made with dicaprio's company, appians way. so far, its been rumored that dicaprio will play kenada, which only means, a lot is gonna have to change and its original story will simply suffer. i don't understand why these so called "artist" can't stick with the fundamentals. find asian actors, shoot it in japan(neo tokyo),stick to the story. they have the money to make it why not?

Why not? Because they'd be taking a chance, that's why. The powers-that-be out there in Movieland would rather play it safe and churn out the same drivel starring the same talentless actors year after year than come up with projects that would actually be interesting.

Like I said, it's all about the money to the studios and the producers nowadays. The CG thing is big now because Pixar and a couple of other CG houses have had some luck with their projects, and the producers (like the mangy bunch of vultures they are) will swarm around anything they consider the "in thing". Of course, those Pixar movies actually HAVE at least something in terms of storyline and such.

And "art" hasn't been a part of the film industry for at least the last thirty years, after George Lucas released the original "Star Wars"- from that point on, it's been all about the money, period.

I mean... just WHY would they churn out ANOTHER Indiana Jones movie FOURTEEN years after the supposed "last and final" one? Because we wanna see an aged Indiana Jones "pass the torch" to a twenty-something douche-bag trying to pass himself off as a 50's greaser/motorcycle outlaw? Don't make me laugh. laugh


honestly, i felt the same about indiana jones, but was nonetheless excited about the 4th installment. i enjoyed the original series. perhaps its a nostalgic thing...but its always fun to watch them. art still exist, but very subtly in hollywood.

If they had made Indy 4 at least as good as the originals, then it'd be fine- but as it was, everyone was just phoning everything in- there just wasn't the drive or the interest in making us believe in the movie. It was almost like they were trying to make that LeBeouf kid into the next Indy as fast as they could or something.

And while on the topic of Shia LeBeouf- since WHEN has it been mandatory that you can only be in your mid-twenties to be an action hero? I mean, c'mon- Harrison Ford was in his mid-thirties when he started with the Indiana Jones thing, and he'd be considered "old" (or as the corporate world would put it, "over-qualified") by today's standards if the film were made today.

I wouldn't even have a problem with LeBeouf if he could pull it off too, which he couldn't.

I'll also say this- that DiCaprio-produced "Akira" movie is gonna be a total stinker. Unless he finds people to do his movie who know what the IP is all about, he's gonna be up the creek without a paddle. A buttload of money isn't gonna help you make a good movie, you know... laugh

agreed. indy 4 did not meet the original's standards so much. the entire movie was way too predictable...i.e, lebeouf as ford's son? and i can digg the end when it was almost implied that lebeouf would play the next indy...but only having ford snatching the hat back. though, i believe lebeouf has the potential, lets not begin a franchise that was great then, it might just destroy its name.

akira has potential because of its strong story...but will likely fail, because of its americanized twist.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:29 PM

carpet cleaner

indeed i do clean carpets...if you know what i mean?

i also, trim carpets me. :wink:

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 02:16 PM

that expalins the explosion on your page. anywho, sorry to say man, but your job may be on thin often do you work due to CG these days?

i see your point from afar. hollywood/producers will do whatever to make as much money as they can. its not only about using CGI, its losing the principles of a story that gets to me.
for instance, i hear of a live action akira being made with dicaprio's company, appians way. so far, its been rumored that dicaprio will play kenada, which only means, a lot is gonna have to change and its original story will simply suffer. i don't understand why these so called "artist" can't stick with the fundamentals. find asian actors, shoot it in japan(neo tokyo),stick to the story. they have the money to make it why not?

Why not? Because they'd be taking a chance, that's why. The powers-that-be out there in Movieland would rather play it safe and churn out the same drivel starring the same talentless actors year after year than come up with projects that would actually be interesting.

Like I said, it's all about the money to the studios and the producers nowadays. The CG thing is big now because Pixar and a couple of other CG houses have had some luck with their projects, and the producers (like the mangy bunch of vultures they are) will swarm around anything they consider the "in thing". Of course, those Pixar movies actually HAVE at least something in terms of storyline and such.

And "art" hasn't been a part of the film industry for at least the last thirty years, after George Lucas released the original "Star Wars"- from that point on, it's been all about the money, period.

I mean... just WHY would they churn out ANOTHER Indiana Jones movie FOURTEEN years after the supposed "last and final" one? Because we wanna see an aged Indiana Jones "pass the torch" to a twenty-something douche-bag trying to pass himself off as a 50's greaser/motorcycle outlaw? Don't make me laugh. laugh


honestly, i felt the same about indiana jones, but was nonetheless excited about the 4th installment. i enjoyed the original series. perhaps its a nostalgic thing...but its always fun to watch them. art still exist, but very subtly in hollywood.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:38 PM

CIA agent

well i'll be picked my profession right out of the bag!

and of course CIA stands for...

cool intelligent asian! yes folks, don't be stunned, i am asian!

smokin see that yellow face smoking that cigarette. yep thats me.

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:33 PM

Real men eat spam!!


real men eat hot molten lava!!! with a side of bullets!


What would a real man wash that down with

a cup of battery acid of course...C'MON!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:31 PM
p.s. chuck norris eats babt corn and baby carrots. get my drift?


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:28 PM

Real men eat spam!!


real men eat hot molten lava!!! with a side of bullets!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:22 PM

Does Chuck eat bologna?

all the motha ****'n time!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:17 PM
kitten tamer...

...and on the weekends, a cold blooded kick boxer!

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:11 PM

chuck norris is one hairy mofo!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:06 PM
grannie panty tester!


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 01:04 PM
that expalins the explosion on your page. anywho, sorry to say man, but your job may be on thin often do you work due to CG these days?

i see your point from afar. hollywood/producers will do whatever to make as much money as they can. its not only about using CGI, its losing the principles of a story that gets to me.
for instance, i hear of a live action akira being made with dicaprio's company, appians way. so far, its been rumored that dicaprio will play kenada, which only means, a lot is gonna have to change and its original story will simply suffer. i don't understand why these so called "artist" can't stick with the fundamentals. find asian actors, shoot it in japan(neo tokyo),stick to the story. they have the money to make it why not?

cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:46 PM

there is a cartoon on right now that is basically an acid trip! so wrong!

exact-o-mundo! watching cartoons is like an acid trip! things are all colorful and funny looking! but hey, don't get distress, ren and stimpy had an episode implying their homosexuality. and yes, it was graphic. funny in the creepest way....ughhh...


cool_guy_incognito's photo
Sun 06/08/08 12:30 PM
wait a sec here....if i recall correctly, in order to unghost oneself is to play hours and hours of hungry, hungry hippos! EUREKA!!! get to it!!!

smokin i did it old chum!