Community > Posts By > MsRach

MsRach's photo
Sun 08/26/07 08:42 PM
Spirituality is a huge part of my life. I do not believe in the bible, but I do know that people are different than animals. I believe we can 'develop' our souls, so to speak, with meditation and practice.

MsRach's photo
Sun 08/26/07 05:20 PM
Actually I'm a huge fan, thanks. Still. Cult following.

MsRach's photo
Sun 08/26/07 04:00 PM
Ooooooh. Let's see if I can manage to say everything I want to say here:

The bible is a lie. This is clear as crystal to me and I can't believe anyone who actually takes the time to read it would think it to be true.

1. Christianity is a religion that is made up of bits and parts of other religions. Now, some of you are probably pissed off already. Just keep reading. I promise it is all true.

Christ was born of a virgin mother(sounds painful), died on a cross, and grants eternal life. Ok. So did plenty of gods who were revered and worshipped long before Christianity existed!

OSIRIS: Egyptian god. He traveled the world showing kindness. His death is a familiar story: He was killed. He resurrected. He then becomes the god of the dead, granting ETERNAL LIFE. The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead depicts this and shows his resurrected followers standing in his presence as he judges them. According to Plutarch, when these souls are set free and travel into the unknown, Osiris becomes their king. It is important to note that this was all some 1400 years before Jesus.

DIONYSUS: God of fertility/wine. Dionysus was the son of the god Zeus and the MORTAL WOMAN, Semele. has this to say on the matter:

"The early Christians acknowledged that Dionysus (his Greek name) / Bacchus (his Latin name) came before Jesus. How? The Christian Father Justin Martyr, writing in the 100s AD, wrote that the Devil reading the Old Testament prophesies of the Messiah sent Bacchus early, to trick men about Jesus"

Grasping at straws, are we, Father Martyr?

PYTHAGORAS: This is the guy that gave us the Pythagorean Theorum. His followers fancied him like a god. He performed miracles--and so did his disciples--in his name!!! Much like Jesus' disciples. He also began a religion that believed in God and the immortal human soul.

2. 'God' repeatedly tells people to murder, despite the 6th commandment clearly stating that thou 'shalt not' do that.
(Exodus 17:8-14, Exodus 32:26-28, Leviticus 26:7-8, Numbers 15:32-36, Numbers 21:21-35, Numbers 25:4-13, NUMBERS 31!!!, Deuteronomy 2:30-34, Deuteronomy 20:10-17, Joshua 6:20-21,
Joshua 8:1-29, Joshua 10:12-14, just to name a few...)

3. There is a large amount of racism, sexism, and just plain pervertedness throughout the bible: If a man raped a woman who wasn't married yet, he just paid her father a fee and she HAD to marry him(he just raped her, so sick!)DEUT. 22:28-29. In Judges 19:24-29 a man gave his wife to a mob to protect himself. The mob gang-raped her all night and then killed her.


Deut. 28:53, 2 Kings 6:28-29, Lev 26:29, Jer. 19:9, Lam. 2:20, Ezek 5:10

Lot was LOVED by God. In Genisis 19:8, he offers his virgin daughters to a rape mob to appease them. What family values!

Well, I think I have covered enough for now. Ask me if you want to know more or if you are confused about something.


MsRach's photo
Sun 08/26/07 03:13 PM
I agree with everyone that the main, and unspoken, point of war is money. Why else would Bush be in Iraq other than gas? Obviously what he has told us is a lie.

MsRach's photo
Sun 08/26/07 03:06 PM
Biblical? No. Just sort of religious. Not the story itself, but people earlier in the topic were talking about the fans sort of being like Christian churchgoers.

Come on, people. It's called a CULT classic! I think it would be strange if people weren't acting in this way. Any cult classic movie has a following like this one. The Rocky Horror fans are just more flamboyant with their lingerie and fishnets.