Community > Posts By > littlepreggers

littlepreggers's photo
Wed 09/05/07 12:15 AM
well he will have to fight his sister for the shower i know it.. i wish the hot water lasted awhile i can be in there for hours..drinker

littlepreggers's photo
Wed 09/05/07 12:11 AM
i'm just hope that this new baby isnt going to change that tenderness between him and me.... he knows somethings differnt hes been more huggie kissie to me... and i love that.. i hope hes just not trying to get as much in before his sissie is born.. there will always be room for hugs and loves for my baby boy.. OUCH my daughter just head butted my whowho... know what i meannoway

littlepreggers's photo
Wed 09/05/07 12:07 AM
yeah when he was about 6 months old.. god now he looks like a little boy insted of a little baby.. SNIFFS.. why does he have to grow up so fast.. read my blogg on the parenting one... this is what he did the other morning..

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:58 PM
that feeling when all you want to do is cry.. but afraid someone will see

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:57 PM
love is the smile on your babys face when you have done something that makes him happy with out even trying..
or feeling like you have known someone for a life time when you have only known them a few seconds:heart:

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:53 PM
men at the ex my father and so on..explode

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:46 PM
my ex calling me..... asking when he can see his son... so i offer a day and he fights me on it.... then changes his mind about seeing his son because its not when he wanted it.

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:24 PM
every morning when i get up i look at my son and just thank god that he blessed me with such a tender loving healthy child.. and i also thank god that he gave me the hope and strenghth to be able to raise him by myself.. but one morning i woke up and looked at my son.. it was just like the day i had him.. it was like i was looking at him for the first time.. that over whelming joy and compassion that a new mother gets.. but there must have been something he saw on my face he reached up to me and hugged me.. he held my chest while i held his little growing body and it lasted a good 2 minutes.. and i felt him sigh.... and from that day i felt like the best mother in the world.. that my son can see right threw me and know when i need that tender moment... i know he will grow up and do great things and when i'm old and hunched over i hope he can still share thoes tender hugs like he did with me when he was a baby.

littlepreggers's photo
Tue 09/04/07 11:15 PM
I didnt think that trying to fill the emptyness would be so hard... trying to find mr right, raising my son and growing a healthy baby inside me. i would have thought that my son and soon to be daughter would have filled that spot.. but i guess its waiting to be filled by something i havent thought about.... have you ever woke up one day and thought to your self, what can i do to make it go away.. its not depression but that longing for something you dont know or have yet in your life... i tried the whole changing my life style from bad to good.. to doing the things i normaly do that makes me happy.. yet the emptyness is still there.. its not dragging me down its just a constent reminder that i could be full... giggles i know its weird but i hope i'm not the only one who has felt that..

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 10:41 PM
dear diary.. i met this guy on line hes someone i can see myself with.. i just hope i dont scare him away.. i can honestly say i would like to be with him:heart:

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 06:09 PM
flowerforyou :heart: thank you every one... congrats on your baby boy.. what are you going to name him.. my 10 month olds name is orion like the stars...and my girls ganna be annastasia... both names are greek even thoe theres not a single drop of greek in our blood.. orion means noble hunter and annastasia means resurrection... i carried my son in my back and had a c-section.. well my little girl during my 18 week check up insted of weighing 5 oz she came in at 8 oz.. so i'm looking at a big baby.. mys on was only 6 lbs 6 oz tiny little thing.. good luck with the x-mas baby... my son was almost 3 weeks early but ended up only 2 weeks early so i'm pretty sure my little girl is going to be early..:heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 11:42 AM
i should have done that with the first one also..lmao two years in row i get pregnant.... i would be rich right now..

but as long as i get the love from my children all should be well..xoxoxox

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 01:13 AM
well at 16 weeks i was having full blown contractions... they have slowed down... thank goodness because they hurt.. i'm 5 months and look like i'm about to pop.. and my son had a problem with his little winkie doo some how the bottom side of the head tore... its been getting better... thoe my hands and feet are swelling ... but i know all the pain will soon end..:heart: well hun i'm of to bed i'm sooo tired. thanks for our convo.. keep in touch.flowerforyou

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 12:49 AM
jan 17th four more gloreous months.. sighs i will have one of each... my children will only be 14 months apart i know its going to be hard but i look at the women who cant have babies and it makes me sad.... but i know that god wanted me to have these two beautiful babys... to bring the feuture into the world.:heart:

littlepreggers's photo
Mon 09/03/07 12:36 AM
its moments like that.. that make me vary honored that i have brought that child into the world and that i have another one on the way:heart:

littlepreggers's photo
Sun 09/02/07 11:42 PM
this week my unborn daughter is moving around and kicking.. makeing it vary hard to bend down and pick up my son.... so i will get on the floor and lay on my side.. but today i think my son knew i was in pain he crawled up to me and laid his beautiful baby head on my tummy and just sighed... i think hes starting to know that mommy has to take it slow and that mommys tummy is something specail.. the moment he lifted his head up he looked at me and smiled that baby smile of pure satisfaction...:heart:

littlepreggers's photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:45 PM
marie.. thats so wonderful.. lmao i would tell her where she can get money.. by getting a job

littlepreggers's photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:42 PM
mister dont make me change my mind.. you know what i'm talkin aboutgrumble bigsmile bigsmile :heart: just kidding baby

littlepreggers's photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:38 PM
huh what? you talkin to me?

littlepreggers's photo
Sun 09/02/07 08:31 PM
i can see my self being a cat horder... eating cat food wondering why my children dont come over and visit me during the holidays... JUST KIDDING.... LMAO.. my kids better come see me on the holidays...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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