Community > Posts By > HapppyGirl

HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 03:29 PM
God is Love......will it come our know that unconditional love...the one where they dont judge..but love...where when they lay with you...and become passion when becoming intimate..they give as much as recieves....hours....well....I dont know....will it happen to me....who knows...but i know if i stop.....trying...then i have given up.....not only given up on men...and the existance of real love....but given up on myself to have true experience that true love....

HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 03:19 PM
ATTENTION....I think thats why they do it...they all want the attention....but unfortunatly they are attracting the wrong kind of attention.........and of course they do complain about it......Now me i dont have the problem in refrence to...but i am a free spirit woman who dont mind talking about sex...or dos and dont...etc...etc....but this in itself has pegged me as a easy bite.....easy notch on the old bedpost.....but little do they know....well you see my dilema.....soooooo what did i do about it....I quit talking about it.....until i felt the relationship was definately headed to add intimacy in it.....well thats my story....Dont complain unless you have a solution.....

as always....ENJOY

HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 11:23 AM
I love to hike..there are some nice trails at Muir Woods....Lets set a date and go...or if you know some other trails we can discuss it.....Hiking is one of my passions....I will be doing the half dome this September...want to go....its the longest hike i have ever been on...22 miles...and you gain i believe 4,000 in elevation...great burn...hahahah....LOL...

HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 11:14 AM
I feel a nice dinner...lots of talk works great for a first date...and then there is the coffee.....and chat...that is great too..not a lot of time nor money invested...and you see if there truly is a connection.......I usually know within the first 30 min. if there is a connection or not.....

I have had great first dates......and i have had several bad first dates....but it really matters if there is chemistry....a connection between the couple to say if there will be a second date or not...

As always...ENJOY..

:tongue: happy laugh

HapppyGirl's photo
Sun 08/05/07 11:11 AM
Coffee...every morning...i wish for starbucks.....but to lazy to go out and get...and settle for coffee...home made...with a carmel creme.....its fine for the moment......hahahha....

Have a wonderful day......and as always....ENJOYdrinker

:smile: :wink: laugh happy

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