Community > Posts By > TheEchoPlaza

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:49 PM
Right on davinci1952, I'm with you.

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:46 PM
Just one person dying for an unconstitutional, undeclared war that didn't need to be fought is wrong. Whether one chooses to believe that information or not, it is now proven that Iraq was not a legitimate threat to us. Even with all the weapons of mass destruction that we gave Saddam back when he was our friend fighting Iran in the 1980's, we did nothing when he committed atrocities on his own people and the Kurds. Where were we then? Last time I checked countries all across the globe have governments committing atrocities against their people. Does that mean we must fight them all? Make the world safe for Democracy!? This policy that the Neo-Conservatives have brainwashed most Republicans into believing is a philosophy that owes itself much more to Woodrow Wilson than the original American foriegn policy of non-entangling alliances and non-interventionism in the internal affairs of other countries, one which the founders such as Washington and Jefferson agreed upon. We operate ourselves as a World Policeman or Rome. Oh, and also, its time to stop making blanket statements assuming that anyone who disagrees with the Iraq War is a militant hate-america left-winger. I am a libertarian who supports Dr. Ron Paul for president and he has got the most conservative voting record of anyone in Congress. Bush and Clinton both bombed Iraq but you can't seem to get many left-wingers to acknowledge or even know that Billy-Boy has done his share of unneccesary wars(Kosovo, remember that anyone?). In fact I find it sad that many Americans don't even remember or know that Slick Willy found it convenient to bomb Iraq and say many of the same things Bush did in the build up to the Iraq war when he was in political trouble back in 98'. Isn't it kind of weird that old man Bush and Clinton go golfing and traveling abroad together all the time when they were such bitter enemies (supposedly) back in 1992?

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Sat 12/15/07 05:13 PM
Why are some people on this thread so willing to trust that the Federal Reserve and the central banking system in general is the best way to handle the economy. If its just so kooky to believe the Federal Reserve my not have our best interests in mind then tell me why there has never been ONE SINGLE AUDIT of the Federal Reserve since its inception in 1913. Why, tell me why, does it charge interest on the money it prints up for the government? Now that sounds like a scam if there ever was one. Regardless of someone's opinions on fiat currency, if we want to use it, why don't we just have the Dept. of the Treasury print it up interest free instead of getting this third party involved that says the government has to borrow it from them and then pay interest on it AKA we pay back the debt in taxes? Notice next time your holding a dollar, that it does not say United States Treasury Note, it says Federal Reserve note. I need not mention that the Board of Governors is a totally non-transparent, unelected group of men who can't get fired by Congress or voted out of office if they screw up, as they have with this wonderful little situation we have with the plummeting dollar and the subprime mortgage fiasco.

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:50 PM
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. People, for the most part half-heartedly examine the nature and system of politics, if at all. We are in the situtation we are in currently, because most of the populace is so enamoured with celebrities, sports, etc. that they can afford to ignore it because they will not suddenly have their property seized, or be jailed, or get sent to fight in a war, risk starving to death, or any other manner of things that happen when TSHTF in countries where people actually have to worry about what their government is doing to them. We live in such a sanitized, propagandized, whitewashed society because of mass public education (indoctrination) and mass corporate media owned by only a few mega-corporations. First they make sure that the kids never get a good understanding of politics and history in school then when your an adult they spoonfeed you the nightly news and make people feel as if they are "on top of things" because once in a while they watch it. If you don't teach somebody at an earlier age what the Constitution is, what the Bill of Rights are, what various political ideologies exists, and why you should be EXTREMELY SKEPTICAL of ANY GOVERNMENT or PERSONS in government because of the horrible track records they have throughout history of lies, corruption, atrocities, etc. then they are usually lost to you because as an adult their apathy is much more refined and quasi-articulated, they are comfortable not caring and simply look at you strangely if you try to engage them in current events, or give you some gibberish about how you can't make any difference anyway. To quote Jefferson, I am far more willing to deal with the inconveniences attending a society with too little government than one with too much.

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:31 PM
The healthcare problem was aptly summed up by Bill Maher a couple of months ago. WE EAT CRAP! Most of the things we are putting into our bodies we have little or no knowledge of how they got from the plant or animal to your dinner plate, happy meal, or popsicle stick. We buy diet food only because it says it's lean cuisine. We think/assume that some huge corporation is primarily concerned with its mass-produced conveyor belt grub being totally ok to eat all the time with no bad side effects (obesity, cancer, heart disease etc.). We sit around and watch tv instead of going outside and exercising. Roughly 2/3 of our problems could be alleviated if we stopped eating pre-processed, pesticide laden, chemical additives, Genetically Modified, high fructose corn syrup havin', JUNK! And wake up people, putting health care in the hands of a bureaucrats and their Big Pharmaceutical company lackeys is not the answer. Neither Big Business or Government is the answer to this equation. Charity, responsibility, free markets, and alternative medicine is where the solutions are to be found. Just ask Ron Paul, he's a doctor.

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:08 PM
I'm in agreement that somebody probably leaked on those nukes. There's the official story, and then there's the real one underneath but when do you know if you've peeled down far enough?

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Mon 09/24/07 04:02 PM
and still the gatekeepers claim 9/11 truth only consists of crackpots without any facts, they must have not noticed the hundreds of noteworthy folks in politics and media who have come out for a new investigation.

TheEchoPlaza's photo
Mon 09/24/07 03:58 PM
I'm a little confused here, the CIA, NSA, FBI all had massive screw-ups on 9/11 and have also been involved in a lot of regime toppling and interference that has caused Middle Eastern countries to be angry with the USA, and instead of firing people after 9/11 and getting rid of ineffective intelligence agency bureaucracy, we decided to triple their funding, keep the old guys there, and to make things worse put them under the umbrella of an even worse big government bureaucracy "Homeland Security". Come on people this is madness! How do you think we lasted as a nation for some many years without all the extraneous agencies in the first place? Army Intelligence and the Office of Naval Intelligence could handle all this and did handle this in the past. For the record, Ron Paul is not against intelligence gathering, he just doesn't see the need for all these alphabet agencies.