Community > Posts By > GG2

GG2's photo
Mon 04/26/10 05:12 AM
Doesn't Osama use a teleprompter everywhere he goes? laugh

GG2's photo
Mon 04/26/10 05:10 AM
Wrong McVeigh.

GG2's photo
Wed 04/21/10 06:26 AM
Its 2010 and people are still arguing about race...

GG2's photo
Thu 04/15/10 03:25 PM
Change your screen name.

GG2's photo
Thu 04/15/10 08:50 AM
He's such a joke. I loved Ben Afflek when he made fun of him on SNL. He looked just like him hahahaha!

Christiana Amanpour is a very good credible journalist. PMSNBC is full of sarcastic clowns.

GG2's photo
Tue 04/13/10 11:07 AM

lol, at a milder recession,, he inherited a 128 billion dollar SURPLUS....a momentum that could have continued to slightly increase average income

Actually, the myth of the Clinton "surplus" has been disputed and disproven by a number of people, including economists Gary North and Thomas Woods, and Army Major S. Leon Felkins.

Actually that isn't a myth. But it only happened because the House was GOP-controlled. Clinton only dropped the ball when it came to bin Laden.

GG2's photo
Sun 04/11/10 08:43 AM
Moral of the story: Don't have kids if you can't afford them. Its THAT simple.

GG2's photo
Sun 04/11/10 08:25 AM
Edited by GG2 on Sun 04/11/10 08:27 AM

POX IS responsible for a lot of the unrest that has lead to violence and threats. Racists low life POS people who listen to that crap are as bad as the crap itself...

Ohhh..I SEE now.

Threats and violence are perfectly ok as long as it's done in the name of the environment ( look up recent threats made by Greenpeace ) or against the WTO ( any NUMBER of protests that involved violence ) or something else from a Leftist position.

It's only NOT acceptable, even though it's much, MUCH more rare, when it comes from a position of someone ( or group of someones ) that doesn't agree with you.

Do you even REALIZE what a hypocrite you make yourself out to be?

You rail against " violence " caused by FOX News...but yet have absolutely nothing to say about the violence when it has to do with Left Wing issues.

Id say SOMEONE got served!!

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 09:17 AM
If you hate this country so much then why don't you leave? Its THAT simple! Go hang out with the ones that want US wiped off the map. Guaranteed you'd be running back with your tail between your legs.

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 08:46 AM
Man! What a trip! Usually its the left that blame everyone else for their screw-ups!

No one holds themselves accountable for their own actions anymore.

And I see the majority of libs on here STILL can't have a debate without the good ol cut/paste media articles. Middleeast or Middleearthling or whatever your name is, it seems the media has you programmed to only repeat what they say. You're a sad sad human being/ media robot.

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 08:35 AM

I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home.

I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.

So why does your profile say "Ohio?" Did you find it too hard to stay away from America or are you too afraid to man up and tell us where you live? My guess is that after all the bs you spew on here I'm pretty sure you're tucked away in good ol America. If in fact you ARE out of the country, well, that's a good thing. For America.

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 08:12 AM
Speaking of death, Polish President and his wife killed in plane crash! Poland the only country last year to turn a profit!

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 08:09 AM
You better watch it, dude. Do you ALWAYS have your panties in a wad? That's a universal VERY offensive slang name. One guy saying "muzzie" is quite different. You sound like you have serious issues. Take it private to the mods with your issues.

GG2's photo
Sat 04/10/10 08:02 AM
Yea that little prayer has been around awhile. The original subject was obama.

GG2's photo
Fri 04/09/10 10:39 AM

I have an in-law from Iran and a good Jewish friend in Tel-Aviv. They each have their own opinions of how life is in Israel and Iran. The Persian Jews are not discriminated against in the muslim countries; the Jews in Israel are keeping the Israeli military one of the strongest in the world but are literally watching their backs.

I loved your post, by the way. ^

Thank you. I did hear that some of the Jews in iran are
doing alright. But what some say while living under Ahmadinejad
is a bit different than what some say after leaving. I do not think that people living in iran are really free to express themselves
particularly if they disagree in some way with the govt. See this
interesting article about the iranian jews from a variety of
perspectives. Below is an excerpt...


Some problems exist

Testimony from Jews who have left Iran suggests more serious problems than those cited by Jews inside the country. In written testimony to a congressional subcommittee in February 1996, an Iranian Jew complained of being imprisoned for two years on trumped-up charges of spying for Israel. He also said his arrest was preceded by harassment at work and pressure to convert to Islam. Inside Iran, Jews say that they frequently receive alarmed telephone calls and letters from relatives in the United States concerned about their well-being, but that they themselves do not feel physically endangered. Their major complaint is the inability to visit family in Israel, and what they say is inadequate funding for Hebrew schools, which are administered by the Iranian Ministry of Education.

Although many Jews hold jobs in government ministries or within state-owned firms, they say they are unlikely to rise to top positions. In addition, Iran's strict Islamic law, or ''sharia,'' contains many discriminatory provisions toward non-Muslims.


Iran thinks the whole world is spying on them. The three american hikers are to stand trial for spying. But its their bad for crossing into that evil empire in the first place.

GG2's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:33 PM

When you see your taxes increase, your paycheck DEcrease, and find yourself waiting weeks to months to see a General Practitioner, you'll quickly change your mind. No name calling for you because you're very civil.
I have been watching my insurance premiums increase and my paycheck decreasing for over a decade.

Oh but I bet when Bush allowed the tax rebate you were probably first in line at the bank.

My paychecks have increased over the years. Gee I wonder WHY insurance premiums have increased? That's a whole 'nuther can'o'worms....

GG2's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:26 PM

"Voices are now being heard." This country was a lot better when those "voices" were quiet. ACORN was a crooked organization, much like the Obama administration. Crooked and corrupt.

The libs are so quick to put down FOX news, I assume to try and piss off the few conservatives in this thread. Here's a quick FYI, I myself do not watch FOX news. I do not watch PMSNBC. I watch AC360 and debate what Anderson reports. He's objective and isn't your typical liberal who refuses to admit Obamas mistakes, which, by the way, are many.

Let's hear the liberal hippies on this thread attack one of their own. It will never happen because liberals try hard to mask their hypocrisy.

"This country was a lot better when those "voices" were quiet"

Sorry about the little thing in your's called The US Constitution. See the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment in case you need educating.

Yea, this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about with the libs and their hypocrisy. You use the Constitution when its convenient.

I notice you didn't knock AC360 tho.

GG2's photo
Thu 04/08/10 06:18 PM

READ MY POST,,,,,I am NOT a Klansman or Klanswoman,,,,lol

just want to clear that up :wink:

laugh laugh

GG2's photo
Thu 04/08/10 04:15 PM
I like them because they use the Viagra.devil

Viva Viagra!!drinker

GG2's photo
Thu 04/08/10 04:07 PM
When you see your taxes increase, your paycheck DEcrease, and find yourself waiting weeks to months to see a General Practitioner, you'll quickly change your mind. No name calling for you because you're very civil.

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