World Steak and BJ day ...
Seriously...steak is that rare that people need to have a special day for it? Geez...I eat steak regularly...and so did we when my late husband was still alive..it was nothing special.. As for the other...well...if you only get that once a year, I am truly sorry for you.. In which case, there begs the question..how many times a year do you guys go down on your lady friend? To be honest BJs never did anything for me.. To answer your last part... whenever she wanted. |
Change-One-Letter - part 33
I gots those... Moon |
its starting to turn me on...
Billy Joel or Elton John
I probably prefer Billy Joel but only because I saw him in concert with my first ever date and his music has more memories to me.
Keep it up...
World Steak and BJ day ...
Oh man, ice cream for breakfast day has already passed, it was on February 6th There's always next year... Or tomorrow, I don't have to wait if I don't want to Yeah? Well I could have steak tomorrow,.... |
Change-One-Letter - part 33
World Steak and BJ day ...
Oh man, ice cream for breakfast day has already passed, it was on February 6th There's always next year... |
Morning dew
I think you need a timeout...
Change-One-Letter - part 33
Morning dove
And now grumbling??....
well, yes, but after you rolled yours in this thread..
Change-One-Letter - part 33
I see that See... you started it.. And now with the tongue... |
Dark chocolate