Community > Posts By > blood_vayne

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Mon 05/24/10 07:11 AM
yea you can get some pretty undesireable work even i have something i regret doing but then again look at the personality in a piece and the bond between you and the people doing it i always want professional work but even then id prefer it to be someone i already know and trust with my body theres never a guarantee that its guna turn out the way you want it and yes they can get old to you thats also another reason to think very carefully when getting one make sure its something you can live with down the track make it a tribute to something you enjoy and will enjoy for the rest of your life

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Mon 05/24/10 06:53 AM
oh and id love to hear about any that you might have or are thinking of getting (if you are thinking about getting one think very hard because they are extremely hard sometimes impossible to change or remove)

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Mon 05/24/10 06:41 AM
look some people find tattoos ugly or intimidating they just arent guys i mean people pay a lot of money to be able to show off their own style of art if you disagree that tattoos are art then u should go to a parlour and see the detail put into these pieces personally mine took six hours and its not that detailed but ive grown up around them and personally known some artists i just think its time they get the recognition they deserve coz whether it be with a brush or a needle in my opinion its still art

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Mon 05/24/10 06:29 AM
hey your the one creating genetically mutated hive insects what more can you expect laugh now me on the other hand im creating a chemical to disassemble the human genome from the inside out and i'll be adding a trigger so atleast i'll know when my creations guna attack laugh

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Mon 05/24/10 06:18 AM
thank you bigsmile well i gotta say this is a lot friendlier then the last chat site i was on lol :smile:

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Sun 05/23/10 03:18 AM
well u can get eaten by genetically engineered bugs if you want but im not laugh

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Sat 05/22/10 11:16 PM
someone didnt read the welcome message youve only posted four times man not sure about you but when im messaged by total strangers on any site i tend to ignore them people like to get to know the person before they start anything with them relationships arent just something that happen online or in life you have to work for them and get to know many people im sure the women on here get alot of messages their more likely to reply to someone they've seen around have had conversations with and enjoy talking to so dont just sit around moping get involved show your interested and interesting coz lets face it people arent guna just drop in your lap you have to put in the effort too best of luck tho

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Sat 05/22/10 10:31 PM
apparently they do sorrry i was just tired and that was the last thing i was expecting to keep me awake lol and thanx for the welcomes girls much appreciated blushing

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Sat 05/22/10 10:22 PM
er you did remember our antidotes and repelents yea? bigsmile

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Sat 05/22/10 10:19 PM
gotta admit i loved the ps one duke nukem but yea cant say ive seen him around since then

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Sat 05/22/10 02:02 AM
lol yea these fps games make war out as something fun but it would be a bit different if it felt like you were there and could see the bullets flying straight at you although that would be an r rated game it would have the potential to traumatise alot of young minds lol

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Fri 05/21/10 11:00 PM
and apparently have extremely long arms to reach this far bigsmile lol

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Fri 05/21/10 10:57 PM
haha well someones energetic (((((hannah))))) blushing

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Fri 05/21/10 10:53 PM
lol why thank you :smile: theres nothing better then a good hug :smile:

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Fri 05/21/10 10:42 PM
aww no fair i want hugs to :cry: lol

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Fri 05/21/10 10:39 PM
hey that button was a last resort lol now i have to create some chemical that could more then likely wipe out the entire human race bigsmile

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Fri 05/21/10 10:33 PM
glad to see youve worked it out :smile:

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Fri 05/21/10 10:20 PM
holy crap u guys get huge burgers and sandwiches in america lol hmm would have to be an ultimate whopper from hungry jacks im guessing thats the same as your burger king?

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Fri 05/21/10 10:02 PM
dude honestly i dont know what the problem is i mean ive just signed up and so far the only thing it wont let me do without upgrading is see who viewed me but that comes up on my account wall anyway so yea maybe you signed up wrong or did something you werent supposed to do?

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Fri 05/21/10 09:56 PM
whoa gone old school with that lol thats like the first game i ever played and it was great in its own way but i prefer the new ones lol omg i cant wait for 3d gaming and horror games to mix or even first person shooters so you feel like your in the war =D