fortune tellers
Joshyfox, if most Occult fortune-tellers are in-accurate so are the christians if you will just think about it for a second. My question is, after 9/11 when the christian preachers went hog-wild on TV and in churches and started (supposedly) prophesying up a storm, why didn't they have the slightest clue before it happened? They are in a win/win situation. If their prophesy comes true they are known as great prophets, and if it doesn't come true they just drummed up enough faith and prayed long enough that "god" wouldn't let it happen. Never-the-less I still find the I-Ching incredibly accurate.
fortune tellers
You start to get into a discussion about skrying devices or foretelling the future and many times it revolves around whether or not fortelling the future just fortells the most probable future, or actually affects how the future will occur. I find the I-Ching incredibly accurate, and have had more than moderate success with Tarot cards. I will admit I have had little luck with trying to skry into quartz crystal balls.