Community > Posts By > will6

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Fri 01/11/08 02:34 AM
got it

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Fri 01/11/08 02:33 AM
perfection=perspective got it?

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Fri 01/11/08 02:25 AM
sweet and divine razor of mine

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Fri 01/11/08 02:23 AM

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Fri 01/11/08 02:13 AM
let me put it this way..perfection depends directly on how youface god

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Fri 01/11/08 02:11 AM
the chicken is the egg..isnt existentialism wonderfull!

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Fri 01/11/08 02:07 AM

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Fri 01/11/08 02:06 AM
shatter..coalesce..reform and shatter again

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Fri 01/11/08 01:46 AM
to the sharks..devil

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Fri 01/11/08 01:41 AM
On this morning of all mornings
years since I have seen the sun
shine shapely hips of grace upon me
weathered and worn her smile holds me still
dancing the cold winds of past lost embraces
I hear familiar sounds of inter-ethernet musingserasingand cleansing my thoughts
If you can tell me sweet and dIViNe Razor of mine
bladeshine soon all the methadone will be gone
my smiles shines reflecting tThe connections(missed)
On this morning of all mornings
blessed new tech999666Divine
The love that i knew
Is GONE : (
One shining connection unbroken unparralledl
WHere is MY Saviour?
There is a sleeping jesus within us all
all waters will be crossed
all bridges mended
She was my glue my extract of pineal
my third ....

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Mon 11/12/07 12:44 PM
Maybe it did..WILL

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Fri 06/08/07 03:45 PM
Thanks guys...By the way Pms.. She is not lucky becuase she doesn't
exist..There is no woman for me.. Because the woman i want Doesn't
believe in prince charming and has sense enough to be realistic..The
woman I love, like robert plant say, has "never, never, never been
born.." This is how I feel sometimes..Most women aren't really looking
for that lifetime love.. They just say they are.. Programmed by the
media and disney to repeat the litany.. To search for the non existant
glass slipper.. The one that break so easily when it is found..Love to
you Jen and La Mom...WILLflowerforyou

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Wed 06/06/07 03:36 PM
Where is the dream
The one that I lost
So long ago
Where is the love
That I came to see and show
Where is the heart
I would hope to hold
How can I find
Warm soft eyes
To keep me safe from the cold
Crystalline tears
Well in soul
I have searched for her forever
They come
and go
Come and go
Soon they just go
I do not deserve this
I am a good man
A kind man
With intelligence
and love to offer
Generosity with music for you
Where is the dream?
Nowhere to be found?
There are a thousand
million women on this planet
Yet I am alone
I cannot comprrehend this
I try and try and try
To no avail...

IF you are reading this dear
IF you can see this dear
Reach out to me
I am here FOR YOU>>WILL

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Sat 06/02/07 01:43 PM
I can't email you herte and lost your regular email.. Help me out..WILL

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Sat 06/02/07 01:41 PM
Hey Rosie .. I can't seem to email you.. Lost you regular email

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Wed 05/09/07 11:36 AM
Thank you all for your kind and very insightful responses and for not
attacking me.. You are all good people in my book.. Good luck in
whatever you are searching for.. Your friend WILL

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Wed 05/09/07 09:13 AM
It is amazing to me how many people claim to be looking for love.
"Looking for mr. right." "My prince charming." "Where are all the good
guys? " .. Well we are right here, hundreds, no, thousands of us just
waiting for you.. I have met many women through this site in the last
yr.. All of them claiming to be searching for love in one way or the
other.. None of them really sincere about it.. What they really wanted
was a temeporary distraction, nothing more. So I provided the
distraction.. Fun, conversation..Talks on philosophy to pop culture.. A
few even came long distance to see me.. I also went long distance to see
a few myself. In search of the ever elusive "love of my life".. They
were all good women fundamentally.. But I am convinced that none of then
truly wanted anyhting but to pass the time dipite thier claims to the
contrary.. I am sure that many women on this site have passed up mr
right time and time again, not even being aware of it.. My advice would
be to watch more carefully. You just might find a winner lying on the
ground.. I like many other men on this site posses a variety of noble
qualities.. Loyalty, great communication skills.. But als like everyone
else i am far from perfect.. I have been ignored in the most rude and
heinous fashions fro being nothing more thatn open and kind.. Ready
always for this thing called love to walk through the door.. Ladies from
indiana to california to louisiana to florida to new york.. All but a
few have failed to even make good friends...To the ones who have, and
you know who you are.. I would say thank you very much for your patience
and time..Before you decide to say i am a whiner or that. I am some
asshole who probably pushed everyone away. Let me state that in some
cases this may have been true.. I am capable of admitting my mistakes..
In the long run I would have appreciated just some decent return on my
started conversations.. After all why give out your contact information
if you never intend to return any communication made to you.. This makes
no sense to me and it is pervasive in the relationships i try to start..
Inever even get the chance to have the possibility od being offensive or
not.. It goes like.. Here is my phone number but don't bother calling i
won't answer.. This is a kind of sickness.. We have become a fraid of
love.. Of each other.. Of ourselves.. Cold and insular in a
technologically crippled world.. Nevertheless I will keep trying..
Anyone who understands this can reach me easily.. I check my mail about
once every day or two at the most.. I work Lost of doubles.. In
conclusion I am sorry if this little tirade has offended anyone.. Just
testing to see if anyone is actually alive out there in America and the
world at large.. Where are you?? How are you?? Let me know.. I
actually care and tend to respond when approached.. Your friendly
neighborhood musician.. William H. Caldwell III

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Sat 03/31/07 08:32 PM
This inspiration will always be shared
Opened with love and quietly dared
Dreamed like heartaches
And hoped for like trust
Always in the middle right between us
So keep on writing and lokoking on up
Keep a watch out and keep your heads up
I am right here opening my arms
Crying for love
Lost in your charms
I am right here
Inspired by you
Wishing all odds
Would show you the truth... WILL

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Sat 03/31/07 08:29 PM
It will be.. Hey Krystle!! WILL

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Tue 03/27/07 05:02 AM
(((()))) WILL

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