Community > Posts By > UniqueBlonde

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 11:02 PM
See.....Women are different. Some say they want to be friends and really want more...others say that they want to be just friends and mean it.

Maybe you should call her or hang out with her instead of texting...I think that you would be able to tell what she is feeling much better that way.

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:25 PM
I didn't say it was ALL bad. But SOME men do these things because they think that it is what women want them to do.

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:22 PM
I wouldn't put it past some of them..and SONE of the men too haha.

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:17 PM

1. Calling her very often


3.A lot of PDA

4. Baby talk

5.Very accommodating

6.Being very close with your family and frineds

7.Grooming excessively

8.Professing love early on and often

9.Over dancing? haha!

10.Talking all the time.

Do you ladies like men to do any of the above? Do any men acutally do any of these things?

I personally find most items on that list to be rather annoying.

i don't do any of those thing....

Good job!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:14 PM
That was nice of you to post for all the women on here that date their cats! hahaha

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 10:07 PM
MEN made that list. So your logic is wrong!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 09:55 PM
Well this was according to

So some men must think like that!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Mon 07/13/09 09:50 PM
1. Calling her very often


3.A lot of PDA

4. Baby talk

5.Very accommodating

6.Being very close with your family and frineds

7.Grooming excessively

8.Professing love early on and often

9.Over dancing? haha!

10.Talking all the time.

Do you ladies like men to do any of the above? Do any men acutally do any of these things?

I personally find most items on that list to be rather annoying.

UniqueBlonde's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:40 PM
I am

UniqueBlonde's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:29 PM

I am shocked and saddened by this news.

So am I! Monday is not fun day!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Sun 07/12/09 09:16 PM
It is sunday, or monday...depending on where you live.

That is all.

Thought you would all like to be aware.

UniqueBlonde's photo
Thu 07/09/09 10:02 PM
LOL.. I am sure she is just crazy. If you read the papers that she filed...she is obviously not right in the head

UniqueBlonde's photo
Thu 07/09/09 09:34 PM
Did any of you read about this?

A grown women is suing Hugh Hefner for sneaking into her room and molesting her when she was 5 YEARS OLD!

Wtf? haha. I know he likes younger women, but come on!

She is asking for 3 billion dollars...and a side of Geodon

UniqueBlonde's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:43 PM
Well we should all send GM a letter. I am sure the 4 of us together could make a difference haha! While we are at it, we should request a hot pink version of the new trans am as well

UniqueBlonde's photo
Wed 07/08/09 09:32 PM
Besides me, of course!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Tue 07/07/09 10:09 PM
I heard the same was true for lie

UniqueBlonde's photo
Tue 07/07/09 09:59 PM

I had a dog I saved once.

Someone had attempted to 'put to sleep' a litter of puppies.

She was the only survivor. I found her in an ally with 5 dead puppies. She had a bullit lodged in her skull.

I nursed her back to health but she was never quite all there.

I named her 'bullit'.

She lived 4 years.

Sometimes I really miss her.

That is so good that you saved her! The world needs more people like you!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Tue 07/07/09 09:58 PM

I am so sorry to hear about your loss...

Have you been to Rainbow Bridge can make a memorial there!

What kind of baby did you have?

What was the name of your lil doll baby?

I have my Ms. Wiggles...I just do not know what I would do without her...she is part Chihuahua and part wire hair terrier...and she knows that she has to have attention 100% of the time!!

She wiggles so much that she goes around and around and around...flowerforyou

She loves her omelets in the morning too!!!

Tell us a story about your sweety!!

That is cute!

Her name was Elise..she was a german shepherd and she was 10. I guess she had cancer of the spleen and was bleeding internally so they couldn't save her. She was a big sweetie and I miss her.

I still have two other dogs, so that is helping a lot right now

UniqueBlonde's photo
Tue 07/07/09 09:54 PM

Not a cute animal story!
But i had to pull the plug on my son when i was 18.

Does that count?


That is sad! I am so sorry!

UniqueBlonde's photo
Tue 07/07/09 09:36 PM
Dogs that is! It was a few nights ago..still kind of sad about it. I love my animals as much as I love people! Who has a cute animal story to share? Anyone?

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